22 Islamist Enclaves Across US


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Oh yeah? If these were survivalist or Christian enclaves, the Lame Street Media will be screaming about it. But Islamic? No big deal.

Jihad Enclaves: With names like Islamberg and Mahmoudberg, some 22 of what the FBI calls "enclaves" have been established across the U.S. by a group linked to a Pakistani militant group called Jamaat ul-Fuqra

Read more @ Islamist Enclaves Spread To Texas Base Camps For IS In The U.S. - Investors.com originally linked from Doug Ross Journal JUST RANDOM FOLKS FBI documents reveal 22 Islamist enclaves are operating in the U.S.
Until you do something violent or otherwise illegal you're allowed in this country to congregate to your hearts' content.

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