Zone1 Why Uneducated Whites are Dying of Economic Despair

If you 'bell curve' the numbers/data, you see that a minority of the 65+ hold the majority of the wealth.
Just remember guys, back when my parents worked, they were paid enough to save enough to retire. A lot of boomers got pensions too. Us liberals have been warning you since the early 80's that the Republicans were waging war on the middle class. Hiring illegals instead of Americans, tax breaks to the rich, breaking unions. Exec pay goes up 1322% in those years and our pay only went up 18% because we lost our seat at the table.

In these years, union membership went from 35% of our workforce to about 5% today. I thought workers would do better without unions? Seems we're not.

According to the Fed data, the median net worth for Americans in their late 60s and early 70s is $266,400.

While $266,400 may seem like a lot of money at first, people in their 60s usually start tapping into their net worth to cover living expenses in retirement.
Biden's tuitiion cancellation would affect many of the staffers, congressional help and bureau employees.
Stop kidding yourself

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What Biden is doing ONLY helps middle class Americans. Republicans usually do trickle down which only helps rich people. Or like Trump's tax break, he gave the rich the lion's share and us some crumbs and told you he made American great.
Organizational Communication Bachelor of Arts with a minor in Marketing. I never claimed to be a good student or smart when it comes to school. I'd probably do a lot better now than I did back then. Back then it was get done as quick as possible. I took all the level 1 classes in Marketing, no way I was going to pass the level 2 classes to get a business degree. So I got the jock degree. Communications. But I always knew what I wanted to do. Sales. First I thought stock broker but that didn't happen. I did great in sales during the Clinton years and struggled during the Bush 2000's. In MI. Lots of our jobs went overseas because they were blue collar and paid a lot. This is what pisses me off. The idiots voting for Trump and Republicans today, lost their jobs in the 2000's. And Republicans said it was their fault. They sucked and were over paid. Which was half true!!! Deplorables is what we call them now. Suckers if they think Trump is going to put more money in their pockets. Meanwhile, Biden and Unions are doing just that.

In the horrible 2000's I was an enrollment counselor for University of Phoenix. Don't laugh. I think it's great for some people. If you are an adult who works they have a great program where you can do it once a week or on your own time. And they teach you what employers are looking for. They're accredited. And I got a better job with what I learned there. I was getting a masters in management. It didn't have the hard classes the MBA had. I was 1/3 the way through with a 3.3 gpa and I got a better job so I quit and stopped taking the classes. Because they were free but only if I worked there.

Link documentation sources for what? For how much I make? Nope. Fuck you. LOL
Sounds plausible. If you fabricated all that you have an alternate career as a fiction writer.* LOL
As for documentation, wasn't asking to see bank accounts or W2s, more like name of college got degree from should anyone want to check validity.
Now wondering what sort of sales, what product~service, you pedaled.
You are validating my earlier observation that most successful in sales has more to do with personality than a college degree, if any.

As for job and market shifts over the decades, maybe start with Nixon for opening up CCP China to the USA and the rest of the world. The source of USA job loss is the consumer. When Joe Public, USA started to by pancake flippers made in China (or Mexico, Peru, etc.), rather than those made in the USA, that is what shifted jobs and production out of this country. Other factors like the Peace Corp = teaching the third world how to sustain themselves and enter the global markets, etc. helped grease those wheels.

* One of the questionables in your "resume" is the between the lines denigration of capitalism and conservatives, the source of the markets that you claim to have given you a good income, etc. One would expect your "education" would include a more solid foundation in basic economics and business than want you show via your subtle jabs at free enterprise and capitalism,, your socialist advocacy of unions, etc.(BTW, I've been a union member in past employments and there are aspects of unions you either aren't aware of or are ignoring.) Knowing exactly what it is you sold would explain your boom or bust track in sales more than which party was in office.

Your preferred POTUSs appear to be the Democrat ones yet the last three, Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's have little to no experience in business, for profit endeavors, free enterprise-capitalism; a.k.a. wealth creation. Check their bios on Wiki and you see all went straight from college to collect guv'mint incomes, along with some fees(bribes) for speaking or book royalties. Put bluntly, they lived their lives being parasites sucking off other people's money & wealth. Similar applies to most of the Democrats, voter-candidates-office holders and a majority of government employees (also union members mostly;) )a.k.a. the Deep State.

