2020 election fraud

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Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

will not be going away any time soon.​

By Jeff Lukens

There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats' playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.
In his report, Peter Navarro provides abundant evidence that the presidential election results resulted from widespread fraud, ballot-stuffing, and other election irregularities.
Navarro claims that the Democrat grand strategy was to dramatically increase absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing ballot verification in battleground states. The goal was to tip the election to Biden with a flood of illegal votes. Molly Ball confirms this strategy in her infamous TIME Magazine article.

Source: The Navarro Report.


Trump received millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and Republicans swept most congressional and down-ballot offices. It is simply not believable that Biden won the election honestly.
Trump won bellwether Ohio, which no winning president has failed to carry in that state's history, by a more considerable margin than he did in 2016. Pennsylvania was trending the same on Election Night until they mysteriously stopped counting votes late in the evening. Moreover, Philadelphia blocked access to Republican poll-watchers on Election Day — despite a U.S. Supreme Court order — to investigate the irregularity. Similar fraudulent actions occurred in Maricopa County, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
And then there is the cyber-fraud. Against all odds, a private citizen, Mike Lindell, is exposing the cyber-election fraud in his friendly Midwestern way. He has a new social media site that cannot be de-platformed by Big Tech. He has done his homework on foreign cyber-interference in the election.
Yes, Lindell is that guy who was a gambling and crack addict and is now a born-again Christian. He believes that God will deliver him on his divine appointment. He is fearless, and there is nothing Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow can do to stop him. The more the big-box stores ban his MyPillow products, the more the deplorables step up their online purchases directly from the company. The spectacle of Lindell's approach brings much attention to his message and the scale of the cyber-in the 2020 election.

Data compiled by Mike Lindell, edited by Jeff Lukens. Source: Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0.
Lindell estimates that close to 3,000 cyber-attacks occurred from around the world on Nov. 3–4. He has identified 20 attacks alone where Trump votes were flipped for Biden votes and were enough to change the election outcome. Notice the timestamp, source, and target I.P. address, and the number of Trump votes flipped to Biden. This evidence demonstrates irrefutable foreign interference in our election. The evidence is hard proof that cannot be changed or altered or explained away.
Lindell has filed a court case and insists that Biden will be removed from office after a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on his case, but that remains to be seen.
Both Navarro's ground fraud and Lindell's cyber-fraud were enough to swing the election independently. Together, there is overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen.
So now, further evidence is being uncovered ballot by ballot in a laborious forensic audit in Arizona. The audits will find corroborating documentation to help frame the questions that need to be asked as we go forward with this process.
The 2020 election saw an unusual influx of private funds into local election offices, which then decided to ignore state laws regarding election integrity. Where are the ballot transfer forms documenting the chain of custody of Fulton County, Georgia, on ballots placed in neighborhood drop boxes? How were millions of dollars from Facebook used by local election offices, and did it give preference to one candidate over the other? Why did state officials make a deal with a voting machine contractor that doesn't allow them to obtain data and computer code on the machines essential for a forensic audit?
To have confidence in the 2020 election, these questions and more will need to be answered. Government officials dodging questions makes us question the election even more. If there is nothing to hide, why are Democrats putting up huge money for criminal defense attorneys for election issues?
Maricopa County, Arizona is nearing completion of its full forensic audit, and Georgia is about to begin its own. There are rumblings that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states will soon do the same.
The U.S. Senate may look quite different after the audits are complete. We may find that David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from Georgia should be seated in the Senate, and Martha McSally from Arizona, and John James from Michigan.
The 2020 election fraud is one of the most egregious crimes in history. Much detailed preparation went into stealing this election across all states. It was planned well in advance to be sprung on Election Day to put Biden over the top, and it will soon be fully exposed.
We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more. And a groundswell is brewing on the right. These folks were once called the Silent Majority, but now they're suddenly not so silent anymore. When the left invalidated the people's votes with all their cheating, they also lost the people's consent to be governed by them. People are ticked off and have had it with the lies of the left and are not going to take it anymore.
Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative political activist. He can be reached here.

will not be going away any time soon.​

By Jeff Lukens

There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats' playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.
In his report, Peter Navarro provides abundant evidence that the presidential election results resulted from widespread fraud, ballot-stuffing, and other election irregularities.
Navarro claims that the Democrat grand strategy was to dramatically increase absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing ballot verification in battleground states. The goal was to tip the election to Biden with a flood of illegal votes. Molly Ball confirms this strategy in her infamous TIME Magazine article.

