2022 Senate is going to be very telling


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
Las Vegas and Chicago
Not only does the GOP have more vulnerable seats (5 vs 3), but it will tell us which way AZ, NV and GA will go. Will they all be lost for good? Will AZ and NV go the way if NM and CO? Will GA go the way of VA?
If GA, AZ and NV are lost and not in play, then the Dems won’t even need to win any swing states, meaning they won’t need FL, OH, PA, WI, NH, NC or TX. They will win by keeping their own.
If they keep AZ, NV and GA and flip PA, OH, WI, NC and FL, they could have majorities in both houses of Congress and the Presidency. The damage could not be undone.

I fear for our country
During the midterm election, one-third of the Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are at stake.

In the 21 midterm elections held since 1934, only twice has the president's party gained seats in both the Senate and the House: Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first midterm election and George W. Bush's first midterm election.

On four other occasions, the president's party gained Senate seats and once it was a draw. On one occasion, the president's party gained House seats. The worst midterm losses tend to occur in a president's first term.

Advantage based on history: GOP.
Not only does the GOP have more vulnerable seats (5 vs 3), but it will tell us which way AZ, NV and GA will go. Will they all be lost for good? Will AZ and NV go the way if NM and CO? Will GA go the way of VA?
If GA, AZ and NV are lost and not in play, then the Dems won’t even need to win any swing states, meaning they won’t need FL, OH, PA, WI, NH, NC or TX. They will win by keeping their own.
If they keep AZ, NV and GA and flip PA, OH, WI, NC and FL, they could have majorities in both houses of Congress and the Presidency. The damage could not be undone.

I fear for our country
As you said, the "out" party usually wins seats in the mid-terms, looks like the House and Senate will go GOP in 2022, unless the morons screw it up <again>, like running Doug Collins against Kelly Loeffler, splitting the GOP vote.

Looking ahead to the 2022 Senate races, (2) Republicans who barely won last time, and (4) retirements:
Blunt (MO)
Johnson (WI)
Portman (OH) retiring
Burr (NC) retiring
Toomey (PA) retiring
Shelby (AL) retiring

(5) Democrats who barely won last time:
Mark Kelly (AZ)
Bennet (CO)
Warnock (GA)
Masto (NV)
Hassan (NH)

The House should flip to the GOP for several reasons:
1. The GOP didn't lose any House seats in 2020
2. Gerrymandering favors the GOP
3. The census moves seats from blue states to red states
4. Its a mid-term election, and the democrats are pushing bad/unpopular policies

I figure it all depends on whether the Democrats can continue to milk their sales pitch that, 'Republicans don't want you to vote' in much the same manner as Republican use of the 'Democrats don't want you to know', tactic.
Could be a good year for the GOP, no doubt. The elections usually favor the party out of power, and the Democrats have their own issues.

If it isn't a good election for the GOP, they'll just claim cheating and we'll all roll our eyes again.
Historically, the dems should lose the House. And the dems will lose "safe" seats in redistricting, as dem states opt for non-partisan redistricting. But the only issue the gop has trending right now is border security. The border is a problem in Az. I think Warnock can hold GA. The gop isn't finding big names willing to run after Trump deep sixed the party in GA. Last time, Loeffler tried to paint Warnock as a radical, and she got laughed out of office. Warnocks been around for decades, and she's a carpetbagger. Warnocks already got a five million dollar warchest.

Pa will be interesting. Trump caused the gop senator to retire.

Biden signaled he'd sign gop compromise bill on the Dreamers but no citizenship for other 'illegals.' But I don't see how the gop could compromise, even if they are inclined, unless there's some fix for illegals comin in.
Joe Biden’s immigration agenda overshadowed by migrant challenges in first 100 days (yahoo.com)

The Biden administration is now accepting only children and some families coming to the U.S.-Mexico border. But the majority of migrants are being turned away under a Trump-era policy called Title 42, which allows Customs and Border Protection to expel undocumented migrants to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in holding facilities.
Imo it largely comes down to who the candidates are. If the gop runs trump again, they'll probably see familiar results. Although McConnell's opposition to stimulus checks after the looted the treasury for his relatives and the .1% was probably the true knife to the gut.
Democrats losing the House seems very possible.

I expect them to keep the Senate, probably gaining seats.

Of course, conspiracy theorist Trumpster retards will just claim fraud in whichever they don’t win.
Deleted about 90% of the posts in this thread. This thread is not about stolen election conspiracies or the Bible (don’t know how the fuck that convo started). Anyone who brings it up again will be thread banned and further points received
Could be a good year for the GOP, no doubt. The elections usually favor the party out of power, and the Democrats have their own issues.

