50 Cent urges followers to ‘vote for Trump’ over Biden tax plan


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Blacks of means or blacks that become successful vote republican also, they dont want to give all their money to democrats for them to give to illegal immigrants and bums that dont want to work


When it comes to dollar bills, rapper 50 Cent is going MAGA.

The 45-year-old rapper on Monday urged his social media followers to “VOTE For TRUMP” after seeing figures related to Joe Biden’s tax plan.

The Queens-bred artist bashed the Democratic presidential nominee’s plan, which would raise tax rates for corporations and people making $400,000 or more per year.

He posted a photo from what looked like a CNBC broadcast, citing studies stating that under the plan, high earners in New York City could face combined federal and state tax rates of 62 percent.


He added: “The KNICKS never win anyway.”

50 Cent then wrote: “I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya f–ing mind.”

When I decide to give him control over who I vote for, his opinion might make a difference.
The bottom line is nobody wants the government robbing them and that's exactly what Democrats do when they're in charge. That's the reason every liberal city is in chaos today. Putting Biden in charge would guarentee this country fails.
Oh man it must be hell to be a multi millionaire.

People who have worked hard and made their money aren’t typically keen on handing over too much of it to the government to waste and spend as they see fit and to redistribute it to people who don’t work, don’t want to work or have not been successful. The flip side is that many of those on the receiving end will vote to steal other people’s money every single time.

50-cent has more money than me. I don’t envy him and he owes me nothing. Good for him. If I want to have as much as him, then I need to work harder, get a better education, start a business, etc. That is the attitude people should have.
Oh man it must be hell to be a multi millionaire.

People who have worked hard and made their money aren’t typically keen on handing over too much of it to the government to waste and spend as they see fit and to redistribute it to people who don’t work, don’t want to work or have not been successful. The flip side is that many of those on the receiving end will vote to steal other people’s money every single time.

50-cent has more money than me. I don’t envy him and he owes me nothing. Good for him. If I want to have as much as him, then I need to work harder, get a better education, start a business, etc. That is the attitude people should have.

Yet he will probably go to hell:

Matt 25

41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’
Kudos to that singer (whose music does not interest me) for his courage.

I would not be astonished if he retracts that statement before November 3, but I hope that he does not.
Kudos to that singer (whose music does not interest me) for his courage.

I would not be astonished if he retracts that statement before November 3, but I hope that he does not.

He just another one that buys his way out of trouble.
Smart man. He knows what a train wreck Biden will be.

We all want to hang on to our own money. Only a fool wouldn't. And fools will vote for Biden.
Smart man. He knows what a train wreck Biden will be.

We all want to hang on to our own money. Only a fool wouldn't. And fools will vote for Biden.

Biden might take some of his 155 million, he can afford it, it would be so little. Also taxes are going to the same with before tramps tax cuts. I'm sure he uses the same loopholes that tramp uses, the greed at the top is atrocious.

He was pro Obama, and voted for Hillary in 2016, and he doesn't like Biden's tax plan. HUM.

Blacks of means or blacks that become successful vote republican also, they dont want to give all their money to democrats for them to give to illegal immigrants and bums that dont want to work

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When it comes to dollar bills, rapper 50 Cent is going MAGA.

The 45-year-old rapper on Monday urged his social media followers to “VOTE For TRUMP” after seeing figures related to Joe Biden’s tax plan.

The Queens-bred artist bashed the Democratic presidential nominee’s plan, which would raise tax rates for corporations and people making $400,000 or more per year.

He posted a photo from what looked like a CNBC broadcast, citing studies stating that under the plan, high earners in New York City could face combined federal and state tax rates of 62 percent.


He added: “The KNICKS never win anyway.”

50 Cent then wrote: “I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya f–ing mind.”

Too bad they have to or go to jail.
Smart man. He knows what a train wreck Biden will be.

We all want to hang on to our own money. Only a fool wouldn't. And fools will vote for Biden.

Biden might take some of his 155 million, he can afford it, it would be so little. Also taxes are going to the same with before tramps tax cuts. I'm sure he uses the same loopholes that tramp uses, the greed at the top is atrocious.

He was pro Obama, and voted for Hillary in 2016, and he doesn't like Biden's tax plan. HUM.

No one should like Biden's tax plan nor should they like the green shit he wants to do. That man will be an economic train wreck.
Smart man. He knows what a train wreck Biden will be.

We all want to hang on to our own money. Only a fool wouldn't. And fools will vote for Biden.

Biden might take some of his 155 million, he can afford it, it would be so little. Also taxes are going to the same with before tramps tax cuts. I'm sure he uses the same loopholes that tramp uses, the greed at the top is atrocious.

He was pro Obama, and voted for Hillary in 2016, and he doesn't like Biden's tax plan. HUM.

No one should like Biden's tax plan nor should they like the green shit he wants to do. That man will be an economic train wreck.

Bidens tax plan, you know what it is, they are going to pay the same as before tramps tax cuts.

Bush Sr had to raise taxes in that Reagan cut them so much. The rich are really making out of tramp tax cut.

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