1993-1994 was best time of my life


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I was living in my college dorms and meeting folks all over the country ;plus , I was in a fraternity

It was good times and I was popular

Odd they stuck all the Jewish students on the same floor

That was the best year of my life
What were you doing in that time frame and what year was your best

I was stationed at Fort Hood, TX in the 312th military intelligence battalion on a long range surveillance detachment. We had just returned from helping to enforce the no-fly zones over Iraq and were about to deploy to Africa. I took a couple of weeks of leave to go home and see my high school girlfriend in hopes of rekindling things between us. To say that failed miserably is being kind to myself. Her parents were/are radical leftist hippies who suddenly despised me for becoming a soldier. Turned out she was pregnant to a sailor and had dropped out of college. Regardless of all of that those were some really good and intense times.
I was in art school, working at a theme restaurant on the weekends getting high after work with my buddies at the all-night diner - it was a good time. A couple of years later things started going down hill - I was kicked out of school.

My best year was probably 1987. I had been in the Navy for two years and making decent money, and I had a couple of buddies and we partied a lot.

My most enlightening years have been the recent past decade realizing that the root of our social problems has to do with the inadequacies of the library classification systems and the inadequacies in the deployment of the three-part separation theory in government.

Please keep us up to date about your life - it is really very interesting.

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Hard to say.
It was all very interesting and lots of fun.
But I would never join a frat or live in a dorm.
I was paying the mortgage on the house my wife lived in 100 miles away from the university, so I was camping in a VW van to save money.
When it got 30 below, I looked for underground parking lots, like the library.

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