Source: The Navarro Report.


Trump received millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and Republicans swept most congressional and down-ballot offices. It is simply not believable that Biden won the election honestly.
Trump won bellwether Ohio, which no winning president has failed to carry in that state's history, by a more considerable margin than he did in 2016. Pennsylvania was trending the same on Election Night until they mysteriously stopped counting votes late in the evening. Moreover, Philadelphia blocked access to Republican poll-watchers on Election Day — despite a U.S. Supreme Court order — to investigate the irregularity. Similar fraudulent actions occurred in Maricopa County, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
And then there is the cyber-fraud. Against all odds, a private citizen, Mike Lindell, is exposing the cyber-election fraud in his friendly Midwestern way. He has a new social media site that cannot be de-platformed by Big Tech. He has done his homework on foreign cyber-interference in the election.
Yes, Lindell is that guy who was a gambling and crack addict and is now a born-again Christian. He believes that God will deliver him on his divine appointment. He is fearless, and there is nothing Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow can do to stop him. The more the big-box stores ban his MyPillow products, the more the deplorables step up their online purchases directly from the company. The spectacle of Lindell's approach brings much attention to his message and the scale of the cyber-in the 2020 election.

Data compiled by Mike Lindell, edited by Jeff Lukens. Source: Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0.
Lindell estimates that close to 3,000 cyber-attacks occurred from around the world on Nov. 3–4. He has identified 20 attacks alone where Trump votes were flipped for Biden votes and were enough to change the election outcome. Notice the timestamp, source, and target I.P. address, and the number of Trump votes flipped to Biden. This evidence demonstrates irrefutable foreign interference in our election. The evidence is hard proof that cannot be changed or altered or explained away.
Lindell has filed a court case and insists that Biden will be removed from office after a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on his case, but that remains to be seen.
Both Navarro's ground fraud and Lindell's cyber-fraud were enough to swing the election independently. Together, there is overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen.
So now, further evidence is being uncovered ballot by ballot in a laborious forensic audit in Arizona. The audits will find corroborating documentation to help frame the questions that need to be asked as we go forward with this process.
The 2020 election saw an unusual influx of private funds into local election offices, which then decided to ignore state laws regarding election integrity. Where are the ballot transfer forms documenting the chain of custody of Fulton County, Georgia, on ballots placed in neighborhood drop boxes? How were millions of dollars from Facebook used by local election offices, and did it give preference to one candidate over the other? Why did state officials make a deal with a voting machine contractor that doesn't allow them to obtain data and computer code on the machines essential for a forensic audit?
To have confidence in the 2020 election, these questions and more will need to be answered. Government officials dodging questions makes us question the election even more. If there is nothing to hide, why are Democrats putting up huge money for criminal defense attorneys for election issues?
Maricopa County, Arizona is nearing completion of its full forensic audit, and Georgia is about to begin its own. There are rumblings that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states will soon do the same.
The U.S. Senate may look quite different after the audits are complete. We may find that David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from Georgia should be seated in the Senate, and Martha McSally from Arizona, and John James from Michigan.
The 2020 election fraud is one of the most egregious crimes in history. Much detailed preparation went into stealing this election across all states. It was planned well in advance to be sprung on Election Day to put Biden over the top, and it will soon be fully exposed.
We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more. And a groundswell is brewing on the right. These folks were once called the Silent Majority, but now they're suddenly not so silent anymore. When the left invalidated the people's votes with all their cheating, they also lost the people's consent to be governed by them. People are ticked off and have had it with the lies of the left and are not going to take it anymore.
Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative political activist. He can be reached here.
Any arrests yet?


