39 Years Ago Today


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
By Oct 13, 1973 the Yom Kippur War (Oct 6-Oct 25) was in it's 7th day.
Israel, initially caught off-guard, had fully mobilized its forces and had turned the tide of the war. The next 10 days would see the kind of gains Israel enjoyed in the Six Day War of 1967 and by the time the international community pulled Israel off her "peaceful" Arab neighbors, "the Israelis had improved their positions considerably and completed their encirclement of Egypt's Third Army and the city of Suez."
"At the conclusion of hostilities, Israeli forces were 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Damascus and 101 kilometres (63 mi) from Cairo."

Israel learned not to ignore the threats of her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and the Arabs learned that Damascus and Cairo were not beyond the reach of Israeli tanks and troops.
As a result Egypt and then Jordan signed peace treaties with Israel. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By Oct 13, 1973 the Yom Kippur War (Oct 6-Oct 25) was in it's 7th day.
Israel, initially caught off-guard, had fully mobilized its forces and had turned the tide of the war. The next 10 days would see the kind of gains Israel enjoyed in the Six Day War of 1967 and by the time the international community pulled Israel off her "peaceful" Arab neighbors, "the Israelis had improved their positions considerably and completed their encirclement of Egypt's Third Army and the city of Suez."
"At the conclusion of hostilities, Israeli forces were 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Damascus and 101 kilometres (63 mi) from Cairo."

Israel learned not to ignore the threats of her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and the Arabs learned that Damascus and Cairo were not beyond the reach of Israeli tanks and troops.
As a result Egypt and then Jordan signed peace treaties with Israel. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My father bravely fought in that war.
By Oct 13, 1973 the Yom Kippur War (Oct 6-Oct 25) was in it's 7th day.
Israel, initially caught off-guard, had fully mobilized its forces and had turned the tide of the war. The next 10 days would see the kind of gains Israel enjoyed in the Six Day War of 1967 and by the time the international community pulled Israel off her "peaceful" Arab neighbors, "the Israelis had improved their positions considerably and completed their encirclement of Egypt's Third Army and the city of Suez."
"At the conclusion of hostilities, Israeli forces were 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Damascus and 101 kilometres (63 mi) from Cairo."

Israel learned not to ignore the threats of her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and the Arabs learned that Damascus and Cairo were not beyond the reach of Israeli tanks and troops.
As a result Egypt and then Jordan signed peace treaties with Israel. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My father bravely fought in that war.

If he is still with us, hug him for me.
If not, his contribution should never be forgotten. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
He is still alive, Baruch Hashem. He is 63 years old. I will hug him for you.

funny how the yom kippur war is news and worthy of discussion and yet, the deliberate attack by israel on the USS Liberty is almost always relegated to the old news heap.
funny how the yom kippur war is news and worthy of discussion and yet, the deliberate attack by israel on the USS Liberty is almost always relegated to the old news heap.

The Liberty tragedy is often the topic of discussion here and probably more so than the entire Y-K War.
I recall having days of Liberty back-and-forth just a couple of weeks ago.
How often must we have the same conversation (and it's always the same conversation)?
You're just pissed 'cause that's how you Nazi types are. Pissed.
funny how the yom kippur war is news and worthy of discussion and yet, the deliberate attack by israel on the USS Liberty is almost always relegated to the old news heap.

The Liberty tragedy is often the topic of discussion here and probably more so than the entire Y-K War.
I recall having days of Liberty back-and-forth just a couple of weeks ago.
How often must we have the same conversation (and it's always the same conversation)?
You're just pissed 'cause that's how you Nazi types are. Pissed.

and almost every time the USS Libery comes up, someone will throw in something to the effect "ho hum. old news. discussion closed."

actually, you sound much more angry than i. one simple comment on my part and you resort to name calling, and of a name maggie would disapprove of, i am sure.
funny how the yom kippur war is news and worthy of discussion and yet, the deliberate attack by israel on the USS Liberty is almost always relegated to the old news heap.

