10 Traits Found In Socialists


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Agree or disagree...?

1.Socialists believe in the use of force to gain their personal ends. Whether it's light bulbs or alternative energy or public schools or national health care, in the end there's always a gun at your head to get you to conform. If a man holds you up in the street, does it matter if he wants the money for drugs or to bail out someone's mortgage? It's still a gun, and it's still armed robbery.

2.Socialists believe in slavery. Their concept is not the slavery of an individual owning another individual, but of a state owning the output of the individual. We are now forced to work four months out of the year for the federal government before we see a dime of our own income, and it's getting worse. Our new administrtion has just indebted every family an additional $11,000 without our permission or approval. This is economic slavery. (If you don't believe me, watch what happens if you don't pay your taxes. See No. 1 above.)

3.Socialists are racists. The content of the character doesn't matter; it's all about the color of the skin. Read the e-mail I received in response to last week's column, in which the writer somehow made the extraordinary leap in logic from my premise of government fiscal irresponsibility to William Byrd whipping slaves three centuries ago. Yes, Byrd was a nasty man. But what on earth did that have to do with the topic of my column? This illustrates that socialists will always bring up the subject of race, regardless of the prevailing drift of the conversation.
Most people tend to look at the content of peoples' character rather than the color of their skin. If someone is honest, hardworking and decent, then who cares what he looks like? But if they're angry, abusive and violent … then sorry, the content of their character is demonstrating that they're not people to associate with, regardless of skin color. Conservatives – true conservatives – really don't give a diddly darn about someone's melanin content. As columnist Burt Prelutsky put it, "… most white Americans don't spend a lot of time dwelling on anyone's race. They're much too busy trying to make a living and raise their kids."

4.Socialists believe the worst in everyone. They believe that we are all racists, therefore racism must be shoved in our faces constantly. They believe we are stingy, so we must have our money forcibly removed and redistributed to others. They believe we are heartless and that the only source of compassion is the government, so compassion becomes government-mandated.

5.Socialists think religion, especially Christianity, is stupid and nothing but a prop for the unwashed masses. Why else would they forbid expressions of faith anywhere except (grudgingly) within the walls of a church? Religious people are seen as uneducated, primitive, bitterly-clinging troglodytes.

6.Socialists believe in an ignorant society. How else can we explain their slavish devotion to a public school system that is so dumbed down that students can't read their own diplomas? Socialists know an ignorant society is good. Useful idiots are more amenable to dominance than citizens who have read and understood the documents of the Founding Fathers.

7.Socialists believe you have no right of self-defense. They don't even want you to talk about it in a school assignment. They pretend to have utter faith that government agents can protect you from any and all harm. In reality, it's the government agents that are among our biggest threats. What socialists are really concerned about is your ability to defend yourself against them.

8.Socialists are intolerant. If you have a dissenting opinion, you are mocked and ridiculed for having the temerity to disagree. Socialists do not believe in freedom of speech or they wouldn't be concerned about Rush Limbaugh or what ministers say from the pulpit.

9.Socialists are hypocrites. They expect the unwashed masses to conform to their ideals while they, the lofty and elite, are exempt. How else can you explain Al Gore's energy-sucking mansion? How else can they claim conservative talk radio or Internet news is too powerful when socialists dominate the newspaper and television media?

10.Above all, socialists are in denial. No matter how much you point out the obvious – that the government is fulfilling the dictionary definition of socialism – they flat deny it. If you point out the horrors of socialized medicine, for example, a socialist will say "But this time it will be different." Socialists are unconcerned that the government holds 40 percent of Citibank and over 80 percent of AIG. Nancy Pelosi assures us that government takeovers of banks should be "transitional" but not permanent, and Steny Hoyer hesitates "to use the word nationalization." You'll notice they don't deny it's a government takeover. They merely refuse to call a duck a duck. Quack quack.

Sibby Online: Socialist traits
This person obviously doesn't know what socialism really is.
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Totally lame

Do you really have any idea of what socialism is? We could easily substitute the word "Republican" for "Socialist" and be just as accurate

1. Republicans believe in use of force to gain their personal ends

2. Republicans believe in slavery

3. Republicans are racist

need more??
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Disagree. And here's just one reason.

