Why Doesn't The Media Ever Report Any Good News About Biden?

You and I know very well she is not going to believe one thing in this list.

i'm on her iggy list - because she couldn't stand it when i threw real facts at her that it made her nervous to think outside her bubble. but that won't stop me from doing it.
That would be correct just by seeing the link title.


And only bad stuff about Trump? One of my neighbors brought this up today and he's absolutely one hundred percent correct. The reason is that nobody in the media (owned by the left) has anything good to say about Biden because they know that there is absolutely nothing good about him. They cannot defend him so that's why they constantly trash Trump. That's one of the reasons why these indictments/trials have been happening, and why they totally took his whole entire bloodbath speech out of context. Partly it's because they're afraid of him, but they cannot trash nor defend Biden so they go after Trump. (This man is an absolute genius btw.)

The media are all corporate owned right wing whores for money.
DB has been busy
DB? Who is DB? I think you mean JRB? :dunno:
Wow. . . seems yoar getting just as senile as he is?
( he won despite being his 'basement' last time ) ...
Nope. Most rationale, independent and non-rabid foaming at the mouth crazy folks, who aren't hyper partisan, would say. . . he didn't win shit.

Trump lost.

Folks came out to simply vote against Trump's brand of crazy. They had simply had enough of his crazy. But? America now longs for what he had given them before the pandemic hit.

Stability, and a traditional America they had been used to.

The fact is. .. it is a damn crazy world now, it it might just take a nut job to keep America safe from all the crazies out there. And Joe just hasn't been doing it.

he's been ramping up his appearances.

DB? Who is DB? I think you mean JRB? :dunno:


DB is short for dark brandon.
Wow. . . seems yoar getting just as senile as he is?


Nope. Most rationale, independent and non-rapid foaming at the mouth crazy folks would say. . . he didn't win shit.

'cept the keys to the white house.

Trump lost.


Folks came out to simply vote against his crazy. They had simply had enough of his crazy.

whatever got him o-u-t is fine & dandy with me.

But? America forgotten what he had given them before the pandemic hit.

mmmmm... don't think so............... tell you one fact that you can take to the bank....

women haven't forgotten just how much donny has forced the overturning of roe v wade, AND said he was proud of it.


as stable as a horse in the hospital *

a traditional America they had been used to.

& nothing has changed that, unless you mean others that aren't considered traditional gets to live their lives in the land of the free as well?

The fact is. .. it is a damn crazy world now, it it might just take a nut job to keep America safe from all the crazies out there. And Joe just hasn't been doing it.

lol ...

women haven't forgotten just how much donny has forced the overturning of roe v wade, AND said he was proud of it.

No they haven't.

Each and every state, (with except maybe Arizona, ain't that a gift to the DNC?) can do what the people of their states want. Why do you hate democracy? 🤪

The abortion issue, is just like the immigration and gun issue. The ruling elites purposely use it as a wedge issue, to make Americans think that their enemy/opponents are each other, when in reality, that mass majority, want similar things, and the ruling oligarchy is the real opponent.

Who the hell do you think you are debating with here? GTFO of here already.

Biden always promises the moon, and delivers farts, just like Trump and any of the others of them.

. . . its all just a game, it's rigged, and none of the people really matter at all.

'Major hurdles': The reality check behind Biden's big abortion promise​

Passing legislation to codify federal abortion rights would require overcoming significant challenges: winning full control of Congress, piercing the filibuster and beating legal obstacles.

. . . I do love that joke. It is clear we have similar tastes and you were picking up much of what I was putting down. I had to watch it again. Good stuff. :lol:
i'm on her iggy list - because she couldn't stand it when i threw real facts at her that it made her nervous to think outside her bubble. but that won't stop me from doing it.
Reminds me of Hare Krishna that only believed in person and mesmerized with his teachings.
Finally - the gov'ment can negotiate drugs prices with bigpharma, adding new ones in stages over time...

capping the price of insulin @ $ 35.00 is a big f'n deal.

thanx dark brandon.
its a bullshit too.....the only diabetics who get that are the ones on Medicare part D...if you dont have that which millions dont,you are still fucked....
And only bad stuff about Trump? One of my neighbors brought this up today and he's absolutely one hundred percent correct. The reason is that nobody in the media (owned by the left) has anything good to say about Biden because they know that there is absolutely nothing good about him. They cannot defend him so that's why they constantly trash Trump. That's one of the reasons why these indictments/trials have been happening, and why they totally took his whole entire bloodbath speech out of context. Partly it's because they're afraid of him, but they cannot trash nor defend Biden so they go after Trump. (This man is an absolute genius btw.)
What you really need to pay attention to, IMO?