The Liberty tragedy is often the topic of discussion here and probably more so than the entire Y-K War.
I recall having days of Liberty back-and-forth just a couple of weeks ago.
How often must we have the same conversation (and it's always the same conversation)?
You're just pissed 'cause that's how you Nazi types are. Pissed.

and almost every time the USS Libery comes up, someone will throw in something to the effect "ho hum. old news. discussion closed."

And does that close the discussion? You're being petulant, Princess. The Liberty thread will return every few months and we all post the same old posts we did the last time but unless there is new information to chew on you will always be disappointed in the results. :D
funny how the yom kippur war is news and worthy of discussion and yet, the deliberate attack by israel on the USS Liberty is almost always relegated to the old news heap.

The Liberty tragedy is often the topic of discussion here and probably more so than the entire Y-K War.
I recall having days of Liberty back-and-forth just a couple of weeks ago.
How often must we have the same conversation (and it's always the same conversation)?
You're just pissed 'cause that's how you Nazi types are. Pissed.

and almost every time the USS Libery comes up, someone will throw in something to the effect "ho hum. old news. discussion closed."

actually, you sound much more angry than i. one simple comment on my part and you resort to name calling, and of a name maggie would disapprove of, i am sure.

What name calling?
The fact remains you made the kind of silly, baseless claim for which BecauseIKnowSquat is notorious ... whining that the Y-K War is somehow viewed by others as a more worthy subject than the Liberty. Quit your whining, Princess. :D
It seems to me that a discussion of a whole WAR----beats out rehashing of a single incident of military error no matter how long ago each occured There is no question that in 1973 Egypt did engage in a PLANNED ASSAULT ON ISRAEL which constituted a WAR. The bombing of the USS Liberty during a war in an arena of war------was a single event in another war--------the only issue at interest is the idiotic islamo nazi claim that the bombing was a deliberate act of TERRORISM by Israel against the US somehow a singular event-----somehow Israel had a desire to inflict ONE SINGLE act of terror on the US despite having the opportunity to enact hundreds as the islamo nazi pigs have been doing for decades

once is an accident, twice is a conincidence, three times is a series ------hundreds of murders by the islamo nazi pigs is a RELIGION
In staying within the intent of the OP, bully for Israel.

But (and that's a big butt), in the grand scheme of world events- it was a minor skirmish.

However, the moment that the U.S. chose to support Israel that is when the shit hit the fan.

Ergo, the Arab oil embargo- which had a much more profound impact on world events from that day forward.

Besides, the sudden increase in oil prices is what put me through college. :D
In staying within the intent of the OP, bully for Israel.

But (and that's a big butt), in the grand scheme of world events- it was a minor skirmish.

However, the moment that the U.S. chose to support Israel that is when the shit hit the fan.

Ergo, the Arab oil embargo- which had a much more profound impact on world events from that day forward.

Besides, the sudden increase in oil prices is what put me through college. :D

And while you are correct on all counts this is the Israel-Palestine board and this is the 39th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.
By Oct 13, 1973 the Yom Kippur War (Oct 6-Oct 25) was in it's 7th day.
Israel, initially caught off-guard, had fully mobilized its forces and had turned the tide of the war. The next 10 days would see the kind of gains Israel enjoyed in the Six Day War of 1967 and by the time the international community pulled Israel off her "peaceful" Arab neighbors, "the Israelis had improved their positions considerably and completed their encirclement of Egypt's Third Army and the city of Suez."
"At the conclusion of hostilities, Israeli forces were 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Damascus and 101 kilometres (63 mi) from Cairo."

Israel learned not to ignore the threats of her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and the Arabs learned that Damascus and Cairo were not beyond the reach of Israeli tanks and troops.
As a result Egypt and then Jordan signed peace treaties with Israel. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many more innocent lives will the "peaceful" Jewish State require?

"Thirty years ago, when I was a young woman of sixteen, a cruel war was fought here; it was dubbed the Yom Kippur War. When it was over, two of my brothers lay dead..."

"My brothers are no longer with us but the myth that was born with their death continues to grow, to gather momentum and to thrive.

"The Zionist myth, heroic and tragic, a myth that justifies our being here, that gives meaning and purpose to our lives and our deeds, a myth that unites me with all the people around me, which raises me ever higher on an invisible social ladder, a myth that ushered my brothers into the eternal pantheon of secular Zionism, the Holy of Holies of the State of Israel, and elevated me to the lofty rung of member of a 'bereaved family'".

