2 day old baby medically kidknapped at hospital in Canada filmed live on facebook


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
2-Day Old Baby Medically Kidnapped at Hospital in Canada Filmed Live on Facebook

Police remove baby as family members cry, cuddle the child and then carefully place her in car seat

CPS are scum, they take people's kids for fake reasons, then sell them off to child sex slave rings, or they end up being raped.

They might have taken the baby because they didn't want to vaccinate.
2-Day Old Baby Medically Kidnapped at Hospital in Canada Filmed Live on Facebook

Police remove baby as family members cry, cuddle the child and then carefully place her in car seat

CPS are scum, they take people's kids for fake reasons, then sell them off to child sex slave rings, or they end up being raped.

They might have taken the baby because they didn't want to vaccinate.
my bio mom left me at the hospitol
Had me and got up and walked out and left me there
Don't know who she was til this day
2-Day Old Baby Medically Kidnapped at Hospital in Canada Filmed Live on Facebook

Police remove baby as family members cry, cuddle the child and then carefully place her in car seat

CPS are scum, they take people's kids for fake reasons, then sell them off to child sex slave rings, or they end up being raped.

They might have taken the baby because they didn't want to vaccinate.
my bio mom left me at the hospitol
Had me and got up and walked out and left me there
Don't know who she was til this day
Take comfort from the fact that she didn't leave you, the person you are, the person you have become. She left what was to her a problem she couldn't deal with. She was an inadequate person herself, and you were better off without her.
It's tough, of course, to go through life in this society when all around you share a myth of motherhood you cannot participate in. Yet, everyone has to navigate the treacherous river of growing up. We all have hard, hurtful incidents to overcome and integrate into experience and development. Women are just as confused and capable of doing damage as men, just usually not on the physical level so much. That could be even worse than men, because at least the physical is overt, easily identifiable.
You, the person here now, is not the bundle of flesh and blood and DNA you can trace back to that day. Hopefully, you have people who love you today, for whom you have become important, for whom you are appreciated. That is the 'real' you, not some squalling object wrapped in a blanket.
What your birth mother did was not admirable, not good, whatever her reasons. It made an additional challenge in life for you. Just keep in mind that she didn't do it to 'you'. She had some 'issue' we will never know about or understand. People do inexplicable things sometimes.
As humans, we feel regret for those of us who find themselves in your situation. No one diminishes your doubts and suffering as a result. You mustn't take it the wrong way, however. You are not to blame. You are not who was abandoned. You were not rejected. The woman was a slave to her illusions, her incapacities. They chased her away from her child. It was not you. You are blameless. You are free.
2-Day Old Baby Medically Kidnapped at Hospital in Canada Filmed Live on Facebook

Police remove baby as family members cry, cuddle the child and then carefully place her in car seat

CPS are scum, they take people's kids for fake reasons, then sell them off to child sex slave rings, or they end up being raped.

They might have taken the baby because they didn't want to vaccinate.
my bio mom left me at the hospitol
Had me and got up and walked out and left me there
Don't know who she was til this day

You must have had good foster parents. A guy I used to work with (he gave me jobs so he could use his tractor) was a foster parent to like..26 kids. He was a good dude! Nothing made him happier than when I cut some big stuff and rigged it to his tractor. He loved that. He was a good example and father to kids that would not have had one otherwise. That was his life mission, and I'd say he accomplished it.

Dammit! I don't even know what mine is yet. Whatever it is, I'm going to do it, though.
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Don't think the addict mothers don't feel remorse at times, we are all made in God's image.

Everyone knows right from wrong, it just depends on how selfish they are.
Sounds fishy. The article states arrangements had been made for the aunt to take custody. Wonder why that didn't happen
this is a total lie by the op...this has nothing to do with vaccines....lie much.....trump supporter?
no you are just a total dumbass clueless to reality

It's easy to think you know it all when you don't because being bull headed actually makes you have the knowledgeg of a six th grader oh wait kids do actually know this is true.

Sounds fishy. The article states arrangements had been made for the aunt to take custody. Wonder why that didn't happen
maybe they found out she was muslim or something dangerous....

I was thinking maybe a progressive
No, I said something dangerous, not something wonderful...duh

This is Canada -- where that mother who had that baby removed at least won't have to worry about being saddled with a huge hospital bill that puts her deeper in debt...all lives matter :5_1_12024:
2-Day Old Baby Medically Kidnapped at Hospital in Canada Filmed Live on Facebook

Police remove baby as family members cry, cuddle the child and then carefully place her in car seat

CPS are scum, they take people's kids for fake reasons, then sell them off to child sex slave rings, or they end up being raped.

They might have taken the baby because they didn't want to vaccinate.
You think CPS takes kids and sells them to child sex rings.

Dude, what are you on?
Taking a child away from a possible addict mother is NOT kidnapping

DONT YOU THink they should be sure shes an addict first???

Didn't read the article did you? You take the kid and THEN prove she is an addict. The evidence was already there. The child's safety comes first.

Besides, this is Canada. They do not have the same rights as Americans.
this is a total lie by the op...this has nothing to do with vaccines....lie much.....trump supporter?
no you are just a total dumbass clueless to reality

It's easy to think you know it all when you don't because being bull headed actually makes you have the knowledgeg of a six th grader oh wait kids do actually know this is true.


Speaking of sixth graders, how about getting one to fix that abortion of a last sentence?

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