72 boy virgins as reward for Muslim female suicide bomber in Paradise.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC

what will get a female suicide bomber as reward in Muslim Paradise?
I guess 72 boy virgins.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S7ddl1tGg4&list=LLgzHR4gPYVpt3fxQsvyVyVw&index=3]Family Guy 72 Virgins "OSAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!" - YouTube[/ame]
Why would any woman want 72 boys that don't know what the hell they're doing? In, out, gone, who the hell wants that? Competence born of experience oughta be worth something.
Actually, the Koran doesn't make a distinction between boys or girls. Male suicide bombers can hope for 72 male virgins. They just can't have gay sex here on earth. And that's the truth.
Actually, the Koran doesn't make a distinction between boys or girls. Male suicide bombers can hope for 72 male virgins. They just can't have gay sex here on earth. And that's the truth.

And male virgins would be about, say, 13? They smell like little billy goats at that age. Ewwww......who would want one? Ewwwwwwwwwww....
Her clitoris will be sewn back on....

The Islammies don't do that female circumcision thing, do they? Thought that was an Indian gig.

Not all of them, but some do. It depends on the country more than the religion- I do know that they do it all over Africa. It's abhorrent and cruel.

I recently read a fascinating book called "Cutting for Stone" about a young man from Ethiopia who becomes a Doctor(it is a great read). In one part of the book a young lady has pre-marital sex and her mother punishes her by giving her a female circumcision. It blew my mind. I had no idea that this sick practice was so prevalent in Africa.......
Actually, the Koran doesn't make a distinction between boys or girls. Male suicide bombers can hope for 72 male virgins. They just can't have gay sex here on earth. And that's the truth.

And male virgins would be about, say, 13? They smell like little billy goats at that age. Ewwww......who would want one? Ewwwwwwwwwww....

Actually, the Koran doesn't make a distinction between boys or girls. Male suicide bombers can hope for 72 male virgins. They just can't have gay sex here on earth. And that's the truth.

Yes but talk to any of our returning heros and they will tell you there are a whole bunch of gay men over there, in fact, most hate women. women are considered dirty and beneath their dignity.
Actually, the Koran doesn't make a distinction between boys or girls. Male suicide bombers can hope for 72 male virgins. They just can't have gay sex here on earth. And that's the truth.

rdean, you're right. The Koran doesn't say what kind of virgins they get.

I've always hoped that suicide bombers get 36 versions of Justin Beiber and 36 versions of Steve Urkel when they reach "paradise". :lol:
Actually, the Koran doesn't make a distinction between boys or girls. Male suicide bombers can hope for 72 male virgins. They just can't have gay sex here on earth. And that's the truth.

Yes but talk to any of our returning heros and they will tell you there are a whole bunch of gay men over there, in fact, most hate women. women are considered dirty and beneath their dignity.

"Most" hate women? Unlikely. In every city, every country, every civilization, the ratio of gays to straights have probably always been about the same. It's nature, not much nurture. No matter how open minded someone is, there are some things that simply can't be learned.

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