Regurgitating this line from SHillary Rotten Clinton also clues you may not be all you claim and are at least a regressive that votes Democrat; "Deplorables is what we call them now". Enough time spent on this response, other things and chores to do.
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I believe Biden is only forgiving interest. So let's say you borrowed $40K and you now owe $80K. He's wiping out $20K of the interest. So now you owe $60K.

This is how Biden is getting away with it. He's forgiving the interest. Brilliant.
Not exactly.
How loan forgiveness works under new SAVE plan

Since SAVE launched last year, nearly 8 million borrowers have enrolled and about 360,000 people have seen their remaining debt canceled due to the terms of the new plan. Before SAVE, the federal government already offered several income-driven repayment plans, which tie monthly payments to a borrower’s income and family size. But under Biden’s new version some borrowers will see their monthly payments cut in half when the plan is fully phased in this July.

There’s a forgiveness component for borrowers once they’ve made monthly payments for a certain number of years under SAVE. That’s true under other income-driven repayment plans, too, but the time it takes to receive debt relief is shorter under SAVE and based on how much the borrower initially took out. For example, those who borrowed $12,000 or less will see their debt forgiven after paying for 10 years, compared with the 20-plus years it may take if enrolled in another plan.

Another benefit to borrowers enrolled in SAVE: Unpaid interest will not accrue as long as full monthly payments are made. That means a borrower’s balance won’t increase even if the monthly payment doesn’t cover the interest accumulated that month.

Other efforts to cancel student debt

Biden attempted to implement a sweeping student loan forgiveness program in 2022, but it was knocked down by the Supreme Court before it delivered any debt relief. The program would have wiped away up to $20,000 for borrowers earning less than $125,000 a year – and was estimated to cost about $400 billion. The high court ruled that the administration overstepped its authority. Still, Biden has canceled more student loan debt than under any other president – mostly by using existing programs. His administration has made it easier for certain groups of borrowers – such as public-sector workers, including teachers; disabled borrowers; and people who were defrauded by for-profit colleges – to qualify for student loan debt forgiveness.

The Department of Education is also conducting a recount of past payments to fix administrative errors, bringing some people closer to debt relief. Since the fall, the Biden administration has been working on set of new proposals, based on a different legal authority, to deliver relief to certain groups of borrowers.
For example, those whose student loan balances are bigger than what they initially borrowed could see their accumulated interest wiped way.
There is a sound economic foundation to the phrase "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" TANSTAAFL

The parts of the debts and interest that were from the government will now be paid by the taxpayers in general via increased Federal Deficit and Debt. Ironically there is a bit of bait and switch here as the students whose loans are "forgiven" will repay some of that via their income taxes.

The other part, where financial institutions provided the loans, means they and their investors bit it and take the loss; such as in IRA and 401K devaluations(reductions = losses). There will also be an indirect loss to pensions (which are mostly union based) in their investments used for funding the pay outs.

Only "brilliant" to scam and con artists (Biden's a pro at this, spent his lifetime doing it), crooks, and other thieves.
"Deplorable" to those whom are honest and involved in wealth making rather than wealth taking and faking!
Tax cuts work every time we cut them.... it causes people to invest their money instead of trying to hide it....
Dude its not a myth... we have witnessed it over and over again...
just four years ago we saw it live as it happened... Trump cut taxes and the economy boomed....
the myth is that its a republican myth.... stop falling for the lies... one must be blind to forget events from just 4 years ago....
The economy was booming when Trump took office. He didn't cut taxes in 2020.
Sounds plausible. If you fabricated all that you have an alternate career as a fiction writer.* LOL
As for documentation, wasn't asking to see bank accounts or W2s, more like name of college got degree from should anyone want to check validity.
Now wondering what sort of sales, what product~service, you pedaled.
You are validating my earlier observation that most successful in sales has more to do with personality than a college degree, if any.