2.Socialists believe in slavery. Their concept is not the slavery of an individual owning another individual, but of a state owning the output of the individual. We are now forced to work four months out of the year for the federal government before we see a dime of our own income, and it's getting worse. Our new administrtion has just indebted every family an additional $11,000 without our permission or approval. This is economic slavery. (If you don't believe me, watch what happens if you don't pay your taxes. See No. 1 above.)

Slavery? No, if you want slavery think about this. How much time do you spend at work? How much vacation time do you get in a year? You should work enough to meet your needs, not to line the pockets of those who own your labour.
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Totally lame

Do you really have any idea of what socialism is? We could easily substitute the word "Republican" for "Socialist" and be just as accurate

1. Republicans believe in use of force to gain their personal ends

2. Republicans believe in slavery

3. Republicans are racist

need more??

Nice but decidedly not true.
Republicans fought a war to eliminate slavery.
Republicans do not believe in the use of force for personal ends. In fact, they want limits on government power, period.

So thanks, but your silly talking points are flat.
Most reasonable people who understand socialism will.

People who have a literacy problem may not, because they probably think that "socialism" means a group of your neighbors.
This person obviously doesn't know what socialism really is.

Please enlighten us, Luissa.

Let's see, it is hard to slavery in socialism, since it is based on equality.
Also socialism is closer to true democracy, then our current government is.

You people the mistake of looking at Russia and China, and believing that is what communism and socialism is. When in reality, they do not represent the true form of either.
Disagree. And here's just one reason.

2.Socialists believe in slavery. Their concept is not the slavery of an individual owning another individual, but of a state owning the output of the individual. We are now forced to work four months out of the year for the federal government before we see a dime of our own income, and it's getting worse. Our new administrtion has just indebted every family an additional $11,000 without our permission or approval. This is economic slavery. (If you don't believe me, watch what happens if you don't pay your taxes. See No. 1 above.)

Slavery? No, if you want slavery think about this. How much time do you spend at work? How much vacation time do you get in a year? You should work enough to meet your needs, not to line the pockets of those who own your labour.
How much of your labor is confiscated to feed the beast?

Is that your time and effort or theirs?

Who gets to decide how much they will take and you, through their magnanimity, will get to keep?

Can you be a part-time slave?
Disagree. And here's just one reason.

2.Socialists believe in slavery. Their concept is not the slavery of an individual owning another individual, but of a state owning the output of the individual. We are now forced to work four months out of the year for the federal government before we see a dime of our own income, and it's getting worse. Our new administrtion has just indebted every family an additional $11,000 without our permission or approval. This is economic slavery. (If you don't believe me, watch what happens if you don't pay your taxes. See No. 1 above.)

Slavery? No, if you want slavery think about this. How much time do you spend at work? How much vacation time do you get in a year? You should work enough to meet your needs, not to line the pockets of those who own your labour.
How much of your labor is confiscated to feed the beast?

Is that your time and effort or theirs?

Who gets to decide how much they will take and you, through their magnanimity, will get to keep?

Can you be a part-time slave?

How much time do people in the US spend at work?
How much vacation time do people in the US get in a year?

Those are not rhetorical questions, they are capable of being answered. When they're answered the discussion can progress.
This is a comparison of Socialism and Capitalism. The link to this is below.

“…The intellectuals’ mantra runs something like this: In theory socialism is the morally superior social system despite its dismal record of failure in the real world. Capitalism, by contrast, is a morally bankrupt system despite the extraordinary prosperity it has created. In other words, capitalism at best, can only be defended on pragmatic grounds. We tolerate it because it works…”

“…The morality of socialism can be summed-up in two words: envy and self-sacrifice. Envy is the desire to not only possess another’s wealth but also the desire to see another’s wealth lowered to the level of one’s own. Socialism’s teaching on self-sacrifice was nicely summarized by two of its greatest defenders, Hermann Goering and Bennito Mussolini. The highest principle of Nazism (National Socialism), said Goering, is: "Common good comes before private good." Fascism, said Mussolini, is " a life in which the individual, through the sacrifice of his own private interests…realizes that completely spiritual existence in which his value as a man lies."

Socialism vs. Capitalism: Which is the Moral System by C. Bradley Thompson
Totally lame

Do you really have any idea of what socialism is? We could easily substitute the word "Republican" for "Socialist" and be just as accurate

1. Republicans believe in use of force to gain their personal ends

2. Republicans believe in slavery

3. Republicans are racist

need more??

