The press is hoping this biased coverage gets a win in either Florida or hopes of keeping Trump from the magic number of 1237 Delegates.
Since Friday night’s mayhem in Chicago, all three broadcast networks have made the violence surrounding Donald Trump’s rallies the near-exclusive focus of their campaign coverage. But an MRC analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC news coverage found that the left-wing protesters who forced the cancellation of a presidential campaign event escaped nearly all blame, as reporters dumped 94% of the blame on Trump and his campaign.
MRC analysts Mike Ciandella, Scott Whitlock and Kyle Drennen examined ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening show coverage from Saturday morning through Monday morning — a whopping 45 segments totalling nearly 85 minutes of airtime. They found that reporters specifically criticized the Trump campaign for its handling of the issue 46 times, vs. just three times when blame was placed on the left-wing protesters.
By 15-to-1 Margin, Networks Blame Trump, Not Lefties, for Campaign Violence
While a presidential candidate — especially a frontrunner — should obviously be held to the highest level of scrutiny, the media’s race to blame Trump skirted the role of the left-wing activists whose goal on Friday was not just to demonstrate their opposition to Trump, but to actually force the cancellation of his campaign event.
MRC analysts Mike Ciandella, Scott Whitlock and Kyle Drennen examined ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening show coverage from Saturday morning through Monday morning — a whopping 45 segments totalling nearly 85 minutes of airtime. They found that reporters specifically criticized the Trump campaign for its handling of the issue 46 times, vs. just three times when blame was placed on the left-wing protesters.
By 15-to-1 Margin, Networks Blame Trump, Not Lefties, for Campaign Violence
While a presidential candidate — especially a frontrunner — should obviously be held to the highest level of scrutiny, the media’s race to blame Trump skirted the role of the left-wing activists whose goal on Friday was not just to demonstrate their opposition to Trump, but to actually force the cancellation of his campaign event.