As for job and market shifts over the decades, maybe start with Nixon for opening up CCP China to the USA and the rest of the world. The source of USA job loss is the consumer. When Joe Public, USA started to by pancake flippers made in China (or Mexico, Peru, etc.), rather than those made in the USA, that is what shifted jobs and production out of this country. Other factors like the Peace Corp = teaching the third world how to sustain themselves and enter the global markets, etc. helped grease those wheels.

* One of the questionables in your "resume" is the between the lines denigration of capitalism and conservatives, the source of the markets that you claim to have given you a good income, etc. One would expect your "education" would include a more solid foundation in basic economics and business than want you show via your subtle jabs at free enterprise and capitalism,, your socialist advocacy of unions, etc.(BTW, I've been a union member in past employments and there are aspects of unions you either aren't aware of or are ignoring.) Knowing exactly what it is you sold would explain your boom or bust track in sales more than which party was in office.

Your preferred POTUSs appear to be the Democrat ones yet the last three, Clinton's, Obama's, and Biden's have little to no experience in business, for profit endeavors, free enterprise-capitalism; a.k.a. wealth creation. Check their bios on Wiki and you see all went straight from college to collect guv'mint incomes, along with some fees(bribes) for speaking or book royalties. Put bluntly, they lived their lives being parasites sucking off other people's money & wealth. Similar applies to most of the Democrats, voter-candidates-office holders and a majority of government employees (also union members mostly;) )a.k.a. the Deep State.

Regurgitating this line from SHillary Rotten Clinton also clues you may not be all you claim and are at least a regressive that votes Democrat; "Deplorables is what we call them now". Enough time spent on this response, other things and chores to do.
1. No I don't think a college degree is necessary to do what I do. But that's the system I lived in. To get the good jobs, you have to have a degree.

2. Eastern Michigan University is an accredited university. So is U of Phoenix. Just like Michigan or Harvard. Regionally accredited. The highest for college.

3. Stop attacking unions. Yes, I know the flaws of union members and leaders. I think modern unions should not allow what past unions allowed. Remember GM had a room for people who they didn't have work for to just go sit or 8 hours and still get paid? Does that still exist? I bet it doesn't. And unions need to stop defending piece of shit members. But I'm pro union. Look at middle class America since union membership went from 35% to 5%. How's the middle class doing since we lost our seat at the table?

4. Biden, Obama and Clinton knew how to run a government. Trump did not. He proved that the first time a crisis happened.

5. "I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview that was conducted shortly after the 2008 presidential election on NY1's "Inside City Hall" program.

"You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.
She entered after the initial "storming" where the police opened the doors and barriers inviting the protestors in. Unarmed Babbitt was murdered by a gutless, trigger happy cop, while she was trying to stop other protestors from continuing, a cop whom the DOJ covered and failed to prosecute.


Meteor shower
Memphis shooting
Universal Studios accident
Tesla price cuts

Ashli Babbitt a martyr? Her past tells a more complex story

Published 11:53 AM EDT, January 3, 2022
WASHINGTON (AP) — The first time Celeste Norris laid eyes on Ashli Babbitt, the future insurrectionist had just rammed her vehicle three times with an SUV and was pounding on the window, challenging her to a fight.

Norris says the bad blood between them began in 2015, when Babbitt engaged in a monthslong extramarital affair with Norris’ longtime live-in boyfriend. When she learned of the relationship, Norris called Babbitt’s husband and told him she was cheating.

“She pulls up yelling and screaming,” Norris said in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, recounting the July 29, 2016, road-rage incident in Prince Frederick, Maryland. “It took me a good 30 seconds to figure out who she was. … Just all sorts of expletives, telling me to get out of the car, that she was going to beat my ass.”

Terrified and confused, Norris dialed 911 and waited for law enforcement. Babbitt was later charged with numerous misdemeanors.


The attack on Norris is an example of erratic and sometimes threatening behavior by Babbitt, who was shot by a police officer while at the vanguard of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Former President Donald Trump and his supporters have sought to portray her as a righteous martyr who was unjustly killed.

Trump has called her “an incredible person” and he even taped a posthumous birthday greeting to her in October. Trump has also demanded the Justice Department reinvestigate Babbitt’s death, though the officer who shot her was cleared of any wrongdoing by two prior federal investigations.

