
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

Very good primer for why capitalism will always win, because communism is dumb. Here are some deeper analyses for why communism is dumb by Professor Jordan B. Peterson:

When communist, Chinese tanks invaded North Korea, my grandfather got up and ran to South Korea with only what he could carry with him. He had to start all over as a rice delivery man, and he eventually worked his way up to owning his own business and became quite successful. Had he not done that, I may be living in North Korea today. Than again, my parents may have never met, and I may not have been born at all.

Marx could not foresee a capitalist system that could have elements of socialism and capitalism at same time. Mixed economies. Example: USA and Social Security. Hence no revolution.
The only ones I still see hiding under the bed when communism is mentioned are rightist..and the clergy..
Marx could not foresee a capitalist system that could have elements of socialism and capitalism at same time. Mixed economies. Example: USA and Social Security. Hence no revolution.

No question that the USA is part socialist. The reason socialism works in the USA is because Capitalism funds it. The model is in danger, however, if the focus moves decidedly more Socialist at the expense of Capitalism. At that point, the USA starts to look and feel like the marginal states in Europe and definitely Latin America. The Communists always come forward crying about the income inequality gap as a means to effect economic change rooted in class envy. The only winners in these outcomes are the wealthy elite while the ultimate losers are the Middle Class because it gets destroyed. The masses are simply appeased because they feel everything is now "equal"

Socialism and Communism can have a ruling, wealthy elite. An upwardly, mobile middle class with opportunity is a threat to Communism and Socialism. Saul Alinsky knew this which is why he despised the Middle Class.
Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

The university, which is the sole source of Marxism, is an obsolete aristocratic system, designed specifically for rich kids living off an allowance. "Prep School" means prepare for college; those students dominate the fads followed by mindless and slavish no-talent class-climbers whose main qualification is that they are afraid to grow up.

So socialism is an elitist upper-class fraud designed to fool the other classes and keep them in their place. Both it and the equally birthclass-biased conceit of Capitalism are enemies of democracy. Giving us a false choice between the two fake ideologies will lead to decadence and collapse. This debate leads nowhere. The moderators of it are both from the same toxic class and smirk at us for taking them seriously.

Very good primer for why capitalism will always win, because communism is dumb. Here are some deeper analyses for why communism is dumb by Professor Jordan B. Peterson:

When communist, Chinese tanks invaded North Korea, my grandfather got up and ran to South Korea with only what he could carry with him. He had to start all over as a rice delivery man, and he eventually worked his way up to owning his own business and became quite successful. Had he not done that, I may be living in North Korea today. Than again, my parents may have never met, and I may not have been born at all.


It requires, social morals for free, to achieve a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth?
The only ones I still see hiding under the bed when communism is mentioned are rightist..and the clergy..

Tell that to people who have actually escaped communist dictatorships.
I will, how many are under 20 years of age?

More than your feeble mind can comprehend, probably:

No, it's just so passe for another paranoia thread about a system of govt. which is dead...
1. It is controlled by the elite at the top...No free elections.
2. No private sector or ability to do as you wish in life.
3. No private property
4. Most of the leaders are dumb asses
5. The people at the top don't give a shit about the other 95% of the other country.

I hate communism...Blaming social democracy and liberalism as communism shows how uneducated you're.
1. It is controlled by the elite at the top...No free elections.
2. No private sector or ability to do as you wish in life.
3. No private property
4. Most of the leaders are dumb asses
5. The people at the top don't give a shit about the other 95% of the other country.

I hate communism...Blaming social democracy and liberalism as communism shows how uneducated you're.

So how does that differ from the Democrat agenda?
I heard some states are trying to tell people what bathroom they can use and control what name they can use. Communism sucks dick.
You mean Americans don't want trannies with dicks using the same bathroom and public showers their wives and daughters use? Why bother having "Men" and "Women" on the door? Why not just have unisex bathrooms and showers?

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