Not unlike the bereaved families of the 34 Americans murdered by the IDF during the Six Days War in 1967.

Fortunately those who get rich from killing innocents have useful idiots like Sayit to celebrate Israel's "peaceful" right to exist on the land of others.

Remembering My Brothers on Yom Kippur » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
By Oct 13, 1973 the Yom Kippur War (Oct 6-Oct 25) was in it's 7th day.
Israel, initially caught off-guard, had fully mobilized its forces and had turned the tide of the war. The next 10 days would see the kind of gains Israel enjoyed in the Six Day War of 1967 and by the time the international community pulled Israel off her "peaceful" Arab neighbors, "the Israelis had improved their positions considerably and completed their encirclement of Egypt's Third Army and the city of Suez."
"At the conclusion of hostilities, Israeli forces were 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Damascus and 101 kilometres (63 mi) from Cairo."

Israel learned not to ignore the threats of her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and the Arabs learned that Damascus and Cairo were not beyond the reach of Israeli tanks and troops.
As a result Egypt and then Jordan signed peace treaties with Israel. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many more innocent lives will the "peaceful" Jewish State require?

That depends on the willingness of her "peaceful" Arab neighbors to accept Israel's existence and the right of Israelis to live in peace.
By Oct 13, 1973 the Yom Kippur War (Oct 6-Oct 25) was in it's 7th day.
Israel, initially caught off-guard, had fully mobilized its forces and had turned the tide of the war. The next 10 days would see the kind of gains Israel enjoyed in the Six Day War of 1967 and by the time the international community pulled Israel off her "peaceful" Arab neighbors, "the Israelis had improved their positions considerably and completed their encirclement of Egypt's Third Army and the city of Suez."
"At the conclusion of hostilities, Israeli forces were 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Damascus and 101 kilometres (63 mi) from Cairo."

Israel learned not to ignore the threats of her "peaceful" Arab neighbors and the Arabs learned that Damascus and Cairo were not beyond the reach of Israeli tanks and troops.
As a result Egypt and then Jordan signed peace treaties with Israel. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yom Kippur War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How many more innocent lives will the "peaceful" Jewish State require?

"Thirty years ago, when I was a young woman of sixteen, a cruel war was fought here; it was dubbed the Yom Kippur War. When it was over, two of my brothers lay dead..."

"My brothers are no longer with us but the myth that was born with their death continues to grow, to gather momentum and to thrive.

"The Zionist myth, heroic and tragic, a myth that justifies our being here, that gives meaning and purpose to our lives and our deeds, a myth that unites me with all the people around me, which raises me ever higher on an invisible social ladder, a myth that ushered my brothers into the eternal pantheon of secular Zionism, the Holy of Holies of the State of Israel, and elevated me to the lofty rung of member of a 'bereaved family'".

Not unlike the bereaved families of the 34 Americans murdered by the IDF during the Six Days War in 1967.

Fortunately those who get rich from killing innocents have useful idiots like Sayit to celebrate Israel's "peaceful" right to exist on the land of others.

Remembering My Brothers on Yom Kippur » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Was Winston Churchill lying when he said the Arabs were coming in droves from the poor surrounding countries? Can you tell us why the UN said that the Arabs only had to be in the area for two years to be considered refugees? Does Georgie think that anyone living in an area for two years is indigenous to that area. Although there are stories all over the Internet about people and the effect of war on them and all the relatives they lost, since the Jews are not involved, Georgie really has no interest in these stories. There are plenty of Hindus in his town, and perhaps he should listen to their stories about what happened to them.
Did you happen to notice the title of this thread, Aristotle?
You know, the one about the Yom Kippur War?
Hindus would seem like unqualified authorities, not unlike Winnie the Racist and morality.

I don't really see the problem with Arabs spending two years in Palestine in order to qualify for refugee status, since European Jews qualified for Arab land after spending two minutes in Palestine.

Possibly there's a Community College in your area with some logic classes that would be useful to you?

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