20 State Attorneys General Say HR 1 is Unconstitutional


May 23, 2014
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
That won't bother the national demrats in the least.
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
I noticed you didn't point out the unconstitutional law nor how it was unconstitutional.
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.

Tiberious Xiden will just executive order it in with the batch he signs that day,
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
That won't bother the national demrats in the least.

The Rats are above the Law....if they can steal an election ... you think they are going to care about that insignificance???
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
I noticed you didn't point out the unconstitutional law nor how it was unconstitutional.
Article I allows the states the right to hold their own elections and control elections in their states. Just for starters.
The attorneys general said the bill "betrays several Constitutional deficiencies and alarming mandates" that would "federalize" statewide elections across America and that "states have principal —and with presidential elections, exclusive — responsibility to safeguard" how they hold elections under the Constitution.

Which is an inaccurate statement.

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)

Congress has every right to make election law and has been for many, many years.
When you have no watchdog watching you and you actually have a news media protecting you and a sick subculture promoting you and you own unionized public education and you seem to get away with whatever you do legal or not because of a weak opposition in the republican party...you will try anything....who knows you just might get it....legal or not.....
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
I noticed you didn't point out the unconstitutional law nor how it was unconstitutional.
Article I allows the states the right to hold their own elections and control elections in their states. Just for starters.
That is untrue according to article 1 section 4 of the Constitution.

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
I noticed you didn't point out the unconstitutional law nor how it was unconstitutional.
Article I allows the states the right to hold their own elections and control elections in their states. Just for starters.
That is untrue according to article 1 section 4 of the Constitution.

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)

That's for members of Congress but what if it's a Presidential election year?
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
I noticed you didn't point out the unconstitutional law nor how it was unconstitutional.
Article I allows the states the right to hold their own elections and control elections in their states. Just for starters.
That is untrue according to article 1 section 4 of the Constitution.

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)

That's for members of Congress but what if it's a Presidential election year?
Electoral College is sacrosanct.
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
I noticed you didn't point out the unconstitutional law nor how it was unconstitutional.
Article I allows the states the right to hold their own elections and control elections in their states. Just for starters.
That is untrue according to article 1 section 4 of the Constitution.

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)

That's for members of Congress but what if it's a Presidential election year?
Electoral College is sacrosanct.

For the demoncRats globlalists thugs nothing is sacred.

They are on a mission of destruction.

They will stop at nothing until total destruction of America is achieved.....or until they are stopped.
It IS unconstitutional! Manifestly. The rules for each state election MUST be made by that state's legislature. For the Congress to usurp that function is patently unconstitutional.

The Democrats - in this as in many things - rely on one major shortcoming in the Federal court system: The Supreme Court cannot simply issue an advisory opinion on the Constitutionality of a law. In order for the law to "become" unconstitutional it is necessary for a Plaintiff with legal standing to file a complaint in Federal District Court, lose the case there and appeal it to the Circuit Court of Appeals, lose there, and go to the Supreme Court. It is quite likely that by the time the Supreme Court even SEES the case, it will be 2024.

Leftists are evil.
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.

Are these the same AGs who argued that other states' elections weren't valid that was subsequently tossed by SCOTUS for lack of standing?

It IS unconstitutional! Manifestly. The rules for each state election MUST be made by that state's legislature. For the Congress to usurp that function is patently unconstitutional.

The Democrats - in this as in many things - rely on one major shortcoming in the Federal court system: The Supreme Court cannot simply issue an advisory opinion on the Constitutionality of a law. In order for the law to "become" unconstitutional it is necessary for a Plaintiff with legal standing to file a complaint in Federal District Court, lose the case there and appeal it to the Circuit Court of Appeals, lose there, and go to the Supreme Court. It is quite likely that by the time the Supreme Court even SEES the case, it will be 2024.

Leftists are evil.

When did you start giving a shit about COTUS?

You rubes thought that the Trumptard AGs could intervene in other states' elections.
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
In what way is it unconstitutional?
This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
I noticed you didn't point out the unconstitutional law nor how it was unconstitutional.
Article I allows the states the right to hold their own elections and control elections in their states. Just for starters.
That is untrue according to article 1 section 4 of the Constitution.

"The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)
Think again. Congress can have a say in "who" has a right to vote, but not "how" states run elections. Election integrity is essential to a democracy and liberal's need to stop playing the phony race card. Nobody is disenfranchised from voting in the United States in 21st Century. If you are too fucking lazy to go get an ID over a two year time span, and during that same two years you go to the grocery store, the bank, the gas station...but you can't show up in person and early vote...fuck you.
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This absolutely amateurish grandstanding legislation was doomed from the start. Either House Democrats are ignorant of the Constitution of the United States, or they are just plain dumb. Well, they have wanted to ignore Constitution since Pelosi has been a leader in the Party.
In what way is it unconstitutional?
Congress cannot change state election laws.

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