7.8 Earrthquake in Turkey (Tweeted videos linked below)

I saw that. Was it Monday morning?

Does Buffalo have regular earthquakes?

I have never personally experienced one.

It literally threw you on the floor from your bed? Any structural damage in your area?
Yes I believe it was Monday morning at approximately 6:15 AM my time. We do not normally get earthquakes in Buffalo. It did not literally throw me out of my bed but everything was shaking and I felt like it was actually a nuclear strike like this was at the start of World War III or something. I went To look at my phone to see if there was a war and there wasn’t so I actually thought it was a dream. But three hours later I got a text from my mom saying there was an earthquake in Buffalo. She is in Texas right now

It was the strongest earthquake in Buffalo in 40 years there was I believe some structural damage but no one was hurt here.

But the real sad that’s the real hurt came when I turn my phone on and I saw that the real damage done to the people of Syria and turkey where thousands have died. I used to work at a Islamic school and I know a number of people from turkey and syria these are honorable Arabs and turks I have a tremendous amount of respect for. I greatly respect Mostafa Ataturk The founder of the modern state of Türkiye.
i'm too muscular to be thrown out of bed. you must be skinny, but who knows lol
Interesting 🧐. Fwiw I am recovering from a high-level spinal cord injury. Everything was put against me in the doctors were not sure if I ever walk again. Oh I’m walking again , stronger and more confident than ever …. I said Satan you can go to hell I’m gonna beat you . Praise Jesus brother …. Do you want to get some workout tips or life advice just let me know. 😀 I overcame a wheelchair by the glory of God

And I can say what also influences me to get stronger to get healthier is Muhammad in Islam. Long live of the glorious people of turkey long live the glorious people of Syria. May God be with the people of Syria and turkey as they recover and rebuild their homes.
Somehow, the civilized world does not pay any attention to Syria. There is a huge number of casualties and destruction there, a humanitarian disaster, but the self-appointed "world community" does not even lift sanctions on medicines.
And remember how all these hypocritical scum were worried about the Syrian people who "groan under the heel of dictator Assad"? They posted pictures of children, the girl Bana, if anyone still remembers her. It was very recent. But the Syrians did not pass the test of their commitment to "universal human values" and now the whole people of the country are written off as subhuman.
Turkey rift after earthquake
The total number of victims in Syria and Turkey exceeded 22,500 as of the morning of February 11. The total number of injured and wounded reaches 91,000. Debris removal continues, even yesterday survivors were still being found.
In response to the tragic consequences of the earthquake, the EU allocated 3 million euros to Turkey.
That's about 30,000 times less than the West gave for the war in Ukraine.
They write that this is the brick used to build many buildings in Turkey. More than 100 builders have already been arrested.
Meanwhile, according to the latest figures, more than 35,000 people have already died.
Capitalism and its most vivid manifestation.

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