Carry on.
Well we know where this going. But I have been saying no one will forget, Trump will remind them, the fraud and it will be proven

will not be going away any time soon.​

By Jeff Lukens

There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats' playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.
In his report, Peter Navarro provides abundant evidence that the presidential election results resulted from widespread fraud, ballot-stuffing, and other election irregularities.
Navarro claims that the Democrat grand strategy was to dramatically increase absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing ballot verification in battleground states. The goal was to tip the election to Biden with a flood of illegal votes. Molly Ball confirms this strategy in her infamous TIME Magazine article.

Source: The Navarro Report.


Trump received millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and Republicans swept most congressional and down-ballot offices. It is simply not believable that Biden won the election honestly.
Trump won bellwether Ohio, which no winning president has failed to carry in that state's history, by a more considerable margin than he did in 2016. Pennsylvania was trending the same on Election Night until they mysteriously stopped counting votes late in the evening. Moreover, Philadelphia blocked access to Republican poll-watchers on Election Day — despite a U.S. Supreme Court order — to investigate the irregularity. Similar fraudulent actions occurred in Maricopa County, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
And then there is the cyber-fraud. Against all odds, a private citizen, Mike Lindell, is exposing the cyber-election fraud in his friendly Midwestern way. He has a new social media site that cannot be de-platformed by Big Tech. He has done his homework on foreign cyber-interference in the election.
Yes, Lindell is that guy who was a gambling and crack addict and is now a born-again Christian. He believes that God will deliver him on his divine appointment. He is fearless, and there is nothing Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow can do to stop him. The more the big-box stores ban his MyPillow products, the more the deplorables step up their online purchases directly from the company. The spectacle of Lindell's approach brings much attention to his message and the scale of the cyber-in the 2020 election.

Data compiled by Mike Lindell, edited by Jeff Lukens. Source: Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0.
Lindell estimates that close to 3,000 cyber-attacks occurred from around the world on Nov. 3–4. He has identified 20 attacks alone where Trump votes were flipped for Biden votes and were enough to change the election outcome. Notice the timestamp, source, and target I.P. address, and the number of Trump votes flipped to Biden. This evidence demonstrates irrefutable foreign interference in our election. The evidence is hard proof that cannot be changed or altered or explained away.
Lindell has filed a court case and insists that Biden will be removed from office after a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on his case, but that remains to be seen.
Both Navarro's ground fraud and Lindell's cyber-fraud were enough to swing the election independently. Together, there is overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen.
So now, further evidence is being uncovered ballot by ballot in a laborious forensic audit in Arizona. The audits will find corroborating documentation to help frame the questions that need to be asked as we go forward with this process.
The 2020 election saw an unusual influx of private funds into local election offices, which then decided to ignore state laws regarding election integrity. Where are the ballot transfer forms documenting the chain of custody of Fulton County, Georgia, on ballots placed in neighborhood drop boxes? How were millions of dollars from Facebook used by local election offices, and did it give preference to one candidate over the other? Why did state officials make a deal with a voting machine contractor that doesn't allow them to obtain data and computer code on the machines essential for a forensic audit?
To have confidence in the 2020 election, these questions and more will need to be answered. Government officials dodging questions makes us question the election even more. If there is nothing to hide, why are Democrats putting up huge money for criminal defense attorneys for election issues?
Maricopa County, Arizona is nearing completion of its full forensic audit, and Georgia is about to begin its own. There are rumblings that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states will soon do the same.
The U.S. Senate may look quite different after the audits are complete. We may find that David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from Georgia should be seated in the Senate, and Martha McSally from Arizona, and John James from Michigan.
The 2020 election fraud is one of the most egregious crimes in history. Much detailed preparation went into stealing this election across all states. It was planned well in advance to be sprung on Election Day to put Biden over the top, and it will soon be fully exposed.
We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more. And a groundswell is brewing on the right. These folks were once called the Silent Majority, but now they're suddenly not so silent anymore. When the left invalidated the people's votes with all their cheating, they also lost the people's consent to be governed by them. People are ticked off and have had it with the lies of the left and are not going to take it anymore.
Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative political activist. He can be reached here.

