56% Of Americans Say They Are Better Off Now Than They Were 4 Years Ago (Gallup Poll the 56% The Highest Recorded In 36 Years)

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.









Democrats have no popular support. They literally have to pay people to come to forums like this to push their talking points against people like me who come here and crush Democrat propagandist for free.

The most anti American thing an American can do in this day and age vote for Democrats.
The only way the Left can win is through massive voter fraud. They are trying very hardbut they are losing.....
I fear that 2021 will thus be filled with more violence from the Left and it will take more to bring down the left.
Jefferson was right. It will take the blood of tyrants and freedom loving Americans to feed the tree of Liberty and restore our Republic once again....
Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.

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But Biden has a 12 gazillion lead over Trump; I read it in CommieNutNetwork blather.
This doesn't mean anything, anything at all. Case in point:
I was suddenly, out of nowhere in shit shape at the end of the George W Bush.
I came back a long way under Obama, not due to Obama, but due to me.
Was in decent shape at the end of Obama, not where we were, but pretty much bullet proof. Investments have done fine while Donnie has been in office. We did well the quarter just ending, but not because of Donnie. It was our conservative strategy and mix. Now that we are bullet proof, I definitely have no use for the guy. Meanwhile, Donnie has totally sucked, especially on Covid-19 as we have seen people die before our eyes and in the front yard next door, while he influenced disregard of precautions and reopening too quick. Now during the time he has been in office, influencing events and his followers, not stopping covid-19 and we are somewhat threatened by potentially deadly disease and we are depending on us to take care of us and hoping for half decent roll of the dice. I say vote him out. I do not care you guys chalk it up to bad luck, plot or whatever. His luck definitely sucks. Add the that the fact that he is not too bright, highly antagonistic, admires dictators, seems to dislike most Americans and that is why we, as a country are worse of now, than at the end of last administration.
Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.

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The quarter million victims of the Trump virus were not available for polling apparently.
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Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.

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But Biden has a 12 gazillion lead over Trump; I read it in CommieNutNetwork blather.

Not only that all the Polls are saying that the Democrats are going to take everything, keep The House, take The White House AND take The Senate.

They are saying that 6 or even 8 Republican Senators are going to lose to the Democrats - this is Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, North Carolina, Georgia 1 (the other Georgia Senate Seat is a Special Election that they have as Likely Republican) and Maine and possibly also McConnell losing in Kentucky and Miss Linda Graham losing in South Carolina.

So 56% of Americans say they are better off under now with Donald Trump BUT they are not only going to throw him out and put Joe Biden in they ALSO are going to keep Nancy Pelosi as Speaker AND give The Senate to The Democrats by either 54-46 or 56-44

Again NONE of the above makes ANY LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.
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Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.

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The quarter million victims of the Trump virus were not available for polling apparently.

^^^^ Fuck off.


Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.

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The quarter million victims of the Trump virus were not available for polling apparently.

^^^^ Fuck off.


The blob is building the wall...

Of coffins.

They're not better off than they were 4 years ago.

Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.

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Kevin McCullough has correctly been predicting winning election maps since 2006. In 2016, a week before the election, McCullough predicted Donald Trump would win 30 states and Hillary Clinton would pick up 20. Trump got 30.5, Hillary 19.5. McCullough says there are signs that Trump isn't going to win on Nov. 3rd....he is going to wipe them out!!!! 330 Electoral College votes for Trump, 208 Electoral College votes for Biden.

Well now we have the situation that 56% of Americans are saying they are better off now than they were 4 years ago, but all the US National Opinion Polls are showing Joe Biden leading 10%-15% again this National Polling for Biden makes NO LOGICAL sense on ANY LEVEL.

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Well I'm much better off. Trump has my vote in Nov.

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