Wildfires up dramatically, climate change suspected as cause

We were freezing last night at Bush Stadium as the Cardinals beat the Giants. It's freaking mid August & it's 58 degrees right now! We got zero crops planted this year due to the Cold & Rainy planting season. Now it looks like an Early & Cold Winter is approaching.

...because of Global Warming, right?
Fire season will continue for at least two more months, and we have had 7 million acres burned already. Temperatures still very high, humidity very low, with high winds. For several western states, not just one. Another dry lightning storm, and even the help we are getting with the National Guard and foreign fire fighting crews will not be enough. Yes, these fires are part and parcel of what we can expect as the world warms.

And you asshole 'Conservatives' will do all you can to deny the people that must deal with the effects of the warming the money to fight the fires. And claim that it is all a problem of forest management, while denying the Forest Service the money to manage the forests. And state that the problem of people losing their homes is due to building homes in the forest, when, right now, there are several towns in danger of being overran by fires. This is going to be an issue in 2016.
hey guess what folks. We are going to have CLIMATE change soon.


omg omg omg omg OMG
Hey, guess what, dearest little Stephanie, we did not have a winter here in Portland, Oregon, last year. And we have had record heat this year. And now we have a million acres that have burned, and over 70 active fires going right now. We have the National Guard, foreign fire fighting crews, and the totality of our resources on the fire lines right now. We are still needing more, and more heat and high winds in the forecast for many of the areas that are burning.

The west on fire @ ImaGeo -
Hey, guess what, dearest little Stephanie, we did not have a winter here in Portland, Oregon, last year. And we have had record heat this year. And now we have a million acres that have burned, and over 70 active fires going right now. We have the National Guard, foreign fire fighting crews, and the totality of our resources on the fire lines right now. We are still needing more, and more heat and high winds in the forecast for many of the areas that are burning.

Praise Allah that the oceans ate 93% of the missing warming or we'd truly be fucked
Hey, guess what, dearest little Stephanie, we did not have a winter here in Portland, Oregon, last year. And we have had record heat this year. And now we have a million acres that have burned, and over 70 active fires going right now. We have the National Guard, foreign fire fighting crews, and the totality of our resources on the fire lines right now. We are still needing more, and more heat and high winds in the forecast for many of the areas that are burning.

We should have the Illegals put the fires out
Hey, guess what, dearest little Stephanie, we did not have a winter here in Portland, Oregon, last year. And we have had record heat this year. And now we have a million acres that have burned, and over 70 active fires going right now. We have the National Guard, foreign fire fighting crews, and the totality of our resources on the fire lines right now. We are still needing more, and more heat and high winds in the forecast for many of the areas that are burning.

the earth is arguably millions of years old....a million.....there have been hundreds of thousands of "hotter than normal" summers and hundreds of thousands of "colder than normal" winters...LMAO...

It's like in florida when a hurricane hits them...There is great wringing of hands and lamenting..Oh the beaches are ruined..we lost a hundred yards of oceanfront...woe is me....LMAO..no..the beaches are fine. Their house might be wrecked ...and that's bad...but that's just how this planet works.
This has been going on for a million years..Self absorbed people only see what's immediately in front of them.

so it's extra hot this summer...whoopdedoo...

in another million years you probably won't even remember posting that. ;)
Yes. the drama. You assholes don't seem to believe that having whole towns in danger is anything but normal. The snows come later now in the Blue Mountains, and go off earlier. The winters are warmer, and the bug infestations more severe. By this time of year, the brush, trees, and grass is much dryer than it used to be. This is true, also, of the Cascades, especially the North Cascades.

Wenatchee World

The fishing resort town of Conconully north of Omak was evacuated Tuesday night as two fires in the ‪#‎OkanoganComplex‬ merged.

That came after a third fire in the complex near Riverside burned at least four homes and one outbuilding, and jumped the Okanogan River and Highway 97, closing the major north-south route through Okanogan County for several hours.

Full story at Conconully evacuated as Okanogan Complex fires merge...

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Canyon Creek Complex fire continues to claim homes near John Day


One of the most destructive wildfires in the region is near John Day where hundreds of people still can't go home Tuesday night, while dozens more don't have a home left to go to at all.

Firefighters on the scene say they are still trying to get a handle on what's proven to be one of the state's most destructive fires.

Most of that damage is down a stretch of Highway 395. Homes are burned to the ground on both sides of the road, and firefighters there working to protect the one's still standing.

