10 Things That Led To Hillary's Defeat...


Platinum Member
Jan 26, 2012
In my opinion 10 things that hurt Hillary.

1. The Dems anointed her the next nominee. They had six candidates compared to the GOP's seventeen. They had very few debates therefore no exposure. The reality is Bernie Sanders never had a chance. The system was rigged against him and his supporters knew it.

2. Trump was all over the media doing interviews with everybody and anybody including MSNBC. Hillary was hard to find and stayed away from FoxNews.

3. Trump was a movement that people were excited about just like Obama was. The Dems never recognized this even though they lived it for two elections.

4. Hillary saying she was shutting down coal. Goodbye Western PA and Ohio. Dumb, dumb and dumb.

5. The "deplorable" comment was a divisive as it gets. Hillary was calling Trump supporters deplorable while Trump was reaching out to African-Americans, Latinos and Bernie supporters.

6. Scandal after scandal of her own doing. America is just tired of Clinton scandals. Why on earth did she think it was a good idea to use her own server for government business?

7. The MSM was in the tank for her and Americans knew it. She gets the questions to the debate ahead of time? America hates a cheater.

8. Celebrity endorsement. I think this actually hurt her. Poor and middle class Americans don't want to be told be Cher, Jay Z and Beyonce who to vote for. It's insulting. How can you align yourself with the middle class when you surround yourself with the rich and powerful.

9. Obamacare. It wasn't a good idea then and it isn't now. Findng out costs are rising a few weeks ago put another knife in her campaign.

10. Trumps owes no one. Hillary is owned by special interest. Trump did a great job of making this known. Americans are tired of a rigged system.
If Trump had lost, a similar list could of been made for him. He, like Hillary, is a flawed candidate. That being said, he won, which means all candidates have their flaws. Sometimes its all about timing.
In my opinion 10 things that hurt Hillary.

1. The Dems anointed her the next nominee. They had six candidates compared to the GOP's seventeen. They had very few debates therefore no exposure. The reality is Bernie Sanders never had a chance. The system was rigged against him and his supporters knew it.

2. Trump was all over the media doing interviews with everybody and anybody including MSNBC. Hillary was hard to find and stayed away from FoxNews.

3. Trump was a movement that people were excited about just like Obama was. The Dems never recognized this even though they lived it for two elections.

4. Hillary saying she was shutting down coal. Goodbye Western PA and Ohio. Dumb, dumb and dumb.

5. The "deplorable" comment was a divisive as it gets. Hillary was calling Trump supporters deplorable while Trump was reaching out to African-Americans, Latinos and Bernie supporters.

6. Scandal after scandal of her own doing. America is just tired of Clinton scandals. Why on earth did she think it was a good idea to use her own server for government business?

7. The MSM was in the tank for her and Americans knew it. She gets the questions to the debate ahead of time? America hates a cheater.

8. Celebrity endorsement. I think this actually hurt her. Poor and middle class Americans don't want to be told be Cher, Jay Z and Beyonce who to vote for. It's insulting. How can you align yourself with the middle class when you surround yourself with the rich and powerful.

9. Obamacare. It wasn't a good idea then and it isn't now. Findng out costs are rising a few weeks ago put another knife in her campaign.

10. Trumps owes no one. Hillary is owned by special interest. Trump did a great job of making this known. Americans are tired of a rigged system.

Meh, it was really only one reason and that's that she is a dirt bag, a crook, and a liar. any of those.
She should have distanced herself from obozo instead of running on the platform of an obozo third term
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If Trump had lost, a similar list could of been made for him. He, like Hillary, is a flawed candidate. That being said, he won, which means all candidates have their flaws. Sometimes its all about timing.

Every candidate is flawed on some way. But ultimately someone comes out on top and there are mistakes the losing candidate makes that can't be overcome.

I've always said politics moves in cycles. There will always be unhappy people and someone will come along promising change. Bil Clinton did it. Obama did it and now Trump. But I do believe Hillary could have won this had she not made some of the mistakes that I pointed it. Not one led to her demise, but all of them were to much to overcome.
Millions $$ free publicity for Trump, incessant lies about Hillary, RWNJs backing espionage over their own country and their open support of a dictatorship over democracy.

Funny that the RWNJs hate the media but he would not have won without all that free publicity.

One of the biggest reasons she lost is that the right cannot forgive a black man for being one of the best presidents in our history, for saving the country from depression and the planet from financial ruin. The right knows he has accomplished enormous things for them and their response is 'they don't like the direction the country is going'.

Trump is everything the RWNJs say they hate and disagree with. They know he's a liar and has failed at almost everything he has done. When you look at her knowledge, experience, expertise compared to his big mouth, wilful ignorance and refusal to learn anything about the job, there is simply no way he could win.
If Trump had lost, a similar list could of been made for him. He, like Hillary, is a flawed candidate. That being said, he won, which means all candidates have their flaws. Sometimes its all about timing.

Every candidate is flawed on some way. But ultimately someone comes out on top and there are mistakes the losing candidate makes that can't be overcome.

I've always said politics moves in cycles. There will always be unhappy people and someone will come along promising change. Bil Clinton did it. Obama did it and now Trump. But I do believe Hillary could have won this had she not made some of the mistakes that I pointed it. Not one led to her demise, but all of them were to much to overcome.

