65% Say Americans Not Willing To Make Major Lifestyle Changes To Help Environment


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
65% Say Americans Not Willing To Make Major Lifestyle Changes To Help Environment - Rasmussen Reports

Money quotes:

Voters support offshore oil drilling more than ever, and most don’t agree with President Obama’s decision to limit where that drilling can be done.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 17% of adults believe most Americans would be willing to make major cutbacks in their lifestyle in order to help save the environment. Most (65%) say that’s not the case. Another 18% are not sure.

And trust me that 18% that are "not sure" will become very sure if they actually are ordered to give up their way of life. "Not sure" is what you say when you don't want to give your real view to a perfect stranger over the phone.

All this propaganda and yet that many Americans still know it's a pile of BS? That's what you call a major fail.

Too bad envirowackos, but global warming is a big steaming fail.

And for those dupes putting up threads about "OH MY GOSH it's HOT IN APRIL!!!!"

People! In 1982 I left work on the day before Christmas eve in short sleeves in Columbus Ohio because it was 75 degrees. That's 75 degrees at Christmas time! In 1976 we have 80 degree weather in March.

That's 34 YEARS before this spring, and yet we have had hot springs, we have had damn cold springs, and so on.

WE DON'T CONTROL THE WEATHER! Ocean currents, sun spots, and a lot of other crap controls the weather.


Oh my what a suprise. Most American are not even willing to make lifestyle changes to help themselves, let alone the ecology.

We are far too lazy, spoiled and shortsighted to make any long term movements to help ourselves.
I'll bet without even conducting a national poll, you can determine that 88% of the environmental wackos are completely nuts. The other 12% are just semi-nuts.
Oh my what a suprise. Most American are not even willing to make lifestyle changes to help themselves, let alone the ecology.

We are far too lazy, spoiled and shortsighted to make any long term movements to help ourselves.

I think the lazy spoiled people. They are the ones demanding the rest of us live in grass huts to "save the planet" while they live in huge air conditioned mansions.

You see Al Gore's living style lately? :lol::lol::lol:

Who's stupid?

The people who still believe a lie, when they KNOW it's a lie, or those who wise up?

Global warming is a lie people. The only reason liberals, idiots, and envirowackos (same thing) all still cling to it, is because they can't stand the idea that conservatives were right all along.

We have been saying since the get go, this was a hoax. It must burn like hell to find out we were right.

But keep clinging to this myth.

And I bet the same people who cling to this myth, even though they know about the forged data are the same people who look down on Christians as believing nothing but a "myth."

Funny the Bible had these people figured out 2,000 years before they were born.

Romans 1:22 (King James Version)

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Of course. There's nothing to "help".

we will adapt to any changes in the climate as we have since time immemorial. we can't change the weather, and have no other choice.

But "Help" the environment? Stupidity at the nicest.
Of course. There's nothing to "help".

we will adapt to any changes in the climate as we have since time immemorial. we can't change the weather, and have no other choice.

But "Help" the environment? Stupidity at the nicest.
I'll bet without even conducting a national poll, you can determine that 88% of the environmental wackos are completely nuts. The other 12% are just semi-nuts.

They are control freaks. They want to control how we live, what we eat and what we do.

They cannot live and let live. People might be eating a steak, enjoying a barbecue, driving a big car, etc.

They can't stand that. They MUST control how people live, while THEY live in luxury. Look at how Al Gore lives. ;)
I walk, bus, recycle, etc.

It bugs me when I ride my bike behind a SUV that has a greenpeace sticker on it, or worse yet, a sticker that they vote for the environment.
And this is suppose to be some sort of surprise? Hardly! A half century ago it was well known that fossil fuel was going to choke the shit out us, and as I write, the world is putting more effort into getting oil out of the ground than finding alternative solutions to our energy needs. :cuckoo:
I walk, bus, recycle, etc.

It bugs me when I ride my bike behind a SUV that has a greenpeace sticker on it, or worse yet, a sticker that they vote for the environment.

I laughed at SUV's that had Gore/Leiberman stickers on them in 2000, considering Gore wanted to take their SUV away.

As for recycling. I recycle cans. That makes sense. Most "recycling," however, takes more energy to recycle than just throwing them away.

I know people hate to hear that, but sorry, it's the truth.

Recyling paper, plastic, etc. In most cases, it takes more energy than just throwing them away.

Most recycling is just ego and good intention driven. It's like the metal drives they had during WWII. The truth was, you cannot melt down pots and pans to make an airplane, but it was great moral. It made people FEEL they were helping the war effort and brought people together. So the government fostered the lie.

Well the same is true with recycling. Most of it is worthless and doesn't help the evironment one bit. It makes it worse, but it's great propaganda for the enviromment movement, and makes people feel they are helping that movement.

The truth, is far from that.
And this is suppose to be some sort of surprise? Hardly! A half century ago it was well known that fossil fuel was going to choke the shit out us, and as I write, the world is putting more effort into getting oil out of the ground than finding alternative solutions to our energy needs. :cuckoo:

Once upon a time our energy needs were supplied by whale oil, which depleted whale populations. Some have still not recovered.

Oil was what saved whales from being driven to extinction. Oil reduced sickness and disease in big cities (caused by flies from horse poop in the streets) and helped lengthen our life span.

One hundred years AFTER the inception of the combustion engine our life span has lengthened by 25 years.

Yet oil is killing us? :lol:

No, oil hysteria is.

If there were a green solution, it would have been invented. The fact it has not means IT ISN'T THERE!