But the life of the Air Force veteran from California, who died while wearing a Trump campaign flag wrapped around her shoulders like a cape, was far more complicated than the heroic portrait presented by Trump and his allies.

In the months before her death, Babbitt had become consumed by pro-Trump conspiracy theories and posted angry screeds on social media. She also had a history of making violent threats.

Babbitt, 35, was fatally shot while attempting to climb through the broken window of a barricaded door leading to the Speaker’s Lobby inside the Capitol, where police officers were evacuating members of Congress from the mob supporting Trump’s false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. She was one of five people who died during or immediately after the riot, including a Capitol Police officer.

On social media, Babbitt identified as a Libertarian and ardent supporter of the Second Amendment. Her posts included videos of profane rants against Democrats, COVID-19 mask mandates and illegal immigration.

Her Twitter account, which was taken down after her death, was rife with references to the QAnon conspiracy theory, which centers on the baseless belief that Trump has secretly battled deep-state enemies and a cabal of Satan-worshiping cannibals that includes prominent Democrats who operate a child sex trafficking ring.

“Nothing will stop us,” Babbitt tweeted Jan. 5. “They can try and try and try but the storm is here and it is descending upon DC in less than 24 hours....dark to light!”

Among Q followers, “The Storm” refers to the predicted day Trump would finally unmask the pedophile cabal, arrest and execute those deemed traitors and restore America to greatness.

Trump has repeatedly insisted Babbitt was murdered, and she has achieved martyr status among Trump supporters. Her name and likeness now appear on T-shirts and flags at pro-Trump rallies.

A Maryland personal injury lawyer representing Babbitt’s husband, Aaron Babbitt, has raised $375,000 through a Christian crowdfunding site and has threatened to file a lawsuit against the Capitol Police.

Key to that wrongful death claim is the contention that Babbitt, a former military police officer who was 5-foot-2 and weighed 115 pounds, would have peacefully surrendered had Capitol officers attempted to arrest her.

Aaron Babbitt declined to comment in October when a reporter knocked on the door of the San Diego apartment he shared with Ashli and another woman. In a June interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Babbitt said he has been sickened by some of what he has seen written about his deceased wife.

“There’s never been a person who Ashli ran across in her daily life that didn’t love her,” said Babbitt, 40.

That is not how Norris felt about her.

Court records involving the violent 2016 confrontation between Babbitt and Norris have previously been reported by media outlets, including the AP. But Norris, now 39, agreed to speak about it publicly for the first time in an interview with the AP and shared previously unreported details. She also provided documents and photos from the crash scene to support her account.

Norris was in a six-year relationship with Aaron Babbitt when she said she learned he was cheating on her with a married co-worker from his job as a security guard at a nuclear power plant near the Chesapeake Bay. She eventually found out the other woman was Ashli McEntee, who at the time went by the last name of her then-husband.

“He was telling me about this foulmouthed chick that’s on his shift, blah, blah, blah,” Norris recounted. “Come to find out a few months later ... they were basically having this relationship while they were at work.”

When she learned of the affair, she reached out to Babbitt’s husband, Timothy McEntee.

“You know, I was trying to keep my home life together,” she said.

Norris said she tried for a few months to salvage her relationship with Aaron Babbitt before finally deciding to move out of their house. Within days, Norris said, Ashli moved in.

A few weeks later, Norris was waiting at a stop sign in Prince Frederick, about an hour southeast of Washington, D.C., when she says a white Ford Explorer passed her going the other direction.

Norris saw the SUV pulling a U-turn before speeding up behind her. She recounts that the SUV’s driver began swerving erratically, laying on the horn and attempting to pass a Chevrolet Suburban that was in between them on the narrow two-lane road.

When the driver of the Chevy pulled over, Norris said the white Ford SUV accelerated and rammed into her rear bumper. She said the SUV rammed her a second time and then a third, all while the vehicles continued to roll down the road.

After Norris dialed 911, an emergency dispatcher advised her to pull over to the shoulder and stop. As she waited for help, Babbitt got out of her vehicle and came up to Norris’ driver’s-side window, banging on the glass.