If it isn't a good election for the GOP, they'll just claim cheating and we'll all roll our eyes again.
We can only pray for GOP victory and the Biden regime doesn't do too much damage before then!
During the midterm election, one-third of the Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are at stake.

In the 21 midterm elections held since 1934, only twice has the president's party gained seats in both the Senate and the House: Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first midterm election and George W. Bush's first midterm election.

On four other occasions, the president's party gained Senate seats and once it was a draw. On one occasion, the president's party gained House seats. The worst midterm losses tend to occur in a president's first term.

Advantage based on history: GOP.
I like your optimism, I am nervous!
Not only does the GOP have more vulnerable seats (5 vs 3), but it will tell us which way AZ, NV and GA will go. Will they all be lost for good? Will AZ and NV go the way if NM and CO? Will GA go the way of VA?
If GA, AZ and NV are lost and not in play, then the Dems won’t even need to win any swing states, meaning they won’t need FL, OH, PA, WI, NH, NC or TX. They will win by keeping their own.
If they keep AZ, NV and GA and flip PA, OH, WI, NC and FL, they could have majorities in both houses of Congress and the Presidency. The damage could not be undone.

I fear for our country
As you said, the "out" party usually wins seats in the mid-terms, looks like the House and Senate will go GOP in 2022, unless the morons screw it up <again>, like running Doug Collins against Kelly Loeffler, splitting the GOP vote.

Looking ahead to the 2022 Senate races, (2) Republicans who barely won last time, and (4) retirements:
Blunt (MO)
Johnson (WI)
Portman (OH) retiring
Burr (NC) retiring
Toomey (PA) retiring
Shelby (AL) retiring

(5) Democrats who barely won last time:
Mark Kelly (AZ)
Bennet (CO)
Warnock (GA)
Masto (NV)
Hassan (NH)

The House should flip to the GOP for several reasons:
1. The GOP didn't lose any House seats in 2020
2. Gerrymandering favors the GOP
3. The census moves seats from blue states to red states
4. Its a mid-term election, and the democrats are pushing bad/unpopular policies

Well stated!
A roaring economy through summer of 2022 and a second season of vaccination beginning this fall will result in a sixty-seats Democratic senate and a Democratic majority of 40 seats in the House.

THEN we will see SCOTUS reform, MedicareForAll, and statehood for Guam, DC, and Puerto Rico.
Not only does the GOP have more vulnerable seats (5 vs 3), but it will tell us which way AZ, NV and GA will go. Will they all be lost for good? Will AZ and NV go the way if NM and CO? Will GA go the way of VA?
If GA, AZ and NV are lost and not in play, then the Dems won’t even need to win any swing states, meaning they won’t need FL, OH, PA, WI, NH, NC or TX. They will win by keeping their own.
If they keep AZ, NV and GA and flip PA, OH, WI, NC and FL, they could have majorities in both houses of Congress and the Presidency. The damage could not be undone.

I fear for our country
As you said, the "out" party usually wins seats in the mid-terms, looks like the House and Senate will go GOP in 2022, unless the morons screw it up <again>, like running Doug Collins against Kelly Loeffler, splitting the GOP vote.

Looking ahead to the 2022 Senate races, (2) Republicans who barely won last time, and (4) retirements:
Blunt (MO)
Johnson (WI)
Portman (OH) retiring
Burr (NC) retiring
Toomey (PA) retiring
Shelby (AL) retiring

(5) Democrats who barely won last time:
Mark Kelly (AZ)
Bennet (CO)
Warnock (GA)
Masto (NV)
Hassan (NH)

The House should flip to the GOP for several reasons:
1. The GOP didn't lose any House seats in 2020
2. Gerrymandering favors the GOP
3. The census moves seats from blue states to red states
4. Its a mid-term election, and the democrats are pushing bad/unpopular policies

Well stated!
You two are so out of touch with reality.
A roaring economy through summer of 2022 and a second season of vaccination beginning this fall will result in a sixty-seats Democratic senate and a Democratic majority of 40 seats in the House.

THEN we will see SCOTUS reform, MedicareForAll, and statehood for Guam, DC, and Puerto Rico.
And the permanent one party far left rule you so pine for, Communist scumbag?
2022 should be a major win for the GOP only if they can keep the crazies from screwing the pooch!

Let face reality the Democrats are going to waste Trillions of dollars on social justice projects that will get them tossed but if the GOP run radicals then I can see the Democrats retaining the House and Senate which would mean the GOP chances of winning the Oval Office will be slim even running against a demented Biden or a weak candidate like Harris...

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