Read more: Canyon Creek Complex fire continues to claim homes near John Day

Maybe if people didnt build houses in forest fire prone areas....
Fire season will continue for at least two more months, and we have had 7 million acres burned already. Temperatures still very high, humidity very low, with high winds. For several western states, not just one. Another dry lightning storm, and even the help we are getting with the National Guard and foreign fire fighting crews will not be enough. Yes, these fires are part and parcel of what we can expect as the world warms.

And you asshole 'Conservatives' will do all you can to deny the people that must deal with the effects of the warming the money to fight the fires. And claim that it is all a problem of forest management, while denying the Forest Service the money to manage the forests. And state that the problem of people losing their homes is due to building homes in the forest, when, right now, there are several towns in danger of being overran by fires. This is going to be an issue in 2016.

GTFO..I live in a place that's right in the middle of hurricane alley in the gulf..We're the bulls eye, really, when they don't veer off course. Right down the middle...
It also happens that much of the city built after the late 1700's is actually lower than sea level because the city grew.
We're also one of america's major ports and over 30% of the nation's gas and oil comes through our port...this area also has a LOT of active oil and gas production and refining facilities.

every time a hurricane comes we hear about how "stupid" we are to live in a place that gets hit so often by hurricanes and we hear the bitching from the rest of the nation about helping us rebuild....of course if we closed the port and kept our gas and oil they'd REALLY understand the situation a little clearer....

My point? get over your melodramatic self. Natural disasters occur.
and I read somewhere the Farmers Almanac already predicted this was a going to be a colder winter. but according to some: it's Globull warming.

Given that the FA and OFA both stink at predicting weather, why would anyone look at them for anything besides amusement? They do no better than random chance at predicting weather.

FA and OFA are essentially astrology. Complete pseudoscience, that is. Therefore, many deniers take their predictions as gospel, more superstitions that they can mash in with the other superstitions that make up their religion.

The really funny part? Some deniers will now feel obligated to jump to the defense of their climastrology.

Let's look at their predictions for this summer.


"Broiling" for the mid-Atlantic? Big fail there.

"Muggy and Thundery" for the southeast and great lakes? That's so vague as to be worthless. Almost every summer there is "muggy and thundery" at least part of the time. 2015 has not had any widespread outbreaks of severe weather.

"Sweltering" on the plains? "Sizzling" in Texas. Nope. Below average temps.

"Dry and hot" in the west? Hey, they got one right. The coin flip worked that time.

Again, the FA predictions do no better than random chance.
Yes. the drama. You assholes don't seem to believe that having whole towns in danger is anything but normal. The snows come later now in the Blue Mountains, and go off earlier. The winters are warmer, and the bug infestations more severe. By this time of year, the brush, trees, and grass is much dryer than it used to be. This is true, also, of the Cascades, especially the North Cascades.

Wenatchee World

The fishing resort town of Conconully north of Omak was evacuated Tuesday night as two fires in the ‪#‎OkanoganComplex‬ merged.

That came after a third fire in the complex near Riverside burned at least four homes and one outbuilding, and jumped the Okanogan River and Highway 97, closing the major north-south route through Okanogan County for several hours.

Full story at Conconully evacuated as Okanogan Complex fires merge...

See More


Canyon Creek Complex fire continues to claim homes near John Day


One of the most destructive wildfires in the region is near John Day where hundreds of people still can't go home Tuesday night, while dozens more don't have a home left to go to at all.

Firefighters on the scene say they are still trying to get a handle on what's proven to be one of the state's most destructive fires.

Most of that damage is down a stretch of Highway 395. Homes are burned to the ground on both sides of the road, and firefighters there working to protect the one's still standing.

Read more: Canyon Creek Complex fire continues to claim homes near John Day

And you asshats seem to think that building towns in the middle of the wilderness is somehow not going to have consequences. My gosh but you're a stupid fool.
Fire season will continue for at least two more months, and we have had 7 million acres burned already. Temperatures still very high, humidity very low, with high winds. For several western states, not just one. Another dry lightning storm, and even the help we are getting with the National Guard and foreign fire fighting crews will not be enough. Yes, these fires are part and parcel of what we can expect as the world warms.

And you asshole 'Conservatives' will do all you can to deny the people that must deal with the effects of the warming the money to fight the fires. And claim that it is all a problem of forest management, while denying the Forest Service the money to manage the forests. And state that the problem of people losing their homes is due to building homes in the forest, when, right now, there are several towns in danger of being overran by fires. This is going to be an issue in 2016.

