Why do poor communities exist in America?

I have good moral standing. I do have standing under the law. And I have not "hated on the poor" at any time. I am all for helping those who NEED the help. I am simply against those who CAN work but instead choose to leech off those who do work.

I have the moral cajones to work to support me and my family. I provide for myself and for those who cannot provide for themselves. I provide for others through my taxes and my charitable donations.

I do not demand to be paid from the efforts of others who work, while denigrating them by calling them fools and calling a work ethic something from the iron Age.

You are the hypocrite. You mock people who work to support themselves, while demanding that those same people support you. When you are completely capable of supporting yourself.
Just quit and go on unemployment compensation if you don't have what it takes to work and pay taxes. It really is that simple. Only hypocrites have a problem with it.
Daniel, I will ask again. I understand that you will refuse to answer. But I am still wanting a response.

In order for taxes to provide an income for those who refuse to work, the majority of the people have to work and pay taxes. I accept that some people are unable to work.

But you are able to work. So you require that others work so that you can choose to stay home and do nothing. Why do you deserve to live without having to support yourself, when you being supported requires others to work?

Why are you special enough to be "kept" by the working population?
You simply have no understanding of economics or you would have realized I have answered your alleged question every time it came up. Anyone circulating capital pays general taxes. Any questions?
Most of us actually do Dan , fact is i'm a very self made man due to our system.

But any system can go t*ts up

Especially when it works for the few, not the many

Inequality does that. It is why solving simple poverty via existing legal and physical infrastructure like unemployment compensation in our at-will employment is important. We should have no homeless problem in our first world economy.

Solving simple poverty virtually automatically on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States can have this effect by analogy by ensuring full employment of capital resources even for the Poor:

If liberty and equality are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle
Just quit and go on unemployment compensation if you don't have what it takes to work and pay taxes. It really is that simple. Only hypocrites have a problem with it.

All intelligent people have a problem with encouraging laziness and making working people pay for shiftless bums

Which is why an immoral and unethical dumbass like you supports such stupidity
If you had read any history at all, you would know that unemployment compensation was "invented" by FDR's administration. Black codes were still in effect back then. And, our understanding of economics was less than it is now.

What part of employment at the will of either party is so difficult to understand?

I understand it very well.

I also understand that your insistence that the simplest words of the employment law describing the employee/employer relationship do not rule every facet of public law.
Why do we have a homeless problem if means testing works? Means testing should have solved that issue already.

And, corporate welfare is simply proof right-wingers don't really care about "means testing" or delivery on goals and objectives in order to qualify.

Don't be daft. Means testing does not solve poverty at all. It prevents fraud. It prevents people who are capable of supporting themselves from soaking up resources.
Daniel, I will ask again. I understand that you will refuse to answer. But I am still wanting a response.

In order for taxes to provide an income for those who refuse to work, the majority of the people have to work and pay taxes. I accept that some people are unable to work.

But you are able to work. So you require that others work so that you can choose to stay home and do nothing. Why do you deserve to live without having to support yourself, when you being supported requires others to work?

Why are you special enough to be "kept" by the working population?

Daniel, why won't you answer this question? What makes you so special that hundreds of people have to work and pay taxes just so you can have an income without any effort or work on your part?
Don't be daft. Means testing does not solve poverty at all. It prevents fraud. It prevents people who are capable of supporting themselves from soaking up resources.
You are the one being obstructionist. "Hate on the Poor"? Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States can solve simple poverty and help automatically stabilize our economy.
Daniel, why won't you answer this question? What makes you so special that hundreds of people have to work and pay taxes just so you can have an income without any effort or work on your part?
lol. You have no standing to even ask that question. Just quit and collect unemployment compensation; don't be an immoral hypocrite upon the less fortunate.
I think that because Americans have a freedom-loving spirit, these sentiments are dominant especially in the Great Plains.
I'm from Harlem, New York, and I just started my first day of school today at Bergen Community College, but while I was there, I couldn't help but notice how different people act in Paramus, New Jersey, as opposed to how people act in my part of town.