Here we go again. Volumes of plagiarized right wing propaganda generously lathered with a rancid coating of trump defeat syndrome.
Carry on.

will not be going away any time soon.​

By Jeff Lukens

There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats' playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.
In his report, Peter Navarro provides abundant evidence that the presidential election results resulted from widespread fraud, ballot-stuffing, and other election irregularities.
Navarro claims that the Democrat grand strategy was to dramatically increase absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing ballot verification in battleground states. The goal was to tip the election to Biden with a flood of illegal votes. Molly Ball confirms this strategy in her infamous TIME Magazine article.

Source: The Navarro Report.


Trump received millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and Republicans swept most congressional and down-ballot offices. It is simply not believable that Biden won the election honestly.
Trump won bellwether Ohio, which no winning president has failed to carry in that state's history, by a more considerable margin than he did in 2016. Pennsylvania was trending the same on Election Night until they mysteriously stopped counting votes late in the evening. Moreover, Philadelphia blocked access to Republican poll-watchers on Election Day — despite a U.S. Supreme Court order — to investigate the irregularity. Similar fraudulent actions occurred in Maricopa County, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
And then there is the cyber-fraud. Against all odds, a private citizen, Mike Lindell, is exposing the cyber-election fraud in his friendly Midwestern way. He has a new social media site that cannot be de-platformed by Big Tech. He has done his homework on foreign cyber-interference in the election.
Yes, Lindell is that guy who was a gambling and crack addict and is now a born-again Christian. He believes that God will deliver him on his divine appointment. He is fearless, and there is nothing Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow can do to stop him. The more the big-box stores ban his MyPillow products, the more the deplorables step up their online purchases directly from the company. The spectacle of Lindell's approach brings much attention to his message and the scale of the cyber-in the 2020 election.

Data compiled by Mike Lindell, edited by Jeff Lukens. Source: Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0.
Lindell estimates that close to 3,000 cyber-attacks occurred from around the world on Nov. 3–4. He has identified 20 attacks alone where Trump votes were flipped for Biden votes and were enough to change the election outcome. Notice the timestamp, source, and target I.P. address, and the number of Trump votes flipped to Biden. This evidence demonstrates irrefutable foreign interference in our election. The evidence is hard proof that cannot be changed or altered or explained away.
Lindell has filed a court case and insists that Biden will be removed from office after a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on his case, but that remains to be seen.
Both Navarro's ground fraud and Lindell's cyber-fraud were enough to swing the election independently. Together, there is overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen.
So now, further evidence is being uncovered ballot by ballot in a laborious forensic audit in Arizona. The audits will find corroborating documentation to help frame the questions that need to be asked as we go forward with this process.
The 2020 election saw an unusual influx of private funds into local election offices, which then decided to ignore state laws regarding election integrity. Where are the ballot transfer forms documenting the chain of custody of Fulton County, Georgia, on ballots placed in neighborhood drop boxes? How were millions of dollars from Facebook used by local election offices, and did it give preference to one candidate over the other? Why did state officials make a deal with a voting machine contractor that doesn't allow them to obtain data and computer code on the machines essential for a forensic audit?
To have confidence in the 2020 election, these questions and more will need to be answered. Government officials dodging questions makes us question the election even more. If there is nothing to hide, why are Democrats putting up huge money for criminal defense attorneys for election issues?
Maricopa County, Arizona is nearing completion of its full forensic audit, and Georgia is about to begin its own. There are rumblings that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states will soon do the same.
The U.S. Senate may look quite different after the audits are complete. We may find that David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from Georgia should be seated in the Senate, and Martha McSally from Arizona, and John James from Michigan.
The 2020 election fraud is one of the most egregious crimes in history. Much detailed preparation went into stealing this election across all states. It was planned well in advance to be sprung on Election Day to put Biden over the top, and it will soon be fully exposed.
We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more. And a groundswell is brewing on the right. These folks were once called the Silent Majority, but now they're suddenly not so silent anymore. When the left invalidated the people's votes with all their cheating, they also lost the people's consent to be governed by them. People are ticked off and have had it with the lies of the left and are not going to take it anymore.
Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative political activist. He can be reached here.
Leftists believe what they’re told by their “news” sources and nothing more.
You can just smell the conspiracy board for this batshit.
The batshit that had 7 states pick alternative electors? The same batshit that had the PA. legislature writing Pence asking him not to certify their state?
The PA legislature made no such request. You're confusing a letter written by republican legislators in PA with a letter written by the PA legislature. You may not understand the difference between a legislator and a legislature, but the law certainly does.

