Why does MAGA et al go post-truth on everything?

That's the difference between us, I have one that I use; to you it's just lyrical knowledge, something that only your Party leaders possess
Frank, you are delusional, part of a massive social psychosis not seen since the rise of Naziism.

It ends this election cycle.
Frank, you are delusional, part of a massive social psychosis not seen since the rise of Naziism.

It ends this election cycle.

Coming from the Party that wants to lock up their political opponent during a Presidential Campaign

Yes, it does!
Coming from the Party that wants to lock up their political opponent during a Presidential Campaign

Yes, it does!
That's why they are getting so mean and nasty and delusional - their entire lawfare campaign is crumbling before their eyes. THe only they have on rely on now is Biden and election fraud.
That's why they are getting so mean and nasty and delusional - their entire lawfare campaign is crumbling before their eyes. THe only they have on rely on now is Biden and election fraud.
At best. They might have concluded that their brand is now so toxic that not even the 11MM Illegals can keep them competitive

They’re so fucking evil they might launch an EMP attack on America and blame it on Putin
"We put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. " ~Joe Biden

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You focus on the caricature of MAGA that your Democrat masters and their media have created for your consumption. "MAGA" stands for REAL AMERICANS who want the Democrat Regime removed from power and American values restored.
No. That is the real MAGA.

Just like this is the REAL MAGA.

The Guardian has reported how Arizona’s most populous county, Maricopa, has taken extraordinary measures to protect its staff and the counting of ballots. Election workers there endure a daily torrent of hateful and menacing messages over email and social media as Trump and his Republican supporters continue to lie that Biden and his Democratic allies fraudulently stole the 2020 presidential race from him.

Fontes, a Democrat and retired US marine, told Meet the Press that such abuse was not enough to get him “off of his post” personally. But, he added: “I will say … it has [affected] not just us but our families as well.

You know, when you have to tell your neighbors, ‘Hey, pay attention, if something happens, the kids might have to come over,’ or to have go-bags ready, or to any number of these things so many people across the country have had to suffer through – that’s a problem,” Fontes said. “One of the ways that I have been looking at this and addressing this is telling the really hard truth. And that is this: threats against elections officials in the United States of America is domestic terrorism.”

MAGA is unAmerican.

MAGA is NOT the America I grew up in.

MAGA is NOT the America my parents proudly raised a brand new flag with 50 stars to fly over the US embassy in India.

MAGA is an attack on civil society.

MAGA is not my country, it is an angry, wounded thin skinned beast seeking to devour everything that is good, decent and wonderful about our country. Nothing can sate it. It will eventually devour itself, but what will be left?
MAGA is unAmerican.

MAGA is NOT the America I grew up in.

MAGA is NOT the America my parents proudly raised a brand new flag with 50 stars to fly over the US embassy in India.

MAGA is an attack on civil society.

MAGA is not my country, it is an angry, wounded thin skinned beast seeking to devour everything that is good, decent and wonderful about our country. Nothing can date it. It will eventually devour itself, but what will be left?
  • Nearly all (98%) of respondents said they believe Trump’s election fraud claims and distrust the actual results of the presidential election;
  • About 90% said voting “shouldn’t be easier”
  • More than two-thirds said Trump bears no responsibility for the events of Jan. 6 – roughly the same percentage that laid the blame on antifa
  • At least 90% said Trump was honest about COVID-19, and that state and local government restrictions related to the pandemic should be loosened
  • Almost all said they were concerned that “forces are changing our country for the worse” and “the American way of life is disappearing”

The 98% number is bullshit, I highly doubt that that many people agree on anything in this country. I would say the number should be close to or even less than 50%. However, a lot of people do think there was some fraud going on but whether it means the wrong man won is debatable. Just because there was no court case that ruled fraud occurred doesn't mean it didn't happen. I think in most cases there wasn't sufficient standing for any court to consider who the plaintiffs are. Or there were jurisdiction issues. I do not know of any court that ruled there was no fraud at all.

What does 'voting should be easier' mean? If that means no voter ID then I do have a problem with that.

I do not believe that Trump bears any responsibility for J6, at no time did he ever call for breaking into the Capitol building. And blaming Antifa is ridiculous and unfounded.

