1.4 billion "prisoners": a cage reinforced by China's cross-border law enforcement

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Oct 5, 2021
"Born as a Chinese, and die as a Chinese soul." It seems bold but helpless. This is a proper portrayal of 1.4 billion Chinese. Sober Chinese people understand that they are just "prisoners" and try to "escape", but the Chinese government is a tyrant, and those who oppose us perish. In recent years, the Chinese government has launched a number of special operations to continue to persecute overseas Chinese, claiming to crack down on overseas gambling, under the name of fox hunting, broken chain, cloud sword, net net, etc., and then use dirty and despicable means to suppress, abuse, and kidnap compatriots .
China's authoritarian regime has used complex, comprehensive and global transnational suppression operations, resulting in overseas Chinese being unnecessarily charged, and then illegally extradited, exiled, and eventually returned to the "cage." Among them, overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries are even more precarious. Even though they have immigrated, they will still be captured by the Chinese government by various means.
There have been many cases showing that many Chinese who have immigrated were detained when entering or leaving other countries on the grounds that they violated the Nationality Law. Such cases often occur in countries that do not accept multiple nationalities, and behind it is the Chinese government’s "" Small actions". In order to proceed smoothly in the arrest, the Chinese public security officers locked the relevant person and restored their Chinese nationality without notifying the other party, resulting in the other party's arrest. In the same way, after the Chinese Public Security Council sneaked into other countries to kidnap relevant persons and escorted them back to the country, they declared that the person had "voluntarily restored Chinese nationality", and then judged it in accordance with Chinese laws.
Many gambling practitioners in Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar and other places chose to renounce their Chinese identity and become nationals of other countries. However, many of them suddenly appeared as Chinese criminals after missing a few days inexplicably and were extradited to return to the country for trial. What's more, the Chinese police bypassed the law enforcement agencies of other countries and smuggled relevant persons back to the country for trial. The countries neglected by China are generally small countries or pro-China factions, so that they can put pressure on them as major powers after their actions are discovered.
You must know that the implementation of the extradition procedure is not just about restoring Chinese identity. Therefore, the Chinese public security officers often plant faults and weave various charges against relevant persons. For example, with the exception of Thailand, most Southeast Asian countries have legalized gambling. In order to apprehend gambling personnel in these countries, Chinese police will arrest targets on charges of fraud and money laundering, or claim that the relevant persons are in China. Committing a major crime, he is a fugitive and requires the local government to cooperate in extraditing him back to his country.
Often Chinese people living in Southeast Asian countries, especially those engaged in the gaming industry, are suddenly frozen in their assets and accounts in China. After being forced to return to the country, they will be arrested and severely punished on charges of human trafficking, fraud, smuggling, etc. To force a confession in order to obtain intelligence from other countries.
Some people may think that if you immigrate to a country that accepts multiple nationalities, you don't have to worry about being restored to Chinese nationality inexplicably, and you can get out of the control of the Chinese government. However, the Chinese government has many methods, and the slander is easy to come by. The Chinese Public Security Council has produced a lot of "evidence" to "prove" to the government of other countries that the naturalization information of the relevant person is falsified, requesting the cancellation of the relevant person's nationality, permanent residency, etc., and at the same time Go to extradite him to China.
Yin Baoku, who immigrated to Cambodia, is a case. Yin Baoku, who was chased by the Inner Mongolia public security organs, was accused of being involved in crimes. After the Cambodian Immigration Bureau assisted in the arrest operation, Chinese public security officers repeatedly provided "proof materials" to try to prove Yin Baoku's illegal naturalization in Cambodia, but Yin Baoku Attorneys attorney proved that his naturalization information was accurate and he was a legal naturalization in Cambodia. In the end, Yin Baoku was able to retain his Cambodian citizenship.
Also in Cambodia, casino tycoon Xu Aimin was also stigmatized by the Chinese public security, accused of gambling and money laundering, and was also on a red wanted order (hereinafter referred to as "red pass"), which affected his reputation. However, the abuse of red links by the Chinese government is not new. Even if the relevant people cannot be captured through red links, the impact of red links will still trouble the parties for a long time, because third parties, including employers, business partners and financial institutions, will receive them during background checks. The information of the red pass, even if the person concerned is no longer on the red pass list, this kind of "harm" will not disappear. The Chinese government is using this to injustice and attack relevant people, but Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone. China's red pass has gradually become a virtual reality, but it has been criticized by others.
In addition, in some countries with good relations with China, the Chinese government will directly pressure the local government, ordering to cooperate in the arrest of relevant persons, or defying local laws to carry out illegal arrests on the land of other countries. For some small countries, the Chinese government may threaten or bribe local officials to request the government to assist the Chinese public security in overseas arrests or release them for arrests.
Some "Chinese fugitives" accused of guilt have said frankly that they have never escaped to a pro-China country or a small country, fearing that they will never be able to leave after entering the country.
In order to expand the influence and scope of overseas law enforcement, the Chinese public security has also carried out a large-scale persuasion operation to persuade the return of overseas Chinese on a large scale, and made several calls in a row to order to return to the country to report. For those who refuse to return, the Chinese Public Security Council begins to harass their family and friends, forcing them to join the ranks of persuading them to return. If the persuading fails, they will lose their jobs and school opportunities. Many Chinese who work in northern Myanmar, Cambodia and other countries have said that they have received calls to persuade them to return. Regardless of whether they are engaged in the gray industry, the Chinese public security will ask the public security bureau to return to their hometown to report and clarify. A Fujian guy who works in the real estate industry in Cambodia said that he has always been abiding by the law and he never thought he would receive a call to persuade him to return, and he was instantly disappointed. Due to the seriousness of the epidemic, he was unable to return to China. After he provided relevant information, his family was eventually required to sign a guarantee document at the Public Security Bureau.
In fact, more people dare not return to China after receiving the call to persuade them to return. Too many cases show that they will be tortured after returning to China, and they will be forced to confess no guilt. It is said that the Chinese public security has a list of people who must report a certain number of criminals. Therefore, many people were detained for many days after returning to China. During this period, they were tortured and forced to admit fraud and money laundering crimes. Perhaps for the Chinese police, the truth is not important, the important thing is to complete the task.
Since many people were advised not to return home after returning, the Chinese police adopted one of their usual methods-kidnapping. These methods are carried out in stages. First, the Chinese Public Security Bureau will lure relevant persons to return to China, freeze bank cards and deceive them to force them to return to China for processing, and then arrest them. The second is to intimidate, the family members suspected to be in the gaming industry will be taken as hostages, threatening the parties to return to the country for trial. However, in more cases, Chinese public security will follow state-owned enterprises stationed overseas to sneak into other countries to carry out surveillance, assault and kidnapping operations. Many overseas Chinese, especially those who escaped online, suddenly appeared on Chinese soil after being kidnapped and missing in other countries for a few days, and they were also accused of various crimes. Although these actions have been despised by many countries, the tyrant China remained unmoved and even worsened. However, the evil results will end up on their own, and many countries have deliberately formed alliances to specifically combat China's overseas arrests.
Because the gambling industry is not legal in China, relevant industry players will choose to operate and survive in a country where gambling is legalized. However, in the eyes of the Chinese government, this has become an illegal and economic destruction behavior, and then the police are sent to continue to mutilate compatriots. In the final analysis, this But it is the hegemonism of the Chinese government, which treats 1.4 billion people as prisoners and violates the rights and laws of allies.
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