Second, that letter by republican legislators in PA don't allege any fraud. Instead, they argued that the Secretary of State usurped legislative authority by curing ballots.

The validity of the PA count was thoroughly adjudicated by the federal judicary. And they found no such violations, nor any of the fraud you're alleging.

"This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated. One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.

That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

Justice Brann

Yet you're still apeing these failed talking points......when you're not just making shit up. As the PA legislature didn't make the request you're alleging.
You can just smell the conspiracy board for this batshit.
The batshit that had 7 states pick alternative electors? The same batshit that had the PA. legislature writing Pence asking him not to certify their state?
The PA legislature made no such request. You're confusing a letter written by republican legislators in PA with a letter written by the PA legislature. You may not understand the difference between a legislator and a legislature, but the law certainly does.

Second, that letter by republican legislators in PA don't allege any fraud. Instead, they argued that the Secretary of State usurped legislative authority by curing ballots.

The validity of the PA count was thoroughly adjudicated by the federal judicary. And they found no such violations, nor any of the fraud you're alleging.

"This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated. One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.

That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

Justice Brann

Yet you're still apeing these failed talking points......when you're not just making shit up. As the PA legislature didn't make the request you're alleging.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Corruption is rampant, fuck that judge.

will not be going away any time soon.​

By Jeff Lukens

There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats' playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.
In his report, Peter Navarro provides abundant evidence that the presidential election results resulted from widespread fraud, ballot-stuffing, and other election irregularities.
Navarro claims that the Democrat grand strategy was to dramatically increase absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing ballot verification in battleground states. The goal was to tip the election to Biden with a flood of illegal votes. Molly Ball confirms this strategy in her infamous TIME Magazine article.

Source: The Navarro Report.


Trump received millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and Republicans swept most congressional and down-ballot offices. It is simply not believable that Biden won the election honestly.
Trump won bellwether Ohio, which no winning president has failed to carry in that state's history, by a more considerable margin than he did in 2016. Pennsylvania was trending the same on Election Night until they mysteriously stopped counting votes late in the evening. Moreover, Philadelphia blocked access to Republican poll-watchers on Election Day — despite a U.S. Supreme Court order — to investigate the irregularity. Similar fraudulent actions occurred in Maricopa County, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
And then there is the cyber-fraud. Against all odds, a private citizen, Mike Lindell, is exposing the cyber-election fraud in his friendly Midwestern way. He has a new social media site that cannot be de-platformed by Big Tech. He has done his homework on foreign cyber-interference in the election.
Yes, Lindell is that guy who was a gambling and crack addict and is now a born-again Christian. He believes that God will deliver him on his divine appointment. He is fearless, and there is nothing Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow can do to stop him. The more the big-box stores ban his MyPillow products, the more the deplorables step up their online purchases directly from the company. The spectacle of Lindell's approach brings much attention to his message and the scale of the cyber-in the 2020 election.