I do believe that Trump was honest about COVID and tried his best to do the right thing. I also believe he got a lot of misinformation from various health organizations and Congress was definitely no help. The democrats opposed him no matter what he did, even those policies that they themselves used when Biden took office.

Yeah, there are forces that are changing or country for the worse, mostly stemming from the democratic party. And I don't know that the American way of life is disappearing, but it sure as hell is getting more difficult. And a full share of blame for that ought to go to the GOP too.
Just because there was no court case that ruled fraud occurred doesn't mean it didn't happen. I think in most cases there wasn't sufficient standing for any court to consider who the plaintiffs are. Or there were jurisdiction issues. I do not know of any court that ruled there was no fraud at all.
I disagree here, for multiple reasons. BELIEF is not necessarily fact…quite often it is not fact. But if you tell a lie often enough….it becomes “truth” and that is the case here.

Every supposed example of fraud (I mean significant fraud, not Sonny voting for his dead Momma) turned out not to be fraud. It was presenting fraudulent material to make a claim of election fraud, deliberately editing video to claim election fraud (for example using a snip removing what occurred before and after that showed the entire process), in many cases it was people, such as election “watchers” who did not understand what they were seeing and the process involved.

This election has been the most exhaustively litigated and investigated election ever. At some point, you need to stop equivocating and make a decision.

First point: Barr, Trump’s hand picked AG, who frequently bent to Trumps demands, was tasked with looking at all credible complaints of election fraud, and did, he DID. He found no evidence of any significant election fraud at all. Neither did the various state election officials, EVEN Republican officials who were Trump supporters.

Second point: the courts. There is a legitimate process for contesting elections. There can be recounts, observers etc. If that is unsatisfactory, you move on to the courts.

In cases where they lacked standing, the courts often went on to examine the merit of the claims. Here are some of the cases.

  • King v. Whitmer (E.D. Mich. Dec. 7, 2020) – While the district court stated that the claims of plaintiffs—Republican presidential electors—could be dismissed for lack of standing, the district court nonetheless analyzed the merits of the plaintiffs’ claims.….the district court found the plaintiffs’ Equal Protection claim to be too speculative, finding no evidence that physical ballots were altered.
  • Ward v. Jackson (Ariz. Sup. Ct., Maricopa Cnty. Dec. 4, 2020) – The superior court denied relief requested by the plaintiff in an election contest because the plaintiff failed to meet the evidentiary standard necessary for such a contest. First, plaintiff’s evidence failed to show fraud or misconduct—rather, it showed that the duplication process of the presidential election was 99.45% accurate, and that the inaccuracies were caused by human error. Moreover, the plaintiff’s evidence failed to show illegal votes or an erroneous vote count.
  • Bower v. Ducey (D. Ariz. Dec. 9, 2020) – The district court largely dismissed the plaintiffs’ complaint on the grounds of lack of standing. However, the court did touch upon the merits of the plaintiffs’ claims of fraud, ultimately finding that the plaintiffs’ claims were largely based on, “anonymous witnesses, hearsay, and irrelevant analysis of unrelated elections.” For one, the declarations from poll watchers that the plaintiffs provided as proof of fraud did not actually allege fraud at all, but rather simply raised concerns about the manner and process by which election officials matched signatures on absentee ballots. Moreover, none of the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses stated that defendants committed any fraud; instead, they only provided speculative statements about what “could have” happened. Additionally, one of the plaintiffs’ experts relied on a study with no information about its author or methodologies involved. Finally, the court found the plaintiffs’ claim of alleged voting machine hacking to be unconvincing since the voting machines’ behavior could be easily explained by standard voting machine protocol.
These are typical of the cases…not just no standing, but no merit.

At this point, if someone still believes that the wrong man may have been elected or that was significant fraud committed, then there is nothing, NOTHING that will convince them otherwise save putting their man in the White House.

Facts don’t matter because they no longer even share the same definition of what a fact is. Every avenue of contesting the election results and looking for fraud has been exhausted and born no evidence of fraud beyond tbe occasional voter (in both parties).

It makes me very worried about what could happen if Trump looses in 2024.

Enough is enough.

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