Why does MAGA et al go post-truth on everything?

Biden''s creating moar every day, shitlordos!
You can't cheat an honest man
But you can sell morons $5 red hats for $30 all day long

You have to wonder why lefties can't seem to face reality these days The Country is crumbling under 12 million illegal alien criminals who are raping and murdering Americans, inflation is rising and foreign policy is so incoherent that it's laughable but the crazy left seems to think that the phrase "Make America Great Again" is the enemy. Maybe TDS is a real mental illness. If the Titanic went down today the headline would say" Trump's fault".
If the Titanic went down tonight, this would be the likely MAGA response. It is always in the absurd.

View attachment 944240

They were nuts about Covid, the last election and J6, and they have not changed. They are a cult of grievances.

I don't they ever will change.

New nationwide survey shows MAGA supportersâ beliefs about the pandemic, the election and the insurrection

Highlights of the findings include:

  • Nearly all (98%) of respondents said they believe Trump’s election fraud claims and distrust the actual results of the presidential election;
  • About 90% said voting “shouldn’t be easier”
  • More than two-thirds said Trump bears no responsibility for the events of Jan. 6 – roughly the same percentage that laid the blame on antifa
  • At least 90% said Trump was honest about COVID-19, and that state and local government restrictions related to the pandemic should be loosened
  • Almost all said they were concerned that “forces are changing our country for the worse” and “the American way of life is disappearing”
The findings related to “difference”– race, gender and immigration status — provide an additional lens through which to view the MAGA movement, Parker said.

On race, significant majorities of respondents agreed with statements like “Black people should work their way up like other minorities” and “Black people would be as well off as white people if they tried.” Along the same lines, a majority disagreed with statements such as “Slavery/discrimination made working up difficult for Black people” and “Black people have gotten less than they deserve.”

Similar themes emerged in the results regarding women and immigration. A majority of respondents agreed with statements such as “Women interpret innocent remarks as sexist,” “Feminists are seeking more power than men,” and “Immigration is changing our culture for the worse.”
How many people do you see in your post.

Take your time. There is some water available if you need it.
They are NOT the same person.

The one of the right could not pass facial recognition at any NY Metro airport using the one on the lefts driver license.

How much Progressive Koolaid have you snorted?

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