Zionist Thugs Attack UCLA Students

UK is another almost conquered country by Islam !! Learn the Koran
Rotating Betrayal

That goes back to the way the Neo-Appeasers who replaced Churchill constantly fought against the Jewish efforts to become Israel. That justified Irgun's terrorist attacks on the British mandate-unmanning. There followed a betrayal of Irgun by the Go-Slow Jews.

Then the neo-appeasing American ruling class took over the turncoat room, ignorantly believing that the Jews were driving the Arabs into the hands of the Soviet Union.

I know they have and so have Arabs, that doesn't mean a New York cab driver or London bus driver who just happens to be Jewish should have the right to go there and steal more land. What about that doesn't register in your tiny mind?
Go Back to Saxony and Normandy

The British aristocracy let their peasants steal land from the useless savages in America, then tried to crush them when they wouldn't submit to continuing being a disenfranchised class. The ultimate goal of British America was to let the peasants create a peaceful and productive colony, then bring in its own class to continue the long-established birth-class tyranny in America. So the brother of the Duke of York would become the Duke of New York.
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You know very well what i am talking about, morons like this in the video, and yes i own a house in the Town and Country i was born in, my ancestors were from Scandinavia centuries as long as a thousand years ago, that doesn't give me the right to someone elses house in Norway, its a bankrupt argument to justify theft.

Akbar Barracks

Those Paleonasty homes are grooming centers for future Jew-killers. A gruesome garrison.
Some 60s' anti war protesters were righteous but you had bad guys, too, like the weather underground...
The 60s' protesters were not protesting to make people angry; they wanted the war to end... these knuckle heads can't tell you why they are there; they just want to shove their angry feelings into our faces....
They could not be more different from one another....
Birth-Class Warfare Establishing the Rickkid Reich

The anti-Vietnam protesters were sheltered snobs whose only purpose was to take away military glory from the Unfortunate Sons. Don't fall for the depiction of these privileged brats as presented by their media mouthpieces. They are the same as the anti-semitic protesters taking over their own class's campuses, same as their Campus Commie Scum grandpas, who rule us now. They've switched back to the old-fashioned ruling-class's Jewish scapegoat.
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Scumbag supporters of filthy Hamas terrorist pieces of shit got a little bit of come-back from some Jewish students (where the scumbag supporters of Hamas rage about “death to Jews”), and the OP labels the actual victims as “thugs.” 🙄

Biased and stupid is no way to go through life, fuckstick.
And you support the direct ideological descendents of the Nazis.

Haj al Husseini collaborated directly with the Nazis, and the Nazi ideology soon blended with Islamic hatred of Jews to form a new, virulent strain of antisemitism.

Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara propagandists along with America's traitorous infestation of "Israel Firsters" appear to have given up on trying to justify what history will call The Gaza Genocide and been forced to resort to simple minded and puerile name calling.

In other words, Netanyahu's shills have stopped pretending that the systematic extermination of mainly civilian children is a "war" and given up parroting the lie that the mass murder of 35,000+ unarmed men, women and children was Israel's "right to self defense".

Since opponents of Zionist genocide have been reviled as "anti Semites" so frequently and fraudulently, it it is already regarded as "The Trick"

“Don’t be caught out by ‘the trick’”

EXCERPTS "“Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic.....

And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is to justify everything we do to the Palestinians.

So, since "anti Semite", "Jew hater" and similar epithets are so commonly used that they've lost their punch, it was only a matter of time that the "historically challenged" Hasbara crowd latched on to the use of the epithet "Nazi"as a fresh substitute for civil, substantive and honest debate.

Now, armed with a fresh epithet, apologists for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda just had to find or fabricate some sort of co operation between the Palestinians and Germany's National Socialists, no matter how tenuous.

Ironically, any objective and honest study of National Socialist German involvement in the Middle East reveals a much closer relationship between the German Zionist federation and Germany's National Socialists (aka Nazis)

Not only were there about 150,000 full and mixed Jews who fought for Hitler with many rising to the highest ranks and receiving Germany's highest honors with the full approval of Hitler and the German High Command. (1)
Additionally, there were several high ranking members of the Nazi party who were either full or part Jewish.


The German Zionist Federation and the Nazis co operated in many different ways to help Jews get settled in Palestine.

Germany's SS even built, staffed and maintained about 40 training camps where Jews were taught how to survive in Palestine as well as fight with German supplied arms. (2)

It's predictable especially today with Netanyahu's genocide underway that Zionists are just as desperate today to obfuscate the degree to which Zionism and Nazism are similar with their "Master Race" = "Chosen People" and "Lebensraum" = "Greater Israel" as just two examples of similar ideologies.

Briefly put, without German arms and German training, Haganah, Irgun and similar Zionist terrorist gangs would never have succeeded in their invasion and conquest of Palestine and infliction of their own Holocaust, the Nakba

And you support the direct ideological descendents of the Nazis.

In light of these inconvenient facts, it would appear that it is Netanyahu and his army of genocidal apologists that most closely resemble Germany's former Nazi party.


EXCERPT "As many as 150000 Jews served in Hitlers military, some with the Nazi leader’s explicit consent, according to a U.S. historian who has interviewed hundreds of former soldiers.

Bryan Mark Rigg, history professor at the American Military University in Virginia, told Reuters on Thursday that the issue of soldiers of partial Jewish descent was long a somewhat taboo subject, overlooked by most academics as it threw up thorny questions.

“Not everybody who wore a uniform was a Nazi and not every person of Jewish descent was persecuted,” he said.

Many senior officers with Jewish ancestry won special permission to serve from Hitler himself."CONTINUED

(2). “List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent”

EXCERPT “Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of full and partial Jewish descent. “ CONTINUED

(3). “Zionism and the Third Reich”

EXCERPT “In cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some forty camps and agricultural centers throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine. Although the Nuremberg Laws forbid Jews from displaying the German flag, Jews were specifically guaranteed the right to display the blue and white Jewish national banner. The flag that would one day be adopted by Israel was flown at the Zionist camps and centers in Hitler's Germany. /19

Himmler's security service cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in Palestine. The SS agency paid Haganah official Feivel Polkes for information about the situation in Palestine and for help in directing Jewish emigration to that country. Meanwhile, the Haganah was kept well informed about German plans by a spy it managed to plant in the Berlin headquarters of the SS. /20 Haganah-SS collaboration even included secret deliveries of German weapons to Jewish settlers for use in clashes with Palestinian Arabs. /21

In the aftermath of the November 1938 "Kristallnacht" outburst of violence and destruction, the SS quickly helped the Zionist organization to get back on its feet and continue its work in Germany, although now under more restricted supervision. /22” CONTINUED

19. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945 (New York: Bantam, pb., 1976), pp. 253-254.; Max Nussbaum, "Zionism Under Hitler," Congress Weekly (New York: American Jewish Congress), Sept. 11, 1942.; F. Nicosia, The Third Reich (1985), pp. 58-60, 217.; Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement (1984), p. 175.

20. H. Höhne, The Order of the Death's Head (Ballantine, pb., 1984), pp. 380-382.; K. Schleunes, Twisted Road (1970, 1990), p. 226.; Secret internal SS intelligence report about F. Polkes, June 17, 1937, in: John Mendelsohn, ed., The Holocaust (New York: Garland, 1982), vol. 5, pp. 62-64.

21. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), pp. 63-64, 105, 219-220.

22. F. Nicosia, Third Reich (1985), p. 160.

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