I agree about cycles. I despise the right for their support of espionage and Pooting against their own country but I need to remember that we survived Nixon and though Trump/Repubs will do us a lot of damage, we still have enough patriots in the US that we will survive Trump.
She should distanced herself from obozo instead of running on the platform of an obozo third term

Obama was a movement that attracted large audiences just like Trump did. Hillary
If Trump had lost, a similar list could of been made for him. He, like Hillary, is a flawed candidate. That being said, he won, which means all candidates have their flaws. Sometimes its all about timing.

Every candidate is flawed on some way. But ultimately someone comes out on top and there are mistakes the losing candidate makes that can't be overcome.

I've always said politics moves in cycles. There will always be unhappy people and someone will come along promising change. Bil Clinton did it. Obama did it and now Trump. But I do believe Hillary could have won this had she not made some of the mistakes that I pointed it. Not one led to her demise, but all of them were to much to overcome.

I agree about cycles. I despise the right for their support of espionage and Pooting against their own country but I need to remember that we survived Nixon and though Trump/Repubs will do us a lot of damage, we still have enough patriots in the US that we will survive Trump.

Trump will be cleaning up Obama's mess for 2-3 years.
10 Things That Led To Hillary's Defeat...

#1 - 10: HILLARY!
Millions $$ free publicity for Trump, incessant lies about Hillary, RWNJs backing espionage over their own country and their open support of a dictatorship over democracy.

Funny that the RWNJs hate the media but he would not have won without all that free publicity.

One of the biggest reasons she lost is that the right cannot forgive a black man for being one of the best presidents in our history, for saving the country from depression and the planet from financial ruin. The right knows he has accomplished enormous things for them and their response is 'they don't like the direction the country is going'.

Trump is everything the RWNJs say they hate and disagree with. They know he's a liar and has failed at almost everything he has done. When you look at her knowledge, experience, expertise compared to his big mouth, wilful ignorance and refusal to learn anything about the job, there is simply no way he could win.
sounds like you are whining ludd....just suck it up like everyone else has too...its only going to be 4 years,we have had half-assed presidents before and survived....
11. hiLIARy is Just Not Likeable Enough.
She should distanced herself from obozo instead of running on the platform of an obozo third term

Obama was a movement that attracted large audiences just like Trump did. Hillary
If Trump had lost, a similar list could of been made for him. He, like Hillary, is a flawed candidate. That being said, he won, which means all candidates have their flaws. Sometimes its all about timing.

Every candidate is flawed on some way. But ultimately someone comes out on top and there are mistakes the losing candidate makes that can't be overcome.

I've always said politics moves in cycles. There will always be unhappy people and someone will come along promising change. Bil Clinton did it. Obama did it and now Trump. But I do believe Hillary could have won this had she not made some of the mistakes that I pointed it. Not one led to her demise, but all of them were to much to overcome.

I agree about cycles. I despise the right for their support of espionage and Pooting against their own country but I need to remember that we survived Nixon and though Trump/Repubs will do us a lot of damage, we still have enough patriots in the US that we will survive Trump.

Trump will be cleaning up Obama's mess for 2-3 years.
maybe....time will tell....
Trump probably won because he ran to the left of her on trade, a stance that has been winning for over 20 years, going back to Perot.
Trump was essentially Perot without the handicap of being a third party candidate.
To that list you need to add that Crooked Hillary was a very flawed candidate. Distrusted and who had failures and allegations of corruption in addition to security violations. She also is not a very likeable person.

The Democrats should have spent more time noticing that Bernie was getting thousands at his rallies while Crooked Hillary was hosting $25K a plate fundraisers closed to the public. That was a big clue that the Democrats missed and they paid for it.
Millions $$ free publicity for Trump, incessant lies about Hillary, RWNJs backing espionage over their own country and their open support of a dictatorship over democracy.

Funny that the RWNJs hate the media but he would not have won without all that free publicity.

One of the biggest reasons she lost is that the right cannot forgive a black man for being one of the best presidents in our history, for saving the country from depression and the planet from financial ruin. The right knows he has accomplished enormous things for them and their response is 'they don't like the direction the country is going'.

Trump is everything the RWNJs say they hate and disagree with. They know he's a liar and has failed at almost everything he has done. When you look at her knowledge, experience, expertise compared to his big mouth, wilful ignorance and refusal to learn anything about the job, there is simply no way he could win.
Fantasy reigns eternal.
Trump probably won because he ran to the left of her on trade, a stance that has been winning for over 20 years, going back to Perot.
Trump was essentially Perot without the handicap of being a third party candidate.
Perot was holding his own until he dropped out of the race (to jump back in later on).
One of the biggest reasons she lost is that the right cannot forgive a black man for being one of the best presidents in our history,

Jackass, I'm sure the 600K slaughtered in syria agree with you, as do the massive number of homeless vets living in the streets while obama's open door policy importing lots of illegal aliens and bestowing them with lots of freebies all agree with your lunatic comment.

The doubling of the national debt to $18 TRILLION that will eventually destroy the economy - money used by obama to pay for all those freebies to the illegals - will be a reminder down the road of obama's failed presidency.

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