100+ Corporate Executives Consider Freezing Donations Over Laws Curbing Voting Access


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is good news.

republicans have been dependent on corporate money for their elections for decades.

Hopefully they pay attention to those executives and stop passing these voter suppression bills that are based on lies.

LOL look at all the Corporate ass kissers. They love them that Chinese slave labor and illegal brown labor.

You guys would had made great advocates for the Slave Trade 200 years ago. “It makes cotton much cheaper, and they are only doing jobs Americans won’t do.”
How many different groups and populations can the GOP be at odds with and remain viable?

I ask the same of you Nazis.

The NFL is down 70%. Is that what investors want? To lose revenue? The airlines exist on welfare, depending on cash from taxpayers, many of whom they slander and libel.

Clueless, virtue signaling fools.
LOL look at all the Corporate ass kissers. They love them that Chinese slave labor and illegal brown labor.

You guys would had made great advocates for the Slave Trade 200 years ago. “It makes cotton much cheaper, and they are only doing jobs Americans won’t do.”

They ARE the same ones who engaged in the slave trade.

democrats, democrats never change.

Evil is evil.
How many different groups and populations can the GOP be at odds with and remain viable?

I ask the same of you Nazis.

The NFL is down 70%. Is that what investors want? To lose revenue? The airlines exist on welfare, depending on cash from taxpayers, many of whom they slander and libel.

Clueless, virtue signaling fools.
I ask the same of you Nazis.

The NFL is down 70%. Is that what investors want? To lose revenue? The airlines exist on welfare, depending on cash from taxpayers, many of whom they slander and libel.

Clueless, virtue signaling fools.
Those “virtue signaling fools” are also much needed GOP donors, dope.
Oligarchs revealing themselves.
They have been there many, many years, where were yous?

It's republican economic policy that created those oligarchs.

It's those oligarchs that the republican party works for and only passes legislation for. It's what republicans have been working to turn out nation into since reagan.
Those “virtue signaling fools” are also much needed GOP donors, dope.

Seig Heil indeed.

You Nazis really are the depth of ignorance. What percent of industry do you think "100 corporations" represent?

Yes, entertainment and the China controlled mega-corps support your Reich, but it's small business, the working Americans who support freedom and decency.

The NFL pissing in the face of America aren't hurting the GOP. These gangbanging goons weren't giving to pro-American candidates in the first place.

Their giving to the Reich is going to drop 70% - it has to. And how will they continue to make billionaires out of players if they lose their audience, which they have?

The great hope America has in the face of the evil that is your Reich is that you are SO fucking stupid.
Oligarchs revealing themselves.
They have been there many, many years, where were yous?

It's republican economic policy that created those oligarchs.

It's those oligarchs that the republican party works for and only passes legislation for. It's what republicans have been working to turn out nation into since reagan.
Both parties accept bribes from the wealthy.
LOL look at all the Corporate ass kissers. They love them that Chinese slave labor and illegal brown labor.

You guys would had made great advocates for the Slave Trade 200 years ago. “It makes cotton much cheaper, and they are only doing jobs Americans won’t do.”
The globalcorps got trillions in bailouts via mass election fraud so they want that to continue.
This is good news.

republicans have been dependent on corporate money for their elections for decades.

Hopefully they pay attention to those executives and stop passing these voter suppression bills that are based on lies.

Yes making the dead show an ID to vote is certainly extreme suppression.
LOL look at all the Corporate ass kissers. They love them that Chinese slave labor and illegal brown labor.

You guys would had made great advocates for the Slave Trade 200 years ago. “It makes cotton much cheaper, and they are only doing jobs Americans won’t do.”
You loved it too since you bought it all yer life.

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