Norris said the force of the impact caused her seatbelt to lock tight, preventing her from getting out of her car. Within minutes, deputies arrived.

A case report from the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office obtained by the AP shows Ashli Babbitt was issued a criminal summons on charges of reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor defined under Maryland law as engaging in conduct “that creates a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury to another” and punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. She was also charged with malicious destruction of property for the damage to Norris’ vehicle.

Court records show those charges were later updated to include traffic offenses — reckless driving, negligent driving and failure to control a vehicle’s speed to avoid a collision.

Photos from the scene provided to the AP by Norris show Babbitt’s white Ford Explorer with its front bumper smashed in. The SUV’s grill is also pushed in and the hood dented. The rear bumper of Norris’ Escape is pushed in on the passenger side, with the detached Maryland license plate from the front bumper of Babbitt’s SUV wedged into it.

Following the altercation, Norris and a friend went to the courthouse in neighboring St. Mary’s County, where she lived at the time, and petitioned for a peace order, a type of restraining order, against Ashli Babbitt. The resulting judicial order barred Ashli Babbitt from attempting to contact Norris, committing further acts of violence against her and going to her home or workplace.

A copy of the order, dated the same day as the altercation, contains Norris’ contemporaneous account of what occurred, as written down by her friend. Norris’ hands were still shaking so badly she couldn’t write down what happened for herself, according to a note on the document.

In the weeks after the incident, Norris said, Babbitt falsely claimed to authorities that the collisions had occurred when Norris repeatedly backed her vehicle into Babbitt’s SUV. But when the case went to trial, Norris said, Babbitt changed her story, admitting under oath that she had collided with Norris’ vehicle but portraying it as an accident.

No transcript from the hearing was available, but Norris said the lawyer defending Babbitt made repeated references to her employment at the local nuclear power plant and years of military service, which included deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Babbitt served on active duty with the U.S. Air Force, and then in the reserves and the Air National Guard until 2016. A judge acquitted Babbitt on the criminal charges.

In February 2017, records show Norris asked for and received a second peace order against Ashli Babbitt, citing ongoing harassment and stalking. In a handwritten petition, Norris says that Babbitt had recently followed her home from work and that she had also received repeated calls in the middle of the night from an unlisted number.

“I lived in fear because I didn’t know what she was capable of,” Norris told the AP. “I was constantly looking over my shoulder.”

In 2019, Norris filed a personal injury lawsuit against Ashli Babbitt, seeking $74,500 in damages, and she said she settled out of court with Babbitt’s insurance carrier for an undisclosed sum.

By then, Aaron and Ashli had moved to California, where she grew up and still had family. Timothy McEntee was granted a divorce in Maryland in May 2019. McEntee did not respond to voicemails and messages left at his home.

Ashli posted on Facebook that she married Aaron Babbitt the following month. Records show the couple owned a pool cleaning service with Ashli’s brother. When a reporter visited the business the day after her death, a large sign on the locked door declared the building to be “Mask Free Autonomous Zone Better Known as America.”

In the year since Babbitt’s death, Trump and many Republicans in Congress have sought to recast the Jan. 6 insurrection as nonviolent — a contention directly contradicted by hours of video footage and the public testimony of Capitol Police officers, 140 of whom were injured in the melee.

In his video on Babbitt’s birthday, Trump also said: “Together we grieve her terrible loss. There was no reason Ashli should have lost her life that day. We must all demand justice for Ashli and her family, so on this solemn occasion as we celebrate her life, we renew our call for a fair and nonpartisan investigation into the death of Ashli Babbitt.”

Aaron Babbitt’s lawyer, Terrell Roberts III, did not respond to numerous phone messages and emails seeking comment. But in written statements to the media, he has said her shooting “was tantamount to an execution without trial.”

“Given her background as a 14-year veteran of the Air Force, it is likely that Ashli would have complied with simple verbal commands, thereby making the use of any force unnecessary,” Roberts said.