Aside from the uncomfortably obvious racial difference, people in this area act very unfamiliar with the difficulties that people deal with in poor communities, such as the lack of financial opportunities, abundance of poverty and desperation, pressure to get into illegal business, oppressive police activity, violent gang activity, constant drug use and trafficking, public lewdness and intoxication, overall hopelessness, etc.

Some individuals don't only seem unaware of the characteristics of my type of neighborhood, but also intolerant of the regular tenants of its atmosphere, like the trend of wearing designer clothing, listening to rap music, smoking weed, avoiding romance, as well as maintaining a guarded, skeptical mentality. Even professionals from the ghetto who aren't gang affiliated in any way do most if not all of these things in the 21st century. Despite this however, people's heads spun regardless when I was casually talking about my older brother who did 7 years in Riker's.

It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes."

That aptly brings me back to my question. Quick history lesson here, communities such as Harlem started being developed into poor neighborhoods in the 1960s, when the civil rights movement had finally gained momentum. If that is the case, then the federal government is obviously responsible for every step of the development of these areas ranging from their conception to their final establishment. I can definitely understand the ghetto perhaps having been established to keep certain members of our society "in line," which brings me back to my question.

Why was it even established? Why would the government think it's a good idea to create dangerous neighborhoods all of a sudden? If it really was to keep certain Americans in line, then which ones? Of course, many would assume black people but they clearly don't make up the entirety of the ghetto's demographics. There are also Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Jews, Russians, (and definitely lots of Dominicans!) in New York City's poorest areas. While hate towards the vibes of the ghetto is certainly prejudice on a whole laundry list of levels, it cannot be considered a form of racism. So if people are separated by race in this country, then all five of the races I mentioned before, as well as black people, must have something in common that the federal government finds incredibly dangerous, and thus wishes to inhibit it. (edit: which sounds absolutely silly)

However, if it isn't actually a race issue, then what determines who goes where? Do a couple of senators just flip a coin and get to see who lives in poverty and who gets to live as a middle class citizen? It seems to me like something else must be a deciding factor here.

If someone could help me understand this basic question as it's been sufficiently elaborated (for those who are about to say TL;DR :p) that would be great!

"It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes.""

Hundreds if not thousands of people have tried to fix the problem with little success.

If you do happen to raise a half dozen people out of poverty, the first thing they do is move to a better neighborhood.

This even makes the ghetto worse by removing its best people.
"It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes.""

Hundreds if not thousands of people have tried to fix the problem with little success.

If you do happen to raise a half dozen people out of poverty, the first thing they do is move to a better neighborhood.

This even makes the ghetto worse by removing its best people.
I see ghettos being renovated; you don't need to leave a neighborhood when you climb up the ladder.
Hempstead, Uniondale and Roosevelt, NY are being rebuilt.
"It doesn't seem to me like some anyone is really that concerned with what goes on in these communities, and it does seem like this lack of consideration often extends to hatefulness and resentment towards the so-called "vibes.""

Hundreds if not thousands of people have tried to fix the problem with little success.

If you do happen to raise a half dozen people out of poverty, the first thing they do is move to a better neighborhood.

This even makes the ghetto worse by removing its best people.
I was born in Bronx NY----moved VERY CLOSE to Paramus at age four----visited in and near Harlem all my childhood (relatives in Bronx and Manhattan) I worked in INNER CITY HOSPITALS in NYC and lived in proximity to
bonafied GHETTOS, listened to the sound of
gunfire at nite and examined the near dead all hours, and am VERY OLD. Your idiot
HARLEM AS A GHETTO" somehow -------borders psychosis. Harlem was a crime ridden Ghetto long before the 1960s (been there lots and walked AROUND the whores, pimps and
ZONED OUT---druggies as I passed thru

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