Nice but decidedly not true.
Republicans fought a war to eliminate slavery.
Republicans do not believe in the use of force for personal ends. In fact, they want limits on government power, period.

So thanks, but your silly talking points are flat.

Republicans believe in slavery of the worker. They have fought against labor unions to protect management, they have fought minimum wage laws, fought workplace safety, fought equal pay for equal work

Use of force for personal ends....why are we in Iraq?
Totally lame

Do you really have any idea of what socialism is? We could easily substitute the word "Republican" for "Socialist" and be just as accurate

1. Republicans believe in use of force to gain their personal ends

2. Republicans believe in slavery

3. Republicans are racist

need more??



Andrew Jackson, the seventh US President (1829-1837), began life on March 15, 1767 in a log cabin on the frontier between the Carolinas. He was the first President not born of wealth, a fact that was not missed by the common people, who loved him. In addition to his presidency, Jackson was known for his military successes and for laying the groundwork for the modern Democratic Party. Because of his toughness and his fiery iron will, he was given the nickname "Old Hickory."


And what did he belive in regarding Slavery?

Although he was known as a man of the people, Jackson believed in and promoted slavery and took millions of acres of land from Native Americans. In spite of his popularity, his policies did little to improve the lives of working Americans.


Perhaps History is a BANE to you.

Try again sport.

You should be ashamed...and you should go back to school.
Totally lame

Do you really have any idea of what socialism is? We could easily substitute the word "Republican" for "Socialist" and be just as accurate

1. Republicans believe in use of force to gain their personal ends

2. Republicans believe in slavery

3. Republicans are racist

need more??



Andrew Jackson, the seventh US President (1829-1837), began life on March 15, 1767 in a log cabin on the frontier between the Carolinas. He was the first President not born of wealth, a fact that was not missed by the common people, who loved him. In addition to his presidency, Jackson was known for his military successes and for laying the groundwork for the modern Democratic Party. Because of his toughness and his fiery iron will, he was given the nickname "Old Hickory."


And what did he belive in regarding Slavery?

Although he was known as a man of the people, Jackson believed in and promoted slavery and took millions of acres of land from Native Americans. In spite of his popularity, his policies did little to improve the lives of working Americans.


Perhaps History is a BANE to you.

Try again sport.

You should be ashamed...and you should go back to school.

Your arguement, is giving an example of a democrat who lived 200 years ago?:cuckoo:
Totally lame

Do you really have any idea of what socialism is? We could easily substitute the word "Republican" for "Socialist" and be just as accurate

1. Republicans believe in use of force to gain their personal ends

2. Republicans believe in slavery

3. Republicans are racist

need more??

Nice but decidedly not true.
Republicans fought a war to eliminate slavery.
Republicans do not believe in the use of force for personal ends. In fact, they want limits on government power, period.

So thanks, but your silly talking points are flat.

Today President Lincoln would be a Democrat. Suggesting todays Republican Party represents the party of Lincoln or TR is absurd.
Totally lame

Do you really have any idea of what socialism is? We could easily substitute the word "Republican" for "Socialist" and be just as accurate

1. Republicans believe in use of force to gain their personal ends

2. Republicans believe in slavery

3. Republicans are racist

need more??



Andrew Jackson, the seventh US President (1829-1837), began life on March 15, 1767 in a log cabin on the frontier between the Carolinas. He was the first President not born of wealth, a fact that was not missed by the common people, who loved him. In addition to his presidency, Jackson was known for his military successes and for laying the groundwork for the modern Democratic Party. Because of his toughness and his fiery iron will, he was given the nickname "Old Hickory."


And what did he belive in regarding Slavery?

Although he was known as a man of the people, Jackson believed in and promoted slavery and took millions of acres of land from Native Americans. In spite of his popularity, his policies did little to improve the lives of working Americans.


Perhaps History is a BANE to you.

Try again sport.

You should be ashamed...and you should go back to school.

Your arguement, is giving an example of a democrat who lived 200 years ago?:cuckoo:

Apparently you ignore History too. No surprise. It is your own History that will be your demise.

Nothing crazy here. It's FACT.

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