72 virgins or 72 mountain goats gazing?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I'd say they get mountain goats. Mountains are those places that are hard to overcome in the mind where life is difficult. Goats on the mountains are also always on the look out for a resting area.

So which is it do you think that the self inflicted martyrs of Islam get when they purposely send themselves into a situation for the slaughter.

The word 'ḥūr' (حُور) is the plural of both ʾaḥwar (أحْوَر) (masculine) and ḥawrāʾ (حَوْراء) (feminine) which literally translates as "gazelle-eyed". The base of the word is from غزال mountain goats or gazelles. Gazing or seeking or looking intensely for a place in eternal paradise is what the little snake (serpent) in the Bible with Adam is doing (that the human's spiritual consciousness as it is being awakened). The carnally minded conscience desires to believe that it has found the eternal secrets of life that says it won't have to die to its own the carnally minded thoughts in this world.

In Hebrew the corresponding word is חיוור hiwer has the same root h-w-r, meaning "pale, whitish". The corresponding word for eye is עין Ayin.

Pale generally is referring to lacking in sustenance. To have eyes to see would be the ability to see that which are the spiritual aspects of the breath that gives life within ourselves. As spiritual beings our breath creates things of a spiritual nature be it that they are good or evil. Through breath we can bring forth either one.

Someone screwed up when they decided to go the route of thinking that they would actually obtain heavenly bliss of having voluptuous females at their feet fulfilling their carnal thoughts at every whim in heaven. Heaven is God's throne and only one with a spirit of Satan would have the gall to believe that they would rise to God's throne and overcome it.
All the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian belief systems. 72 virgins waiting in heaven is no more outlandish than a virgin birth. That doesn't mean ya'll should stop killing each other though.
All the male dominator god religions vomited up in the middle east are authoritarian belief systems. 72 virgins waiting in heaven is no more outlandish than a virgin birth. That doesn't mean ya'll should stop killing each other though.
Well that is all going to depend on who you talk to or if you can read anyone would see that God is Male and Female according to the Christian Bible. So any male domination over a female on a Christian's part would be in total conflict with the first Chapter of Genesis.

Now with Islam you have this as I wrote in another thread. "I read an Islamist's scholarly view on the way Islam works. He said 'It is Halal (religiously legal) until it becomes Haram (illegal as written by the Imam's)'. By now surely nothing for them is Halal because at some point in time since Mohammad one or another of the Imam's made it all Haram."
1. Goats worth more than girls? Yes if you are a farmer.
No if you are into illegal trafficking, killing families in genocide,
and selling the girls to fund warfare
2. No, Islam teachings do not focus on heavenly reward defined this way.
True Islam teaches to respect both the Jewish Torah
and Christian Scriptures in addition to the Muslim Quran.

So the Bible and Jesus teachings still apply in Islam.
Our earthly rewards are not the same as our spiritual rewards beyond the material.

This idea of virgins is an earthly reward and not heavenly.
Perhaps this is promised as some talk during wartime
as the calls to behead enemies were battlecries.
But those are not spiritual teachings, those are
talks of WAR not peace. And Islam is about peace.

War rallies and strategies are political about war,
as Mohammad was a military leader in charge of conquest politically.

The teachings of Islam are about peace not war.
These are two different contexts and not to be combined
or it's causing the messes with political religions that
are violating human rights and universal laws of justice.
No it is not comparable as you missed what was Jesus said prior to what verses you would like to take out of context to say it is comparable when its not even close.

The word "wife" or "woman" is talking about that portion that any person male or female marries, entangles with, takes part with or espouses in their spirit, mind, body and soul. An example could be to love a job or even a religion more than loving the creator, to desire what another already owns can even be a foreign wife/spirit for damaging that which the creator has created in the image of God. Spiritually a wife or a woman can also mean a business, a corporation, a city or a country even.

I know you would like to keep females of the human species under the thumb of males but it ain't going to happen in this century or the next in countries that have already liberated the females. Paul told the Galatians there was no difference between males or females as the males desired to control the females even back then.
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Rod-----you cannot dispute the delusions of a psychotic OR the "logic" of islam
Rod-----you cannot dispute the delusions of a psychotic OR the "logic" of islam
You are probably right but I can possibly bring some of their crap out into the light of day for some of those still standing on the fence. There are still many that think this is going to be all 'peaches and cream' in dealing with what some have allowed to enter into this country.
Many of the Islamic persuasion firmly believe that sexual intercourse with goats cannot result in pregnancies and live births. It is this fundamental error that keeps the world supplied with progressives.
Many of the Islamic persuasion firmly believe that sexual intercourse with goats cannot result in pregnancies and live births. It is this fundamental error that keeps the world supplied with progressives.
Did you see that article that came out about fifteen years ago with a goat-sheep/people thing that was born somewhere in Turkey.

it's a fine example of Islamic logic------the kind tossed around
every Friday during the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling
Indonesia is taking instructions from the Turkey Imam's and Mujahedin Imam's these days from what I've been reading. I snagged this off of one of their sites a few days ago and can't help but feel a little sorry for those orphans who wind up in their clutches. Those poor children of the Ummah will end up being slaughtered somewhere like the poor children they trained for war in Palestine, Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria and all the other Islamic shit-holes if someone decent doesn't take them in and teach them that causing and calling for war in God's name is an abomination that ultimately taints one's soul.

Loves orphans Mujahidin.jpg
Did you see that article that came out about fifteen years ago with a goat-sheep/people thing that was born somewhere in Turkey.

The one The Turks elected president?

No it was in a remote village. Evidently the villagers went with their pitchforks and got the thing and burned it for it wouldn't bring a curse on the village.

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