54% of campus conservatives will self-censor


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.
Ashamed of what? Being conservative?

That is absurd.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.

I think not...they are just fearful of retribution.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.
Ashamed of what? Being conservative?

That is absurd.

Shame has nothing to with it....fear is the motivator for this sort of behavior.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.
Ashamed of what? Being conservative?

That is absurd.

Yes. Given what the blob's GOP has done to the conservative movement.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.

I think not...they are just fearful of retribution.

I'm sure some are. Many are probably ashamed of the bucket of shit that is in the White house. But most are probably, like me, apprehensive to voice political views to those in close proximity. Especially given the right wing's habit of shooting people who they don't like, running over people they don't like, blowing up people they don't like, mailing bombs to people they don't like, making hit lists of the people they don't like....
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.

I think not...they are just fearful of retribution.

I'm sure some are. Many are probably ashamed of the bucket of shit that is in the White house. But most are probably, like me, apprehensive to voice political views to those in close proximity. Especially given the right wing's habit of shooting people who they don't like, running over people they don't like, blowing up people they don't like, mailing bombs to people they don't like, making hit lists of the people they don't like....

I am sure you really believe that...but the truth is a different matter .....as in you got it ass backwards girl.

We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.

I think not...they are just fearful of retribution.

I'm sure some are. Many are probably ashamed of the bucket of shit that is in the White house. But most are probably, like me, apprehensive to voice political views to those in close proximity. Especially given the right wing's habit of shooting people who they don't like, running over people they don't like, blowing up people they don't like, mailing bombs to people they don't like, making hit lists of the people they don't like....

I am sure you really believe that...but the truth is a different matter .....as in you got it ass backwards girl

I can cite conservatives doing all of the above. However, you're really not worth the effort.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.
Ashamed of what? Being conservative?

That is absurd.

Yes. Given what the blob's GOP has done to the conservative movement.
This started long, long ago.

In a 1991 Bilderberg meeting, David Rockefeller stated the end game.

We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost FORTY YEARS. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years."

"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . . The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
Gutless so called Campus Conservatives :smoke:
They should get their tuition back if they are victims of such prejudice. And certainly these offending Universities should be sued and possibly shut down.

Gutless? Perhaps, but expressing their beliefs can lead to poor grades as the faculty has been stripped of Conservatives and Christians.

That is why so many young people have their heads messed up ....they go along with the nonsense all these liberal professors preach day in and day out all across America.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.

I think not...they are just fearful of retribution.

I'm sure some are. Many are probably ashamed of the bucket of shit that is in the White house. But most are probably, like me, apprehensive to voice political views to those in close proximity. Especially given the right wing's habit of shooting people who they don't like, running over people they don't like, blowing up people they don't like, mailing bombs to people they don't like, making hit lists of the people they don't like....

Liberals can say the most horrible things about America's president with no fear of retribution.

I referred to ms. harris with the term 'kamel toe' on here in a thread that was then trashed. This board has made an embarassing and awkward turn to the left...why?

Kinda reminds me of how drudge turned against Trump overnight...no credible explanation for it but some think he is being blackmailed...as in he wanted to stay in the closet.
We see much of the same thing on here--conservatives who self-censor to kowtow to the powers that be out of fear of retribution.

Whilst the ramifications of that on here is inconsequential, however nationwide it is a huge problem...folks going along to get along. Outrageous and very damaging to the nation.

THey are ashamed. They should be.

I think not...they are just fearful of retribution.

I'm sure some are. Many are probably ashamed of the bucket of shit that is in the White house. But most are probably, like me, apprehensive to voice political views to those in close proximity. Especially given the right wing's habit of shooting people who they don't like, running over people they don't like, blowing up people they don't like, mailing bombs to people they don't like, making hit lists of the people they don't like....

Liberals can say the most horrible things about America's president with no fear of retribution.

I referred to ms. harris with the term 'kamel toe' on here in a thread that was then trashed. This board has made an embarassing and awkward turn to the left...why?

Kinda reminds me of how drudge turned against Trump overnight...no credible explanation for it but some think he is being blackmailed...as in he wanted to stay in the closet.
I think Matt Drudge was co-opted and bought out

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