50 Years After Kent State -- America Needs More Kent States


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....

Here is a bit of history. Starting sometime in the late 60s, the Air Force began training the Laotian Hill People and the Ravens began flying combat missions. The Air Force had it's own private war going in both Laos and Cambodia. We were asked to come into Laos and Cambodia really didn't have a central government worth mentioning. The US News just looked the other way. The NVA didn't venture into those areas and expect to live. It was one thing to run supplies but another thing to bring an invading force. And by the time Kent State happened almost all the supply lines were destroyed as well by Laotian Air Force and Ground Forces and the US Ravens (CIA) and the Gunships and Bombers. Only about 1 out of 200 vehicles got through. Then some idiot in Washington got the bright idea to send in the Army into Cambodia and Laos. All of a sudden, it hit the big news cycles. At that point, Walter Chronkite made his famous speech and things went haywire. And it led to Kent State. The War had been won for the most part. But that wasn't what was being reported at home. I had 2 full tours and 1 long TDY into that area. And no, I am NOT a Vietnam Veteran. I never served in Vietnam. But I did serve just east of there in 2 Countries. And, NO, I was not a Raven either. So take it from me, Kent State did not have to happen and the Army did not have to invade Cambodia and Laos. Remember, the AF was there by request for training purposes. Not long after the clusterF^^^, the Laosion Government asked us to leave. And Cambodia was taken over by Pol Pot.
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
This ends now!


"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....

Here is a bit of history. Starting sometime in the late 60s, the Air Force began training the Laotian Hill People and the Ravens began flying combat missions. The Air Force had it's own private war going in both Laos and Cambodia. We were asked to come into Laos and Cambodia really didn't have a central government worth mentioning. The US News just looked the other way. The NVA didn't venture into those areas and expect to live. It was one thing to run supplies but another thing to bring an invading force. And by the time Kent State happened almost all the supply lines were destroyed as well by Laotian Air Force and Ground Forces and the US Ravens (CIA) and the Gunships and Bombers. Only about 1 out of 200 vehicles got through. Then some idiot in Washington got the bright idea to send in the Army into Cambodia and Laos. All of a sudden, it hit the big news cycles. At that point, Walter Chronkite made his famous speech and things went haywire. And it led to Kent State. The War had been won for the most part. But that wasn't what was being reported at home. I had 2 full tours and 1 long TDY into that area. And no, I am NOT a Vietnam Veteran. I never served in Vietnam. But I did serve just east of there in 2 Countries. And, NO, I was not a Raven either. So take it from me, Kent State did not have to happen and the Army did not have to invade Cambodia and Laos. Remember, the AF was there by request for training purposes. Not long after the clusterF^^^, the Laosion Government asked us to leave. And Cambodia was taken over by Pol Pot.
Kent St didn't have to happen..period.....to put a finer point on that....it didn't have to happen because no one should have given the order to shoot unarmed protesters -- especially over a war that even the current day cult leader of the right calls a bullshit war.....

And the students at Jackson State deserved to be remembered nationally -- just like those students at Kent St
..they had a good reason to protest--BLM does not
I can almost guarantee you that if you were of age back then -- you would be saying the same dumb shit about those students at Jackson St that you are saying now about BLM....

You can't support authoritarianism today then pretend you would have been against it 50 years ago -- you wouldn't have
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
I believe there is a big chance of this happening -- and it won't just be due to neo-liberalism.....

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
You just self identified as a fool, but we already knew this about you.

You know nothing about the incident. The students murdered weren’t assaulting anyone, you tool of the tyrannical state.

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
No one was assaulted.....

But its cool....one day, you may be the on the other end of that government gun....

And folks like me will still be opposed to it....because we have something you don't have -- core principles.....

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
No one was assaulted.....

But its cool....one day, you may be the on the other end of that government gun....

And folks like me will still be opposed to it....because we have something you don't have -- core principles.....
His core principles are whatever the State tells him they are. He looks forward to our Orwellian future.
But its cool....one day, you may be the on the other end of that government gun
I expect to be on the other end of a communist government voted in by our Democrat Party one day if I live 5hat long, but THEY will be at war with America. That's why we need to crush you at the ballot box NOW
At Kent State
-- Small number of law enforcement people
-- No shields or riot gear
-- Almost no non-lethal weapons
-- No training

After Kent State
-- Overwhelming law enforcement response
-- Shields and riot gear
-- Plentiful non-lethal weapons
-- Lots of training

Kent State was a turning point in the way that law enforcement handles crowds. They realized that the old ways did not work.
..they had a good reason to protest--BLM does not
I can almost guarantee you that if you were of age back then -- you would be saying the same dumb shit about those students at Jackson St that you are saying now about BLM....

You can't support authoritarianism today then pretend you would have been against it 50 years ago -- you wouldn't have
America is a far more left nation today then 50 years ago. Its tax structure is massively higher. It is a diverse nation that is splitting at the seams because of failures.
But its cool....one day, you may be the on the other end of that government gun
I expect to be on the other end of a communist government voted in by our Democrat Party one day if I live 5hat long, but THEY will be at war with America. That's why we need to crush you at the ballot box NOW
you will be an authoritarian craving sycophant who will gargle the balls of whatever republican is in power.......
But its cool....one day, you may be the on the other end of that government gun
I expect to be on the other end of a communist government voted in by our Democrat Party one day if I live 5hat long, but THEY will be at war with America. That's why we need to crush you at the ballot box NOW
Newsflash dipshit: the D Party doesn’t have one communist in it. IMO they could use a few, instead of all the right wing corporatists and opportunists.

If only you cons weren’t so easily duped by right wing propaganda.
..they had a good reason to protest--BLM does not
I can almost guarantee you that if you were of age back then -- you would be saying the same dumb shit about those students at Jackson St that you are saying now about BLM....

You can't support authoritarianism today then pretend you would have been against it 50 years ago -- you wouldn't have
hahhahahaa--no, you CAN'T guarantee it
...there is not a problem of police brutality
and BLM doesn't make sense at all

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