Data compiled by Mike Lindell, edited by Jeff Lukens. Source: Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0.
Lindell estimates that close to 3,000 cyber-attacks occurred from around the world on Nov. 3–4. He has identified 20 attacks alone where Trump votes were flipped for Biden votes and were enough to change the election outcome. Notice the timestamp, source, and target I.P. address, and the number of Trump votes flipped to Biden. This evidence demonstrates irrefutable foreign interference in our election. The evidence is hard proof that cannot be changed or altered or explained away.
Lindell has filed a court case and insists that Biden will be removed from office after a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on his case, but that remains to be seen.
Both Navarro's ground fraud and Lindell's cyber-fraud were enough to swing the election independently. Together, there is overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen.
So now, further evidence is being uncovered ballot by ballot in a laborious forensic audit in Arizona. The audits will find corroborating documentation to help frame the questions that need to be asked as we go forward with this process.
The 2020 election saw an unusual influx of private funds into local election offices, which then decided to ignore state laws regarding election integrity. Where are the ballot transfer forms documenting the chain of custody of Fulton County, Georgia, on ballots placed in neighborhood drop boxes? How were millions of dollars from Facebook used by local election offices, and did it give preference to one candidate over the other? Why did state officials make a deal with a voting machine contractor that doesn't allow them to obtain data and computer code on the machines essential for a forensic audit?
To have confidence in the 2020 election, these questions and more will need to be answered. Government officials dodging questions makes us question the election even more. If there is nothing to hide, why are Democrats putting up huge money for criminal defense attorneys for election issues?
Maricopa County, Arizona is nearing completion of its full forensic audit, and Georgia is about to begin its own. There are rumblings that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states will soon do the same.
The U.S. Senate may look quite different after the audits are complete. We may find that David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from Georgia should be seated in the Senate, and Martha McSally from Arizona, and John James from Michigan.
The 2020 election fraud is one of the most egregious crimes in history. Much detailed preparation went into stealing this election across all states. It was planned well in advance to be sprung on Election Day to put Biden over the top, and it will soon be fully exposed.
We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more. And a groundswell is brewing on the right. These folks were once called the Silent Majority, but now they're suddenly not so silent anymore. When the left invalidated the people's votes with all their cheating, they also lost the people's consent to be governed by them. People are ticked off and have had it with the lies of the left and are not going to take it anymore.
Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative political activist. He can be reached here.
Leftists believe what they’re told by their “news” sources and nothing more.
Or...the official counts. The recounts. The certified results. The electoral count. And electoral college vote.

All of which you ignore in favor of 'the navarro report'. I'll go with the actual results over your flat earth conspiracy bullshit anyday, Truther.
You can just smell the conspiracy board for this batshit.
The batshit that had 7 states pick alternative electors? The same batshit that had the PA. legislature writing Pence asking him not to certify their state?
The PA legislature made no such request. You're confusing a letter written by republican legislators in PA with a letter written by the PA legislature. You may not understand the difference between a legislator and a legislature, but the law certainly does.

Second, that letter by republican legislators in PA don't allege any fraud. Instead, they argued that the Secretary of State usurped legislative authority by curing ballots.

The validity of the PA count was thoroughly adjudicated by the federal judicary. And they found no such violations, nor any of the fraud you're alleging.

"This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated. One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens.

That has not happened. Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

Justice Brann

Yet you're still apeing these failed talking points......when you're not just making shit up. As the PA legislature didn't make the request you're alleging.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:Corruption is rampant, fuck that judge.
Any arrest yet?

will not be going away any time soon.​

By Jeff Lukens

There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats' playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.
In his report, Peter Navarro provides abundant evidence that the presidential election results resulted from widespread fraud, ballot-stuffing, and other election irregularities.
Navarro claims that the Democrat grand strategy was to dramatically increase absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing ballot verification in battleground states. The goal was to tip the election to Biden with a flood of illegal votes. Molly Ball confirms this strategy in her infamous TIME Magazine article.

Source: The Navarro Report.


