$1,000,000 for anyone who can demonstrate supernatural powers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
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How do the non-spiritual explain it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The OP in that thread asked "How do the non-spiritual explain it?" The following group offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove anything claimed in the OP. The group has been around since 1964.

The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF
Sorry, God does not do road shows.
One of the things mentioned in the original thread is Nostradamus. God is not really part of the conversation. Though why he hasn't shown up in a couple of millenia is a puzzle on its own.
The point is, everything is working out as it should, and behind the scenes the angels are guiding human kind into the experiences they need for the good of their souls. Part of the process is that we have to work things out for ourselves and act with freedom of choice. If God suddenly made his presence felt everyone would be constrained by the knowledge of his existence, so he remains above our troubles waiting for us to evolve.

That is why you cannot buy the truth.
This is a response to this thread:
How do the non-spiritual explain it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The OP in that thread asked "How do the non-spiritual explain it?" The following group offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove anything claimed in the OP. The group has been around since 1964.

The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF

James Randi is a hack like Glenn Beck who makes money from suckers who pay for memberships. His challenges are set up so people will fail. With that said the supernatural thing is bogus. I can't remember the site. But there is another group called The Final Challenge who have been around since 1999. They have been offering 5 million to anyone who could predict ANY event with accuracy 24 hours in advance. In the last 16 years no one has claimed the prize.
They have been offering 5 million to anyone who could predict ANY event with accuracy 24 hours in advance. In the last 16 years no one has claimed the prize.

Ok, exactly 24 hours from now......6:52 AM CST, it will be raining in my front yard. When can I pick up my check? Will it be a Certified Cashiers Check?
This is a response to this thread:
How do the non-spiritual explain it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The OP in that thread asked "How do the non-spiritual explain it?" The following group offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove anything claimed in the OP. The group has been around since 1964.

The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF


Not to put the word of G-d to the test (Deut. 6:16)

Which brings to mind the old movie "Dragonslayer" in which a doubter asks for proof the wizard can slay the dragon (and not just piss it off.)

"Ah so it's a test you want eh?" says the wizard's assistant or whatever he was, "Well we don't do tests."

"Of course not. They never do tests." replies the doubter. "The omens aren't favorable, the planets not aligned - we don't do tests."
This is a response to this thread:
How do the non-spiritual explain it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The OP in that thread asked "How do the non-spiritual explain it?" The following group offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove anything claimed in the OP. The group has been around since 1964.

The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF

James Randi is a hack like Glenn Beck who makes money from suckers who pay for memberships. His challenges are set up so people will fail. With that said the supernatural thing is bogus. I can't remember the site. But there is another group called The Final Challenge who have been around since 1999. They have been offering 5 million to anyone who could predict ANY event with accuracy 24 hours in advance. In the last 16 years no one has claimed the prize.

Someone should let Glenn know that he should collect. After all he was being called insane when he predicted that there were Muslims trying to reestablish the caliphate and yet he predicted ISIS years before they established their caliphate.
This is a response to this thread:
How do the non-spiritual explain it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The OP in that thread asked "How do the non-spiritual explain it?" The following group offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove anything claimed in the OP. The group has been around since 1964.

The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF
Sorry, God does not do road shows.
One of the things mentioned in the original thread is Nostradamus. God is not really part of the conversation. Though why he hasn't shown up in a couple of millenia is a puzzle on its own.
After the Jews fucked up the Jesus thang, it was splitsville and a lot of sulking...
This is a response to this thread:
How do the non-spiritual explain it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The OP in that thread asked "How do the non-spiritual explain it?" The following group offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove anything claimed in the OP. The group has been around since 1964.

The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF

James Randi is a hack like Glenn Beck who makes money from suckers who pay for memberships. His challenges are set up so people will fail. With that said the supernatural thing is bogus. I can't remember the site. But there is another group called The Final Challenge who have been around since 1999. They have been offering 5 million to anyone who could predict ANY event with accuracy 24 hours in advance. In the last 16 years no one has claimed the prize.

Someone should let Glenn know that he should collect. After all he was being called insane when he predicted that there were Muslims trying to reestablish the caliphate and yet he predicted ISIS years before they established their caliphate.
Such a huge one at that.....
This is a response to this thread:
How do the non-spiritual explain it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The OP in that thread asked "How do the non-spiritual explain it?" The following group offers $1,000,000 to anyone who can prove anything claimed in the OP. The group has been around since 1964.

The Million Dollar Challenge - JREF


My five cent: I'm for example a telepath who is able to read thoughts in books. Supernatural ability, isn't it?

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