
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left is having the worst two months I have ever seen. Their ideology is being rejected around the globe. England voted to exit the EU, which in turn caused their left-wing PM to step down. He was replaced by a conservative. The elections in France right now are being dominated by the right-wing and far right-wing parties. And of course, Donald Trump crushed Hitlery Clinton in the U.S. election.

As if all of that wasn't bad enough for them, now their entire ideology is being exposed for the false narrative that it is. First they supported government bailouts for everything from Wall Street to GM to Solyndra and more (so much for their false narrative about how they abhor "corporate welfare"). Then heroin - a completley illegal, completely banned substance, surpassed firearms as a cause of death in America (so much for their false narrative that outlawing something solves a problem with it). And now one of their favorite false narratives has been obliterated. Their claim that we need illegal/unconstitutional government because so many are starving, homeless, lack healthcare, etc.

Well, Jill Stein managed to raise $6.3 million dollars in just a few short weeks for "recount" efforts in several key states. Now, according to progressives, nothing is more important than taking care of people. So if they can raise that much money in just a few short weeks to keep Donald Trump out of the White House, just imagine what they could do with fund raising efforts for the hungry, the homeless, and the uninusured (among other causes). And...unlike this effort....a humanitarian charity effort would be joined by all Americans - not just hard left progressives.

Another day, another progressive false narrative exposed.

Jill Stein Raised More Money for Her Recount Than She Did During the Election
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
With the failed recounts and failed Russia conspiracies...get ready Hilary is going to get thrown under the bus as the reason why they lost.

By the way I really miss the Hillary falling down head bobbing videos
The reason we are a divided nation is because of scumbag politicians and the "progressive" media who dishonestly conspire to manipulate public opinion. If they had an ounce of integrity, they would have the decency to allow Trump to take office before criticizing his Presidency. Instead, they have undertaken to delegitimize our entire electoral process for partisan political purposes. Those who support these efforts are traitors to their own country and its Constitution.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...
It was the democrats stance against coal...

Rand Paul: Trump ‘Got 70% in Eastern Kentucky, and I Don’t Think It Had Anything to Do With the Russians’
December 12, 2016 – Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday that despite recent reports that Russia may have interfered with the presidential election, it should be noted that President-elect Donald Trump “got 70 percent in eastern Kentucky,” and it had nothing to do with Russia.
“I will tell you, though, that Donald Trump got 70 percent in eastern Kentucky and I don't think it had anything to do with the Russians. He got 70 percent because in eastern Kentucky we didn't like what President Obama or Hillary Clinton wanted to do to our coal jobs. It didn't have anything to do with the Russians,” Paul said. “Let's begin with this issue of Russia,” Stephanopoulos said. “We have President-elect Trump out there this morning calling the CIA assessment that Russia was trying to help elect him ridiculous. He also questions -- says he doesn't believe the earlier findings of all 17 intelligence agencies that Russia was trying to get involved in our elections. You just heard Reince Priebus there as well. What do you make of all that?”

“You know, I think we need to get to the bottom of it, and I think there should be an investigation because in order to defend ourselves against other adversarial countries, we have to protect our information, but one of the things that came out of the campaign, as I recall, was a high ranking Clinton official, I believe, sent their password via email,” Paul noted. “We also need to learn how to protect our own information, and I think that's important as well, but I will tell you, though, that Donald Trump got 70 percent in eastern Kentucky and I don't think it had anything to do with the Russians,” Paul said. “He got 70 percent because in eastern Kentucky we didn't like what President Obama or Hillary Clinton wanted to do to our coal jobs. It didn't have anything to do with the Russians.

Stephanopoulos said no conclusions were drawn “about whether or not it affected the outcome of the election. “They weren't drawing that conclusion at all,” he said, “but what do you do -- and you're a member of the Senate foreign relations committee -- what do you do as you continue to investigate this if the evidence continues to pile up that Russia was trying to influence our elections? How should the U.S. respond? Stephanopoulos asked.

