Zionist Thugs Attack UCLA Students

That's in your head only... everyone wanted out of that war... it was the tactics used by some of the 60's protesters that people spoke out against....
Leaving Gaza to the Hamas fighters will only get more innocent people killed... Hamas is evil... they must be hunted down and killed or captured... they burn infants rape and kill and cut of heads... I will never be on their side... if you are

you are evil too.... the estimated number of dead civilians by the hands of Israel are inflated... the media gets the numbers from HAMAS!!!!
But all his little friends think he's so hip when he wears his fashion keffiyeh and rallies against the "Zionist entity" just like the mad Mullahs do!
Good to see the Jews finally fighting back.
What do you think westside Jews were fighting for at UCLA?

Why does Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich think he can bring about the Greater Israel dream?

"The (pro-Israel) demonstrators arrived just before midnight on Tuesday night, many dressed in black clothing with white masks.

"Photographs and videos from the scene show numerous fights breaking out, objects being thrown into the camp, and at least one firework being set off.

"Security guards were present at the scene but did not intervene. Police eventually cleared the area around 3 a.m."

Jewish students say pro-Israel violence at UCLA protest camp undercut their advocacy
1. Let's NOT call the Jewish defense groups "thugs."

2. People have long criticized the German Jewish people for not putting up a fight against the Nazis.

3. So it's good that some Jewish people in America are going to kick the posteriors of anti-Semites.

4. That's the only language that genuine thugs understand.

a. If Asians would form defense groups in Chinatown against sucker punchers, those sucker punchers would flee like the cowards they are.
1. Let's NOT call the Jewish defense groups "thugs."

2. People have long criticized the German Jewish people for not putting up a fight against the Nazis.

3. So it's good that some Jewish people in America are going to kick the posteriors of anti-Semites.

4. That's the only language that genuine thugs understand.

a. If Asians would form defense groups in Chinatown against sucker punchers, those sucker punchers would flee like the cowards they are.
is there a sucker punch plague going on in China town? who are the PUNCHERS?----china town where?
is there a sucker punch plague going on in China town? who are the PUNCHERS?----china town where?
Asians are often sucker punched.

Most people know who most of the thugs are.

San Francisco and New York City are among the areas.

The media downplay the attacks (which also include attacks on public transportation) because the media do not want to hurt the feelings of a certain group that we all are supposed to feel sorry for.
They are protesting about Genocide while the World stands by, and in some cases supports that Genocide like the US and my Government, and don't tell me there is no Genocide i have been watching it for six months.
What Genocide?

Mess with the bull get the horns.

Asians are often sucker punched.

Most people know who most of the thugs are.

San Francisco and New York City are among the areas.

The media downplay the attacks (which also include attacks on public transportation) because the media do not want to hurt the feelings of a certain group that we all are supposed to feel sorry for.
??? uhm ok I will try to check
That’s not all. I’m getting tales of necrophilia coming in.
as far as I recall----necrophilia is not mentioned in the koran
What genocide?.... if the Jews were committing genocide the war would be over already and ever Arab living in Gaza would be dead... Genocide does not take long.... the reason that combat continues today is precisely because of Jews avoiding civilian death... Jews are not killing innocents intentionally....
Genocide took the Nazis several years.
Of course you attack Jews.

A Zionist is merely a person who supports Jewish self-determination in the land they have lived in for over 3000 years.

You hate Jews, so you want them forever subservient to your fellow Muslims.
Lots of peole have lived there for over 3000 years. So Zionism can and does take on a colonialist flavor, which Zionists don't really deny.

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