The Capitol Police officer who shot Babbitt, Lt. Michael Byrd, said in a televised interview in August that he fired as a “last resort.” When he pulled the trigger, he said, he had no idea whether the person jumping through the window was armed.
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Trump cut taxes and when he did and started drilling again people got jobs and started businesses and people made investments and the treasury was keeping up for the first time in 10 years...
Growth is how you pay down debt.... not raising tax rates on the people...
Trump also laid tariffs on foreign goods from other county's like slave labor China which was also helping to fill up the treasury....
Use the economic engine of a free America and we will pay our debt.... tax us more and cause more debt and borrowing....
Trump inherited full employment and 77 consecutive months of job growth. He didn't create anything.
"Trump inherited full employment and 77 consecutive months of job growth. He didn't create anything."

This is a fact rambunctious.
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And not just uneducated white men. Women too.

Here's what I think. For centuries blue collar whites benefited from white privilege. Now that the privilege is gone, they're starting to act like the minorities they told to pick themselves up by their bootstraps. Anyone can make it in America. You only have yourself to blame. Today white uneducated Republicans sound a lot like black people back during the Civil Rights movement.

In the 2000's Companies sent close to 1 million union jobs overseas. Those were the high paying jobs that uneducated white Americans had back when America was great. Republicans went to war with the unions in the 2000's as Bush sent all their high paying jobs overseas. This is why uneducated whites are doing so poorly today. And why they are so angry. But their anger is misdirected.
NAFTA sent jobs overseas...that's Clinton...not Bush.
The only thing Republican have to fix the economy is tax cuts. Then they blame the Democrats for the rise in the national debt.
both parties have been all in on neoliberal economics since the "washinton consensus " of the reagan era. tax cuts do not seem the effective tool predicted buy that model.
You don't know that Reagan/Bush invented NAFTA? Bush would have signed it but like Trump, he lost his bid to lead for 4 more years because he sucked and he didn't have a brother running a swing state.
NAFTA was championed and signed by Bill Clinton. Sorry if that makes your liberal head hurt, Sealy but it's the truth.
What Biden is doing ONLY helps middle class Americans. Republicans usually do trickle down which only helps rich people. Or like Trump's tax break, he gave the rich the lion's share and us some crumbs and told you he made American great.
What a stupid reply. Middle class consistently and increasingly polls as being WORSE OFF under Biden. The tax load is worse, the cuts to SS,
the increasing OSHA , EPA, and other loads on business, the interference with public choice in cars, appliances, food, etc.

Few in new poll say Biden policies helping middle class​

BY LAUREN IRWIN - 02/20/24

"Among middle class families, 16 percent say Biden’s policies have benefitted them a lot, while 33 percent say they have benefitted them a little. Forty-five percent say they have not benefitted them at all and 7 percent aren’t sure.

LEt's do the math : 33 +45 = 78% disagree with you
What a stupid reply. Middle class consistently and increasingly polls as being WORSE OFF under Biden. The tax load is worse, the cuts to SS,
the increasing OSHA , EPA, and other loads on business, the interference with public choice in cars, appliances, food, etc.

Few in new poll say Biden policies helping middle class​

BY LAUREN IRWIN - 02/20/24

"Among middle class families, 16 percent say Biden’s policies have benefitted them a lot, while 33 percent say they have benefitted them a little. Forty-five percent say they have not benefitted them at all and 7 percent aren’t sure.

LEt's do the math : 33 +45 = 78% disagree with you
Things don't turn around overnight. Last year unions all across the country scored big wins for the middle class. Auto workers in TN are unionizing now. Next up, Alabama.

All those uneducated blue collar workers will be doing much better with Biden's help. They have a seat at the table.

And your wages will go up too. Because your company fears you will organize too.
Things don't turn around overnight. Last year unions all across the country scored big wins for the middle class. Auto workers in TN are unionizing now. Next up, Alabama.

All those uneducated blue collar workers will be doing much better with Biden's help. They have a seat at the table.

And your wages will go up too. Because your company fears you will organize too.
You're really not very bright, Sealy! Do you realize WHY they are building cars in Tennessee and Alabama instead of in Michigan? Use your head.
Inflation caused by Joe Biden's policies have increased the cost of goods Americans purchase by almost 20%. To be quite blunt? Joe Biden has been a disaster for blue collar workers.

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