2016 will be the year of living dangerously


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Next president is going to have a big clean up job...
Why 2016 will be the year of living dangerously.
January 28, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley


Benjamin B. Wagner, an Obama appointee, is theU.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California, a vast region from Oregon to Los Angeles County. Wagner claims that “preventing acts of terrorism is my top priority” but his recentcommentary for theSacramento Beeleaves room for reasonable doubt.


This escapes the notice of Wagner, who complains “many Americans continue to harbor prejudices against Muslim Americans.” He cites vandalism and “death threats” but the U.S. attorney has no casualty list. Bullying is also a problem and “women wearing a hijab – the Muslim head scarf – are particular targets.” In many cases, Wagner explains, “this conduct may be illegal. Federal hate crime laws, which my office enforces, protect persons from violence or threats of violence based on religion.”

This kind of “vindictive conduct directed against Muslim Americans,” the Obama appointee explains, “undermines national security.” According to Wagner, “the Muslim community is a critical partner in combating radicalization to violence.” Wagner has “spent a lot of time with members of the Muslim community” and “encountered warmth and hospitality everywhere.” The Muslims, he writes, “tell me constantly how horrified and repelled they are by terrorists who claim the mantle of Islam,” but the U.S. Attorney provides not a single example of Muslim cooperation against terrorism.

In the case of Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, local CAIR director Basim Elkarra told reporters that nobody in local mosques even recognized the Iraqi refugee.Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez, who in 2009 received a community service award from the FBI, did not go on record in the Al-Jayab case. The high-profile Abdul-Azeez had previously referred to the Tsarnaev brothers as “these two kids” and lamented that people had died in “the explosions.” in Boston.

U.S. Attorney Wagner writes that “harassment and hostility is likely to weaken the bond between Muslim Americans and law enforcement.” What cooperation the FBI has received from Muslim Americans in the wake of San Bernardino remains unclear. Federal agents have been unable to locate the hard drive from the Muslim couple’s home and an 18-minute gap remains in the timeline. As the FBI’s David Bowdich told reporters, “you just don’t know if they met with someone, and that is disconcerting.”

Also disconcerting are the priorities of U.S. Attorney Benjamin B. Wagner, and those of the man who appointed him. In the Eastern District of California, across the nation and abroad, 2016 will be the year of living dangerously.

U.S. Attorney Shows Skewed Priorities on Terrorism

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