11 year old observation:It disappoints me that this country has come down to begging


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
“Yeah, what it really boils down to is this generation’s work ethic, and I think that’s how it’s going right now, it’s just disappointing. It disappoints me that this country has come down to begging instead of working hard for something you want and need,” Madison responded. “My dad has his own company. He’s an entrepreneur. My whole family has always been entrepreneurs. They always have some business going on.”
Glenn has best radio interview of the year? with an 11-year-old girl?! ? Glenn Beck

"A 11-year-old Oregon girl, Madison Root, who was told she was not allowed to sell her mistletoe at Portland, Oregon’s popular Saturday Market because city ordinance bans such commerce without proper approval. The security guard reportedly added that she could continue on the sidewalk outside or beg for donations instead.

Madison was looking to sell the mistletoe she had picked from her uncle’s farm as a way to offset the cost of her braces, but was chased away before she had a chance to sell any.
Glenn got wind of the story yesterday and decided Madison’s entrepreneurial spirit would make an excellent addition to The Marketplace by TheBlaze. 1,000 bags of ‘Madison’s Mistletoe’ was made available in The Marketplace this morning for $9.99 each and sold out almost immediately.
Madison is now working to put together more bags of her product.
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This is SO distressing! SHE has to pay for her OWN BRACES???

Isn't that child abuse by her parents?
Isn't that enough to have her parents put into jail?????
Wanting to work is what abuse her parents have given her. She needs to be retrained to accept begging. That way she can be of the poor fighting for free braces.
Glenn Beck plays you people like a cheap :boohoo: This is why Repubs can count on you conservative emo-types to vote for them.

Glenn Beck plays you people like a cheap :boohoo: This is why Repubs can count on you conservative emo-types to vote for them.


YET you put up these poor sob stories about people (THE EXCEPTION... NOT tHE RULE) like Obama did with his ACA signing and EVERY opportunity
to show some sob story about those BIG BAD insurance companies!

This dummy like YOU repeated this story about his mom...

In several speeches, as well as debates, Barack Obama claimed a heartless insurance company denied his mother, Ann Dunham, health care coverage because of a pre-existing cancer. Her medical bills mounted while her health failed, he said. Though she died a bankrupt woman in 1995, her nightmare inspired him to keep fighting for health care reform.
The heart-breaking anecdote was used to beat up insurers over denying pre-existing conditions and was key to selling ObamaCare. Except it wasn't true.
Even after a Dunham biographer in 2011 exposed the lie, though, the networks ignored it. There was zero coverage in 2011 and 2012. This year? Still nothing.

That's a tough thing to deal with — watching your mother die of something that could have been prevented," chimes in Michelle Obama, as photos of Dunham flash on the screen. "I don't think he wants to see anyone go through that."
Only, his mom never suffered such an injustice.
According to "A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother,"
Dunham had an employer-provided health insurance policy that paid her hospital bills directly. Her insurer never denied payment for her cancer treatment.
Her insurer "covered most of the costs of her medical treatment," "Singular Woman" author Janny Scott wrote.
"The hospital billed her insurance company directly, leaving Ann to pay only the deductible and any uncovered expenses."

The only argument was over disability benefits to replace lost wages, not medical insurance.
There was never any attempt by the insurer to deny Obama's mother medical "treatment," as he repeatedly claimed, or stick his mother with the hospital bills.
But then Obama knew this: As his mother's lawyer, he reviewed all insurance claims. When Scott's book was published, the White House didn't dispute her account.
With this fraudulent statement, Obama can't blame regulators or speechwriters. He wasn't misinformed; he didn't misspeak. This was a personal story. He knew intimately what happened, yet deliberately deceived the public into thinking something else in order to demonize the private insurance market and sell socialized medicine. And he used his late mother's tragedy to do it.
Biased Media Let Obama Get Away With Lie About Mom's Health Insurer - Investors.com

AND here is another gigantic Obama WHOPPER!!!
In a 2010 radio address, Obama claimed that one carrier was “systematically dropping the coverage of women diagnosed with breast cancer.”
The CEO of Wellpoint, which had reason to believe the president was referring to her company,
responded that they had provided coverage in the previous year to 200,000 breast-cancer patients and
had canceled just four policies for fraud or misrepresentation.

The Lies that Sold Obamacare | National Review Online
My eldest son would not work when a kid, not even for money. My youngest wants to work. This country still has the same percentage of takers as it does givers, the only diff now is we keep stats on it.
The word "shame" is politically incorrect.
it was "shameful" when people had to depend on food stamps, welfare,etc. Shameful kept more people employed.
Not today as it is wrong to "shame" people. To hold in low esteem people on food stamps,etc. is wrong.
And now today it is accepted by more and more people to accept assistance.
Today it is the EXCEPTIONAL person that wants to work like this 11 year old girl and that is the story... how sad.

As far as your "statistics"..here are the facts..

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain

Total federal and state welfare spending rose from $431 billion in 2000 and with 281,421,906 people this works out to per person expenditure of $1,531.
in 2011 total spending was $927 billion with population of 310,500,000 or per person of $2,985.
America on Welfare | The American Spectator

This is a 205% increase since 2000.

Per person expense appears to counter your comment..."same percentage of takers"... doesn't look that way at least with dollars spent per USA person!
“Yeah, what it really boils down to is this generation’s work ethic, and I think that’s how it’s going right now, it’s just disappointing. It disappoints me that this country has come down to begging instead of working hard for something you want and need,” Madison responded. “My dad has his own company. He’s an entrepreneur. My whole family has always been entrepreneurs. They always have some business going on.”
Glenn has best radio interview of the year? with an 11-year-old girl?! ? Glenn Beck

"A 11-year-old Oregon girl, Madison Root, who was told she was not allowed to sell her mistletoe at Portland, Oregon’s popular Saturday Market because city ordinance bans such commerce without proper approval. The security guard reportedly added that she could continue on the sidewalk outside or beg for donations instead.

Madison was looking to sell the mistletoe she had picked from her uncle’s farm as a way to offset the cost of her braces, but was chased away before she had a chance to sell any.
Glenn got wind of the story yesterday and decided Madison’s entrepreneurial spirit would make an excellent addition to The Marketplace by TheBlaze. 1,000 bags of ‘Madison’s Mistletoe’ was made available in The Marketplace this morning for $9.99 each and sold out almost immediately.
Madison is now working to put together more bags of her product.

Oh please, $9.99 for a bag of mistletoe isn't a donation? She probably had a heart rendering sign like "Fallen on hard times. Please help me to pay for my braces." And I'd say if she sold 1000 bags of it, she's paid for her braces about 4 times over.
Just heard her on the radio and her mistletoe is in such demand that she has 25 people now helping her put orders together. (if I heard correctly)

A business star is born!
Oh please, $9.99 for a bag of mistletoe isn't a donation? She probably had a heart rendering sign like "Fallen on hard times. Please help me to pay for my braces." And I'd say if she sold 1000 bags of it, she's paid for her braces about 4 times over.

Yes she is a liar and cheat.

Probably from the sign she probably had.
I'm sure Martin Bashir would have taken this child to task for going out
and trying to be an entrepreneur.

How dare anyone go out and try to earn money and go against wanting government assistance.
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