You can go on and on about greed, blah blah blah. But greed is the point. IF there were a green solution out there, there would be people LINING UP ready to make money from it. You don't think that's true? They would make MILLIONS.

Why isn't it there? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST. Not yet.

Now maybe someday our human intelligence will catch up and find that "green solution" that will do away with oil, but that just isn't reality right now. You have to face that.

The government cannot force an "invention" that does not exist, no more than the government invented the combustion engine.

The earth will be here long after people are extinct.

The only reason I practice conservation is to save money.

Absolutely. I turn off lights that aren't needed. Turn up the thermostat, all that crap.

But it has nothing to do with the "environment." It has totally to do with the more money I save, the more money I have to put food on the table for my kids and pay my bills.

I am totally with you on that one.
And this is suppose to be some sort of surprise? Hardly! A half century ago it was well known that fossil fuel was going to choke the shit out us, and as I write, the world is putting more effort into getting oil out of the ground than finding alternative solutions to our energy needs. :cuckoo:

Once upon a time our energy needs were supplied by whale oil, which depleted whale populations. Some have still not recovered.

Oil was what saved whales from being driven to extinction. Oil reduced sickness and disease in big cities (caused by flies from horse poop in the streets) and helped lengthen our life span.

One hundred years AFTER the inception of the combustion engine our life span has lengthened by 25 years.

Yet oil is killing us? :lol:

No, oil hysteria is.

If there were a green solution, it would have been invented. The fact it has not means IT ISN'T THERE!

You can go on and on about greed, blah blah blah. But greed is the point. IF there were a green solution out there, there would be people LINING UP ready to make money from it. You don't think that's true? They would make MILLIONS.

Why isn't it there? BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXIST. Not yet.

Now maybe someday our human intelligence will catch up and find that "green solution" that will do away with oil, but that just isn't reality right now. You have to face that.

The government cannot force an "invention" that does not exist, no more than the government invented the combustion engine.


I've seen and heard some ridiculous comments in my day, but yours went straight to the head of the class. Fact is, the alternatives (quite a few) already exist, but aren't getting the support needed. I'm not even going to get into it with you because I know better; one shouldn't piss into the wind. :lol:
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65% Say Americans Not Willing To Make Major Lifestyle Changes To Help Environment - Rasmussen Reports

Money quotes:

Voters support offshore oil drilling more than ever, and most don’t agree with President Obama’s decision to limit where that drilling can be done.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that only 17% of adults believe most Americans would be willing to make major cutbacks in their lifestyle in order to help save the environment. Most (65%) say that’s not the case. Another 18% are not sure.

And trust me that 18% that are "not sure" will become very sure if they actually are ordered to give up their way of life. "Not sure" is what you say when you don't want to give your real view to a perfect stranger over the phone.

All this propaganda and yet that many Americans still know it's a pile of BS? That's what you call a major fail.

Too bad envirowackos, but global warming is a big steaming fail.

And for those dupes putting up threads about "OH MY GOSH it's HOT IN APRIL!!!!"

People! In 1982 I left work on the day before Christmas eve in short sleeves in Columbus Ohio because it was 75 degrees. That's 75 degrees at Christmas time! In 1976 we have 80 degree weather in March.

That's 34 YEARS before this spring, and yet we have had hot springs, we have had damn cold springs, and so on.

WE DON'T CONTROL THE WEATHER! Ocean currents, sun spots, and a lot of other crap controls the weather.



There is no need to make major changes, there is zero evidence that this is anything but a cycle. One caused by the Sun Most likely.

What is funny is the warmers all INSIST the sun had nothing to do with but then start blathering about how the down cycle is gonna end soon and the sun will heat up the planet again.

No warming since 1998. 12 years of no increase. It was a cycle.
Oh my what a suprise. Most American are not even willing to make lifestyle changes to help themselves, let alone the ecology.

We are far too lazy, spoiled and shortsighted to make any long term movements to help ourselves.

I think the lazy spoiled people. They are the ones demanding the rest of us live in grass huts to "save the planet" while they live in huge air conditioned mansions.

You see Al Gore's living style lately? :lol::lol::lol:

Ahh yes Algore makes such an attractive target. Kinda like John Denver having a tank of gasoline on his ranch way back when.
The messenger makes the message invalid?
What about those who never served in the military or never will desiring to make war?
Those who have excellent tax payer funded health care telling others there is no problem with healthcare?

So you believe all men of religion should live in poverty to prove their point about christianity? That a rich preacher should not belittle or pressure those not so fortunate about tithing?
Oh my what a suprise. Most American are not even willing to make lifestyle changes to help themselves, let alone the ecology.

We are far too lazy, spoiled and shortsighted to make any long term movements to help ourselves.

I think the lazy spoiled people. They are the ones demanding the rest of us live in grass huts to "save the planet" while they live in huge air conditioned mansions.

You see Al Gore's living style lately? :lol::lol::lol:

Ahh yes Algore makes such an attractive target. Kinda like John Denver having a tank of gasoline on his ranch way back when.
The messenger makes the message invalid?
What about those who never served in the military or never will desiring to make war?
Those who have excellent tax payer funded health care telling others there is no problem with healthcare?

So you believe all men of religion should live in poverty to prove their point about christianity? That a rich preacher should not belittle or pressure those not so fortunate about tithing?

There is no credible evidence we have a serious problem. And yes when the biggest mouth piece for US to go with out LIVES in the manner he lives IT matters.

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