Your hysteria is duly noted. Care to point to a single year where there have not been major forest fires. Forest fires are such an essential, and NORMAL part of existence in the west that sage needs fires to occur as part of its life cycle. So tell me mr. sky is falling. How is it that fire is part of the flora's life cycle if its "so uncommon"?

Your hysterical rantings are nothing more than the brainless savages of old demanding we throw virgins into the volcano to appease the Gods.

Grow the fuck up.
Hey, guess what, dearest little Stephanie, we did not have a winter here in Portland, Oregon, last year. And we have had record heat this year. And now we have a million acres that have burned, and over 70 active fires going right now. We have the National Guard, foreign fire fighting crews, and the totality of our resources on the fire lines right now. We are still needing more, and more heat and high winds in the forecast for many of the areas that are burning.

And we haven't had a single day over 100 degree's. That hasn't happened in decades. That's why they're called averages moron.
and I read somewhere the Farmers Almanac already predicted this was a going to be a colder winter. but according to some: it's Globull warming.

Given that the FA and OFA both stink at predicting weather, why would anyone look at them for anything besides amusement? They do no better than random chance at predicting weather.

FA and OFA are essentially astrology. Complete pseudoscience, that is. Therefore, many deniers take their predictions as gospel, more superstitions that they can mash in with the other superstitions that make up their religion.

The really funny part? Some deniers will now feel obligated to jump to the defense of their climastrology.

Let's look at their predictions for this summer.


"Broiling" for the mid-Atlantic? Big fail there.

"Muggy and Thundery" for the southeast and great lakes? That's so vague as to be worthless. Almost every summer there is "muggy and thundery" at least part of the time. 2015 has not had any widespread outbreaks of severe weather.

"Sweltering" on the plains? "Sizzling" in Texas. Nope. Below average temps.

"Dry and hot" in the west? Hey, they got one right. The coin flip worked that time.

Again, the FA predictions do no better than random chance.

Texas had some of the worst floods they've seen in years and it's been over 100 plenty of times.
So yeah,sizzling and showery would be accurate.
And you asshats seem to think that building towns in the middle of the wilderness is somehow not going to have consequences. My gosh but you're a stupid fool.

That looks like an obvious deflection.

First, you just made up a crazy story about Old Rocks supposedly believes.

Second, you haven't explained how "people shouldn't build in wildfire zones" is connected to the fact that record area is burning this year. The normal people understand how there's no link between the two, which means "people shouldn't build in wildfire zones" is a red herring used by deniers who want to deflect from the fact that record area is burning this year, being that such unpleasant truth contradicts some of their religious beliefs.

Now, if you think there is some link between the two, we'd all love to hear the explanation.
And you asshats seem to think that building towns in the middle of the wilderness is somehow not going to have consequences. My gosh but you're a stupid fool.

That looks like an obvious deflection.

First, you just made up a crazy story about Old Rocks supposedly believes.

Second, you haven't explained how "people shouldn't build in wildfire zones" is connected to the fact that record area is burning this year. The normal people understand how there's no link between the two, which means "people shouldn't build in wildfire zones" is a red herring used by deniers who want to deflect from the fact that record area is burning this year, being that such unpleasant truth contradicts some of their religious beliefs.

Now, if you think there is some link between the two, we'd all love to hear the explanation.

The Forest Service has mismanaged the nations forests for over a century. Back in the good old days, you know, before the evil white man came to the continent, whenever there was a forest fire it cleared out all the underbrush and kept the forest healthy.

Then, the evil white man came to town and he started building homes and towns in wilderness areas and so the goal changed to put every fire out as quickly as possible. So, over the ensuing decades, the fuel load has increased to the point that now, whenever there is a fire, instead of a nice fire that flows along the floor of the forest it leaps up into the trees and utterly destroys everything.

You know for someone who claims to be a "thinker" you sure are dumb....admiral...
Blaming a regional drought in a heavy drought prone area --- or blaming a single wildfire season on 0.4 deg in your lifetime is just absurd. There is absolutely no rational basis for doing that. You have been SCARED into believing that these are signs of your faith..

If you honestly are that frightened -- I'd suggest you wait at LEAST til the west coast rainy season kicks in to avoid ever more embarrassment.

If there was a pattern of SIMULTANEOUS increases in all the indexes that are part of this CC witchcraft over a period of years --- I'd pay attention.. But you can pick and choose from ANY current disaster to badger us with "PROOF"..

You got that Atlantic Hurricane prediction there GoldiRocks? The fall tornado forecast for my area??
The winter blizzard predictions?
If you're not gonna stick your neck out --- at least get it out of the sand.. (or other storage areas)..

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