Trump received millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and Republicans swept most congressional and down-ballot offices. It is simply not believable that Biden won the election honestly.
Trump won bellwether Ohio, which no winning president has failed to carry in that state's history, by a more considerable margin than he did in 2016. Pennsylvania was trending the same on Election Night until they mysteriously stopped counting votes late in the evening. Moreover, Philadelphia blocked access to Republican poll-watchers on Election Day — despite a U.S. Supreme Court order — to investigate the irregularity. Similar fraudulent actions occurred in Maricopa County, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
And then there is the cyber-fraud. Against all odds, a private citizen, Mike Lindell, is exposing the cyber-election fraud in his friendly Midwestern way. He has a new social media site that cannot be de-platformed by Big Tech. He has done his homework on foreign cyber-interference in the election.
Yes, Lindell is that guy who was a gambling and crack addict and is now a born-again Christian. He believes that God will deliver him on his divine appointment. He is fearless, and there is nothing Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow can do to stop him. The more the big-box stores ban his MyPillow products, the more the deplorables step up their online purchases directly from the company. The spectacle of Lindell's approach brings much attention to his message and the scale of the cyber-in the 2020 election.

Data compiled by Mike Lindell, edited by Jeff Lukens. Source: Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0.
Lindell estimates that close to 3,000 cyber-attacks occurred from around the world on Nov. 3–4. He has identified 20 attacks alone where Trump votes were flipped for Biden votes and were enough to change the election outcome. Notice the timestamp, source, and target I.P. address, and the number of Trump votes flipped to Biden. This evidence demonstrates irrefutable foreign interference in our election. The evidence is hard proof that cannot be changed or altered or explained away.
Lindell has filed a court case and insists that Biden will be removed from office after a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on his case, but that remains to be seen.
Both Navarro's ground fraud and Lindell's cyber-fraud were enough to swing the election independently. Together, there is overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen.
So now, further evidence is being uncovered ballot by ballot in a laborious forensic audit in Arizona. The audits will find corroborating documentation to help frame the questions that need to be asked as we go forward with this process.
The 2020 election saw an unusual influx of private funds into local election offices, which then decided to ignore state laws regarding election integrity. Where are the ballot transfer forms documenting the chain of custody of Fulton County, Georgia, on ballots placed in neighborhood drop boxes? How were millions of dollars from Facebook used by local election offices, and did it give preference to one candidate over the other? Why did state officials make a deal with a voting machine contractor that doesn't allow them to obtain data and computer code on the machines essential for a forensic audit?
To have confidence in the 2020 election, these questions and more will need to be answered. Government officials dodging questions makes us question the election even more. If there is nothing to hide, why are Democrats putting up huge money for criminal defense attorneys for election issues?
Maricopa County, Arizona is nearing completion of its full forensic audit, and Georgia is about to begin its own. There are rumblings that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states will soon do the same.
The U.S. Senate may look quite different after the audits are complete. We may find that David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from Georgia should be seated in the Senate, and Martha McSally from Arizona, and John James from Michigan.
The 2020 election fraud is one of the most egregious crimes in history. Much detailed preparation went into stealing this election across all states. It was planned well in advance to be sprung on Election Day to put Biden over the top, and it will soon be fully exposed.
We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more. And a groundswell is brewing on the right. These folks were once called the Silent Majority, but now they're suddenly not so silent anymore. When the left invalidated the people's votes with all their cheating, they also lost the people's consent to be governed by them. People are ticked off and have had it with the lies of the left and are not going to take it anymore.
Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative political activist. He can be reached here.

Here we go again. Volumes of plagiarized right wing propaganda generously lathered with a rancid coating of trump defeat syndrome.
Carry on.

Giant block posts of shit they've never ready, nor understand.....but awkwardly try to ape.

Its like watching a toddler try to walk in their daddy's shoes.

will not be going away any time soon.​

By Jeff Lukens

There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats' playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.
In his report, Peter Navarro provides abundant evidence that the presidential election results resulted from widespread fraud, ballot-stuffing, and other election irregularities.
Navarro claims that the Democrat grand strategy was to dramatically increase absentee and mail-in ballots while dramatically decreasing ballot verification in battleground states. The goal was to tip the election to Biden with a flood of illegal votes. Molly Ball confirms this strategy in her infamous TIME Magazine article.

Source: The Navarro Report.


