10 Fastest Trains in the World

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
From 2 years ago.
Japan fastest maglev train, L0 Series is clear winner with speed of 603 km/h albeit not been commercialized — yet. And looks like the rank of 10 world's fastest trains in 2018 remains unchanged.
Why the US has not high-speed rail? Because it's a dumb idea.

Every time you double the speed of the train, you quadruple the amount of power required to achieve that speed.

High-speed train is only economic on short distances between urban centers.

In the US, air travel is the most economically viable form of high speed travel. At more than twice the speed of any experimental train every built and more than quadruple the speed of currently operating systems, air travel beats the wheels off trains.
Move to China and you can ride the train all day long.


What is the point of high-speed rail?

It makes far more sense and is affordable, to upgrade and extend our freight trains lines.

We'll see what you say in 15 or 20 years when the price of gasoline and jet fuel have quadrupled.

In China, they make electricity required to drive these trains by burning millions of tons of coal.

Let's see how that works out in 20 years.

What is the point of high-speed rail?

It makes far more sense and is affordable, to upgrade and extend our freight trains lines.

We'll see what you say in 15 or 20 years when the price of gasoline and jet fuel have quadrupled.

Yeah, right! How often have we heard that before?

What powers the "Meglev" train?

We have ONE, count them ONE high-speed rail in the United States which is profitable, that his the Acela Line in the Northeast. That corridor has FORTY-FOUR MILLION people. There is nothing even close to that with any of the existing high-speed rails or proposed.

California has squandered tens of billions of dollars only to finally dump the whole thing.

We, here in Florida, turned down hundreds of millions from the failed former administration of President Barack Hussein Obama trying to push us to build one of the failed systems. The money went to California, and we saved billions of dollars.

Greatly enhancing our freight lines makes far more sense and is economically feasible.
China also has a 40 year plan to phase out coal but
they have no choice but to use it for now, so your lame old argument won't hold water anymore, Huckleberry.

PLEASE show us your reliable source and working link.

In China, they make electricity required to drive these trains by burning millions of tons of coal.

Let's see how that works out in 20 years.
China also has a 40 year plan to phase out coal but
they have no choice but to use it for now, so your lame old argument won't hold water anymore, Huckleberry.

And yet China is building a coal fired power plant a week.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it

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