Are not stories in the press about either candidate, but look for appearances when they have to interact with the people, or journalists.

Stories from the MSM about Biden? That's just propaganda.

Trump rallies? That's just PR.

But when Trump has to answer questions from journalists, or in a town hall setting? THAT, IMO, is useful.

Or when Biden has to sit down and interact with someone? That too, no matter how staged, always will give us a glimpse into who these candidates really are.

This station in Tampa snagged an exclusive interview. . . I have found no place that will embed it, so you need to go to their site to watch it. . . it isn't good, TBH. The journalist is exactly, but Biden? He seems like a ten year old repeating a memorized script, and often times, he always says, "but anyways," or "I don't want to get into it," THAT? Is not acceptable for a man that is running for that highest office in the land. And sometimes, he just gets simple facts, terribly wrong.

Everyone knows he is not cognitively able to do that job.

I stay up to date on things with the Hill's RISING podcast. It is short, and has a quick topics. They have a broadcaster from the right and left with good chemistry. They are far better than any news source I have found to date, for day to day current events.

Biden FLUBS Question About Israel Rafah Invasion, Names WRONG City: Watch​

Premiered 13 hours ago
And only bad stuff about Trump? One of my neighbors brought this up today and he's absolutely one hundred percent correct. The reason is that nobody in the media (owned by the left) has anything good to say about Biden because they know that there is absolutely nothing good about him. They cannot defend him so that's why they constantly trash Trump. That's one of the reasons why these indictments/trials have been happening, and why they totally took his whole entire bloodbath speech out of context. Partly it's because they're afraid of him, but they cannot trash nor defend Biden so they go after Trump. (This man is an absolute genius btw.)
Precisely why Lefties can't start any reasonable thread on Biden here. Trump lives in their heads rent free. The US Lefty phenomenon against Trump is remarkable, and strange.
And only bad stuff about Trump? One of my neighbors brought this up today and he's absolutely one hundred percent correct. The reason is that nobody in the media (owned by the left) has anything good to say about Biden because they know that there is absolutely nothing good about him. They cannot defend him so that's why they constantly trash Trump. That's one of the reasons why these indictments/trials have been happening, and why they totally took his whole entire bloodbath speech out of context. Partly it's because they're afraid of him, but they cannot trash nor defend Biden so they go after Trump. (This man is an absolute genius btw.)
Several reports recently have noted that Biden has closed the small lead that the blob had over him. The lead came from nearly four years of non-stop campaigning.

Meanwhile your blob is having to go to court everyday and is having trouble staying awake and quiet.
Several reports recently have noted that Biden has closed the small lead that the blob had over him. The lead came from nearly four years of non-stop campaigning.

Meanwhile your blob is having to go to court everyday and is having trouble staying awake and quiet.

If the Delaware Dummy had been running the country over the last four years in stead of "non-stop campaigning", the world would be in such a fucking mess right now.

No they haven't.

Each and every state, (with except maybe Arizona, ain't that a gift to the DNC?) can do what the people of their states want. Why do you hate democracy? 🤪

The abortion issue, is just like the immigration and gun issue. The ruling elites purposely use it as a wedge issue, to make Americans think that their enemy/opponents are each other, when in reality, that mass majority, want similar things, and the ruling oligarchy is the real opponent.

Who the hell do you think you are debating with here? GTFO of here already.

Biden always promises the moon, and delivers farts, just like Trump and any of the others of them.

. . . its all just a game, it's rigged, and none of the people really matter at all.

'Major hurdles': The reality check behind Biden's big abortion promise​

Passing legislation to codify federal abortion rights would require overcoming significant challenges: winning full control of Congress, piercing the filibuster and beating legal obstacles.

. . . I do love that joke. It is clear we have similar tastes and you were picking up much of what I was putting down. I had to watch it again. Good stuff. :lol:

biden will win on the reproductive rights issue. it's already showing in states where it's on the ballot, either directly or pro choice candidates are winning. 100% guaranteed it will be THE deciding issue. & i will never accept the notion that biden & trump are cut from the same cloth. of course biden is a politician & a corporate (D) ... although he's evolving & moving more to the left. but he actually does get things done when he has the votes behind him, & he's not a sociopathic, malignant narcissist with arrested development who suffers from syphilitic brain syndrome.


no wonder donny loves al capone so much.

not so much with sharks though.


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