23% of US electrical power provided by renewable first 9 months of this year

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
23% of electrical power provided by renewables in the first 9 months of this year. Both solar and wind growing by double digit growth year after year. Offshore wind going to really jack up the amount of power produced by wind. Were we to follow France's lead and require parking lots to be covered with solar, renewables would quickly end not only coal, but also natural gas.

23% of electrical power provided by renewables in the first 9 months of this year. Both solar and wind growing by double digit growth year after year.

MEANINGLESS. Wind and solar have about reached peak efficiency, are enormously expensive to produce, take up massive amounts of space and are unreliable, all to cover only about 20% of our needs (including geo-thermal), and it is beyond credibility to suggest much less think that this trend will necessary continue along the same slop considering the environmental wreckage done by the mining and installation.

But it's nice that they are at least adding 20% to our supply, but if anyone really wants to get serious abour replacing fossil fuels to any great extent, we need to stop screwing around with light panels and propellers and start building new nuclear generating stations!
23% of electrical power provided by renewables in the first 9 months of this year. Both solar and wind growing by double digit growth year after year. Offshore wind going to really jack up the amount of power produced by wind. Were we to follow France's lead and require parking lots to be covered with solar, renewables would quickly end not only coal, but also natural gas.

:auiqs.jpg: You're gonna be stone cold dead by 2025 or sooner, Biden Boosters are just the ticket for you climate cranks, you just Biden Booster up and you are certain to do the sacred earth mother a solid in her desperate fight against evil climate change brought on by evil white people by removing your ass from her surface courtesy of foot long, one pound, worm like globules cementing your arteries shut....

Happy trails... and remember that mask. :banana:
23% of electrical power provided by renewables in the first 9 months of this year. Both solar and wind growing by double digit growth year after year. Offshore wind going to really jack up the amount of power produced by wind. Were we to follow France's lead and require parking lots to be covered with solar, renewables would quickly end not only coal, but also natural gas.

Explain to me what happens when we have another year without a summer. History does have a habit of repeating itself.

I realize solar panels do work on cloudy days but not as well. Volcanic dust can definitely reduce the amount of sunlight over large areas of the globe If not the entire globe.

Year Without a Summer
1816 summer.png
1816 summer temperature anomaly compared with average temperatures from 1971 to 2000
VolcanoMount Tambora
Start dateEruption occurred on 10 April 1815
LocationLesser Sunda Islands, Dutch East Indies (now Republic of Indonesia)
ImpactCaused a volcanic winter that dropped temperatures by 0.4–0.7°C (or 0.7–1°F) worldwide
The year 1816 is known as the Year Without a Summer because of severe climate abnormalities that caused average global temperatures to decrease by 0.4–0.7 °C (0.7–1 °F).[1] Summer temperatures in Europe were the coldest on record between the years of 1766–2000.[2] This resulted in major food shortages across the Northern Hemisphere.[3]

Evidence suggests that the anomaly was predominantly a volcanic winter event caused by the massive 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in April in the Dutch East Indies (known today as Indonesia). This eruption was the largest in at least 1,300 years (after the hypothesized eruption causing the volcanic winter of 536), and was perhaps exacerbated by the 1814 eruption of Mayon in the Philippines.


The aberrations are now generally thought to have occurred because of the April 5–15, 1815, Mount Tambora volcanic eruption[11][12] on the island of Sumbawa, Indonesia.[13] The eruption had a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) ranking of 7, a colossal event that ejected at least 100 km3 (24 cu mi) of material. It was the world's largest volcanic eruption during historic times, comparable with the Minoan eruptionin the 2nd millennium BC, the Hatepe eruption of Lake Taupō at around 180 AD, the eruption of Paektu Mountain in 946 AD, and the 1257 eruption of Mount Samalas.

Other large volcanic eruptions (with VEIs at least 4) around this time were:

These eruptions had built up a substantial amount of atmospheric dust. As is common after a massive volcanic eruption, temperatures fell worldwide because less sunlight passed through the stratosphere.[14]…emphasis added


How efficient are solar panels in cloudy weather?​

In an ideal world, your solar panel would be positioned in a location where it will sit in sunlight all day long. For the vast majority of homeowners, this is not possible, and cloudy days are inevitable. In these conditions, your solar panel will not work as effectively as normal, but just how efficient are they still?

