$200,000 annually to feed a family of four


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Does It Really Cost This Tea Party Congressman $200,000 to Feed His Family? - DailyFinance

So, let's see: $600,000 minus $400,000 for reinvestment leaves $200,000 that Fleming has budgeted to "feed his family." In other words, the congressman's yearly food budget is more than the total take home salary for four average families.

And how many people does Fleming's $200,000 feed? Well, the congressman and his wife Cindy have four grown children. Assuming that the pair still has all of their children living under the same roof, the USDA's food allotment under its "Moderate-cost" plan would total $378.90 per week, or $19,702 per year. So, Congressman Fleming is budgeting more than 10 times the average yearly food cost for a family his size.

When Jansing pointed out the vast gap between the average American salary and Fleming's, the congressman responded: "Class warfare has never created a job."

Apparently, however, it puts a lot of food on the table.

Oh, sir. Sir, sir, sir; talking points have never created a job, either.
Maybe they eat out every night at some fancy-schmancy restuarant in Georgetown?

You wouldn't want them to sacrifice their lifestyle now would you?

Or are you some kind of class warrior?

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