10 good things about Conservatives.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Since I've been coming down hard on conservatives of late..I thought I should post something positive about people with that mindset. I have plenty of "conservative" friends and we get on just fine. These are just my personal observations:

10 good things about conservatives:

-They are great at micro-management.
-They are very well organized.
-They are patriotic.
-They know how to make money.
-They are very loyal and trustworthy friends.
-They value integrity.
-They are detail oriented.
-They are great are parties and know how to have fun.
-They are great with directions.
-They are very well groomed.

Although most of these things are not "exclusive" to conservatives, these are qualities I have seen in my more conservative friends.

I can hope we will all feel better now. :eusa_angel:

Since I've been coming down hard on conservatives of late..I thought I should post something positive about people with that mindset. I have plenty of "conservative" friends and we get on just fine. These are just my personal observations:

10 good things about conservatives:

-They are great at micro-management.
-They are very well organized.
-They are patriotic.
-They know how to make money.
-They are very loyal and trustworthy friends.
-They value integrity.
-They are detail oriented.
-They are great are parties and know how to have fun.
-They are great with directions.
-They are very well groomed.

Although most of these things are not "exclusive" to conservatives, these are qualities I have seen in my more conservative friends.

I can hope we will all feel better now. :eusa_angel:


Interestingly, not one of these attributes applies to you.

Although, I will say.... you do demonstrate a good sense of humor.... that part about 'coming down hard on conservatives' made me laugh. Dreaming, again, huh shallow?
Even when I am tryin' to be nice!



But watcha gonna do? :dunno:

If you were 'tryin' to be nice', you would recognize that conservatives are individuals.... why are you incapable of recognizing that simple, basic fact?


Thanks so much for showing me the error of my ways California Girl. I shall go forth and do no more harm..:eusa_angel:
Even when I am tryin' to be nice!



But watcha gonna do? :dunno:

If you were 'tryin' to be nice', you would recognize that conservatives are individuals.... why are you incapable of recognizing that simple, basic fact?


Thanks so much for showing me the error of my ways California Girl. I shall go forth and do no more harm..:eusa_angel:

Or try to be rational and replace the hyperbolic bullshit with some reason and logic. Just an idea.
Thanks for the kind words, Sallow.

When I was growing up, my parents were registered Democrats, but when I was 6 years old, I noticed a newspaper hanging out of the mailbox one day, looked at it and brought it in the house. I asked my mother "Who is that man and what do those big letters say?" She explained that that was the new President, "Ike" Eisenhower, that he had been America's pride and joy, and she was happy he was the President.

I've wished so often our nation could go back to those days.

Thanks for taking the initiative in reparations of harsh feelings after flamings online about party or the conservative/liberal banter that always seems to drone on in so many words. I still think of America as family, and after that day long ago, I noticed my parents had respect for everybody, not just famous people who made their lives count for something, but everyone.

That's the America I grew up in and always pray for every night.
Thanks for the kind words, Sallow.

When I was growing up, my parents were registered Democrats, but when I was 6 years old, I noticed a newspaper hanging out of the mailbox one day, looked at it and brought it in the house. I asked my mother "Who is that man and what do those big letters say?" She explained that that was the new President, "Ike" Eisenhower, that he had been America's pride and joy, and she was happy he was the President.

I've wished so often our nation could go back to those days.

Thanks for taking the initiative in reparations of harsh feelings after flamings online about party or the conservative/liberal banter that always seems to drone on in so many words. I still think of America as family, and after that day long ago, I noticed my parents had respect for everybody, not just famous people who made their lives count for something, but everyone.

That's the America I grew up in and always pray for every night.

Eisenhower developed NASA. During his administration, Taxes on the wealthiest Americans were more than 90% and he never called for them to be lowered. He was a man dedicated to the "Middle Class". Many consider that time American's "Golden Age", yet no one today calls him a "socialist". Looking at today's Republican Party, does anyone think he would be a member? Would they even want him? Questions today's Republican Party should at least consider.
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Since I've been coming down hard on conservatives of late..I thought I should post something positive about people with that mindset. I have plenty of "conservative" friends and we get on just fine. These are just my personal observations:

10 good things about conservatives:

-They are great at micro-management.
-They are very well organized.
-They are patriotic.
-They know how to make money.
-They are very loyal and trustworthy friends.
-They value integrity.
-They are detail oriented.
-They are great are parties and know how to have fun.
-They are great with directions.
-They are very well groomed.

Although most of these things are not "exclusive" to conservatives, these are qualities I have seen in my more conservative friends.

I can hope we will all feel better now. :eusa_angel:


Where I work, they make better salesmen than engineers. The couple of engineers that have been Republicans haven't lasted very long. One had a drinking problem. One was good at managing 3d files, but couldn't learn enough to use the programs. The last one couldn't problem solve. But all three were pushy, opinionated and wouldn't budge an inch on anything. The drinker quit, the one that couldn't use the programs became the manager of the assembly line. The one that couldn't problem solve went into politics (no kidding). In fact, he became a local Alderman. I thought it was funny he couldn't solve even the simplest problems but could get Republicans to vote from him.

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