Cloudy days do significantly impact how effectively your solar panels work. On an average overcast day, solar panels will typically operate at around 25% of their normal output. Some homeowners are worried that the rain might damage their panels, but this is not the case, and rain can actually help to remove any dust or dirt that might have built up since you last cleaned the panels.
…emphasis added
23% of electrical power provided by renewables in the first 9 months of this year. Both solar and wind growing by double digit growth year after year. Offshore wind going to really jack up the amount of power produced by wind. Were we to follow France's lead and require parking lots to be covered with solar, renewables would quickly end not only coal, but also natural gas.

Were we to follow France's lead

We'd build a lot more nukes.
Leftist blamed Texas and our power grid when we had the huge freeze and claimed it was a power problem.
Yet Texas has the largest wind farms in the country.
I've never heard liberals explain how that was possible.

23% of US electrical power provided by renewable​

That's a LOT of whale oil ...

23% of electrical power provided by renewables in the first 9 months of this year. Both solar and wind growing by double digit growth year after year. Offshore wind going to really jack up the amount of power produced by wind. Were we to follow France's lead and require parking lots to be covered with solar, renewables would quickly end not only coal, but also natural gas.

I'm always impressed when I hear how well the US is doing on saving our habitat given the difficulties you experience.
Yep. We can no longer allow Texas, Iowa, Oklahoma, and Kansas to sap and impurify all of our bodily fluids. High time California picked up the ball too and ran with it.
No way was 23% from solar and wind. So that figure must include something else such as hydro.
The guy says straight out that about half is due to hydro power, which has increased slightly, the other half due to wind and solar.
And I see no link that says 23%.
Are you daft? Again, the linked video states right upfront that renewables provided.. (see thread title).
then there is this 👇

Shell oil is being duplicitous regarding its commitment to renewables? Say it ain't so! :eek:
Leftist blamed Texas and our power grid when we had the huge freeze and claimed it was a power problem.
Yet Texas has the largest wind farms in the country.
I've never heard liberals explain how that was possible.
First try explaining how you had no "power problem" when you "had the huge freeze"?
To replace one fossil fuel power generation plant you need this but 22,000 times bigger (larger than Manhattan) . To replace a typical nine gigawatt nuclear power plant you need this cover the area of a typical West Texas county.

The only reasons they are being built today is because uneconomical energy policies with subsidies and mandates. When those are gone these arrays will be uneconomical to operate and the farm land under then will be unusable because of the heavy metals contamination.


This is what we need to be doing to all these stupid solar farms.

The guy says straight out that about half is due to hydro power, which has increased slightly, the other half due to wind and solar.

Are you daft? Again, the linked video states right upfront that renewables provided.. (see thread title).

Shell oil is being duplicitous regarding its commitment to renewables? Say it ain't so! :eek:

First try explaining how you had no "power problem" when you "had the huge freeze"?

I am not watching a video. And the point of the thread is a misfire. You only get power from solar when the sun is shining and it diminishes even in day time depending on the cloud cover. Wind is a disaster that is also unreliable.

That means you need backup systems for when neither one is producing. Meaning TWO power systems, not one. Meannging far higher costs all around.
The guy says straight out that about half is due to hydro power, which has increased slightly, the other half due to wind and solar.

Are you daft? Again, the linked video states right upfront that renewables provided.. (see thread title).

Shell oil is being duplicitous regarding its commitment to renewables? Say it ain't so! :eek:

First try explaining how you had no "power problem" when you "had the huge freeze"?

Explain to you?
Okay,I lost power for one day whats to explain?
All energy totals are self reported by utilities and or solar farms and wind farms.

There is no one, giant meter, that states the amount of power from each source.

If you care to look at the details, all Solar is nameplate generation, all Wind is nameplate generation, not actual production.

Anybody care to explain how Ivanpah is included?

And, why or how is Hydropower included, sometimes it is called renewable, other times not?

Burning of wood, biomass is also included? Why? How?

So dont worry, even though we are paying the price through inflation, Renewables are still a trickle. Why do you think the cost is still over a $100 trillion?

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