“You know, I think it's a little premature to talk about response until we know exactly what happened, but we should know what happened, and we should know how to defend ourselves without question,” Paul said. “This is an ongoing threat from a variety of sources around the world, and actually I think it works both ways. I'm not privy to it, but I think all of the various country that have the ability are invading each other's computers all the time, but we have to protect our data. It's very important,” he added.

Rand Paul: Trump ‘Got 70% in Eastern Kentucky, and I Don’t Think It Had Anything to Do With the Russians’
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...

Once you go straight to the "your side" stuff I just tune out bub, you can have alla that stuff.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...

Once you go straight to the "your side" stuff I just tune out bub, you can have alla that stuff.
So you start your first post with "you all" and then you whine when I respond with "your side of the aisle"? :lmao:

The fact that you don't see the irony there is hilarious. Look - let's be honest. You "tune out" every time your hypocrisy is exposed. You "tune out" every time you can't come up with a rational explanation for why you contradict yourself. You "tune out" every time you can't win an argument but desperately want to due to your partisan views.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...

Once you go straight to the "your side" stuff I just tune out bub, you can have alla that stuff.
Good... because none of it needs to be polluted by progs anyway. You people screw up everything you touch.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...

Once you go straight to the "your side" stuff I just tune out bub, you can have alla that stuff.
So you start your first post with "you all" and then you whine when I respond with "your side of the aisle"? :lmao:

The fact that you don't see the irony there is hilarious. Look - let's be honest. You "tune out" every time your hypocrisy is exposed. You "tune out" every time you can't come up with a rational explanation for why you contradict yourself. You "tune out" every time you can't win an argument but desperately want to due to your partisan views.

"You all" allows you to align yourself shoog, think about it.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...

Once you go straight to the "your side" stuff I just tune out bub, you can have alla that stuff.
Good... because none of it needs to be polluted by progs anyway. You people screw up everything you touch.

Guilt, sin, blame; that's how we avoid any and all responsibility isn't it.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...

Once you go straight to the "your side" stuff I just tune out bub, you can have alla that stuff.
So you start your first post with "you all" and then you whine when I respond with "your side of the aisle"? :lmao:

The fact that you don't see the irony there is hilarious. Look - let's be honest. You "tune out" every time your hypocrisy is exposed. You "tune out" every time you can't come up with a rational explanation for why you contradict yourself. You "tune out" every time you can't win an argument but desperately want to due to your partisan views.

"You all" allows you to align yourself shoog, think about it.
It places everyone on the opposite side....think about it. Had you said "we", then you would have a case. Nice try though. A for effort.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
"Media thing"?!? What the heck are you talking about? This is about the 2016 Election Recount and how it is collapsing on the heads of the Democrats.

Don't you find it fascinating that Jill Stein could raise $6.3 million so quickly while your side of the aisle insists that unconstitutional government is necessary because there is no other way to provide aid to those in need? I sure do. Oops...

Once you go straight to the "your side" stuff I just tune out bub, you can have alla that stuff.
So you start your first post with "you all" and then you whine when I respond with "your side of the aisle"? :lmao:

The fact that you don't see the irony there is hilarious. Look - let's be honest. You "tune out" every time your hypocrisy is exposed. You "tune out" every time you can't come up with a rational explanation for why you contradict yourself. You "tune out" every time you can't win an argument but desperately want to due to your partisan views.

"You all" allows you to align yourself shoog, think about it.
It places everyone on the opposite side....think about it. Had you said "we", then you would have a case. Nice try though. A for effort.

If only we had an example.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
Ya'll need to keep your muslim swigging nose out of our business.
Ya'll need to make a decision at some point, on this media thing. You seem to be rather schizophrenic about whether to believe the media or not. You wiil still be free to hate about half of your fellow citizens in this exceptional nation of course.
Ya'll need to keep your muslim swigging nose out of our business.

Or ya can just stay stuck at schizophrenic I reckon.

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