Trump received millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and Republicans swept most congressional and down-ballot offices. It is simply not believable that Biden won the election honestly.
Trump won bellwether Ohio, which no winning president has failed to carry in that state's history, by a more considerable margin than he did in 2016. Pennsylvania was trending the same on Election Night until they mysteriously stopped counting votes late in the evening. Moreover, Philadelphia blocked access to Republican poll-watchers on Election Day — despite a U.S. Supreme Court order — to investigate the irregularity. Similar fraudulent actions occurred in Maricopa County, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Detroit, and Milwaukee.
And then there is the cyber-fraud. Against all odds, a private citizen, Mike Lindell, is exposing the cyber-election fraud in his friendly Midwestern way. He has a new social media site that cannot be de-platformed by Big Tech. He has done his homework on foreign cyber-interference in the election.
Yes, Lindell is that guy who was a gambling and crack addict and is now a born-again Christian. He believes that God will deliver him on his divine appointment. He is fearless, and there is nothing Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddow can do to stop him. The more the big-box stores ban his MyPillow products, the more the deplorables step up their online purchases directly from the company. The spectacle of Lindell's approach brings much attention to his message and the scale of the cyber-in the 2020 election.

Data compiled by Mike Lindell, edited by Jeff Lukens. Source: Mike Lindell Presents: Absolutely 9-0.
Lindell estimates that close to 3,000 cyber-attacks occurred from around the world on Nov. 3–4. He has identified 20 attacks alone where Trump votes were flipped for Biden votes and were enough to change the election outcome. Notice the timestamp, source, and target I.P. address, and the number of Trump votes flipped to Biden. This evidence demonstrates irrefutable foreign interference in our election. The evidence is hard proof that cannot be changed or altered or explained away.
Lindell has filed a court case and insists that Biden will be removed from office after a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on his case, but that remains to be seen.
Both Navarro's ground fraud and Lindell's cyber-fraud were enough to swing the election independently. Together, there is overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen.
So now, further evidence is being uncovered ballot by ballot in a laborious forensic audit in Arizona. The audits will find corroborating documentation to help frame the questions that need to be asked as we go forward with this process.
The 2020 election saw an unusual influx of private funds into local election offices, which then decided to ignore state laws regarding election integrity. Where are the ballot transfer forms documenting the chain of custody of Fulton County, Georgia, on ballots placed in neighborhood drop boxes? How were millions of dollars from Facebook used by local election offices, and did it give preference to one candidate over the other? Why did state officials make a deal with a voting machine contractor that doesn't allow them to obtain data and computer code on the machines essential for a forensic audit?
To have confidence in the 2020 election, these questions and more will need to be answered. Government officials dodging questions makes us question the election even more. If there is nothing to hide, why are Democrats putting up huge money for criminal defense attorneys for election issues?
Maricopa County, Arizona is nearing completion of its full forensic audit, and Georgia is about to begin its own. There are rumblings that Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and other states will soon do the same.
The U.S. Senate may look quite different after the audits are complete. We may find that David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler from Georgia should be seated in the Senate, and Martha McSally from Arizona, and John James from Michigan.
The 2020 election fraud is one of the most egregious crimes in history. Much detailed preparation went into stealing this election across all states. It was planned well in advance to be sprung on Election Day to put Biden over the top, and it will soon be fully exposed.
We all know that elections matter. Well, stolen elections matter even more. And a groundswell is brewing on the right. These folks were once called the Silent Majority, but now they're suddenly not so silent anymore. When the left invalidated the people's votes with all their cheating, they also lost the people's consent to be governed by them. People are ticked off and have had it with the lies of the left and are not going to take it anymore.
Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative political activist. He can be reached here.
Leftists believe what they’re told by their “news” sources and nothing more.
Or...the official counts. The recounts. The certified results. The electoral count. And electoral college vote.

All of which you ignore in favor of 'the navarro report'. I'll go with the actual results over your flat earth conspiracy bullshit anyday, Truther.
The audits with Dominion on site? We are supposed to believe those? No.
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