Why do poor communities exist in America?

I have an excellent understanding of economics. That is why I think that the state would close down a bankrupt unemployment compensation rather than borrow to pay the ridiculous claims of those who have quit a job, been fired from a job, or simply decided not to work at all.
lol. With a multiplier of Two (2)? Only right-wingers are that fantastical.

These persons need to make their multimillion dollar bonuses:

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.
Again, you are spouting nonsense as far as the topic is concerned.

But as far as what you have posted there, you are endowed with the rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. So pursue your happiness. That pursuit is your responsibility, and no one elses.
Cognitive dissonance is what right-wingers are best at. Corporate welfare has paid multimillion dollar bonuses yet right-wingers only want to "hate on the Poor" like false Christians.
lol. With a multiplier of Two (2)? Only right-wingers are that fantastical.

These persons need to make their multimillion dollar bonuses:

From 1978 to 2018, CEO compensation grew by 1,007.5% (940.3% under the options-realized measure), far outstripping S&P stock market growth (706.7%) and the wage growth of very high earners (339.2%). In contrast, wages for the typical worker grew by just 11.9%.

A multiplier of 2 only works if there is funding for your plan. If your court case (if it exists) wins, and everyone without a job gets unemployment, there will be a huge shortfall in funding. Every person who quit a job, was fired from a job, or just doesn't work will have to get their money from their last employer. That will bankrupt businesses and the unemployment system as a whole. Or the money paid out will have to be cut to a tiny amount.
Your point? Right-wingers only lie about believing in our Constitution and have not done what right-wingers want.

My point is that you keep acting like right-wingers have caused the entire problem, and yet CA has been overwhelmingly left-wing for decades. With the same result.
A multiplier of 2 only works if there is funding for your plan. If your court case (if it exists) wins, and everyone without a job gets unemployment, there will be a huge shortfall in funding. Every person who quit a job, was fired from a job, or just doesn't work will have to get their money from their last employer. That will bankrupt businesses and the unemployment system as a whole. Or the money paid out will have to be cut to a tiny amount.
We have a central bank. Don't really believe in Capitalism except in socialism threads?
So what. At one time the Supreme Court said blacks could not be citizens.

And that changed with a SCOTUS ruling and a constitutional amendment.

But you did not answer the question. If the courts ruled tomorrow that anyone without a job could get unemployment, how would that be funded? The only mechanism now is unemployment insurance. But charging them would bankrupt numerous businesses.

And Unemployment Compensation is based on what you made at your previous job, with a limit on how much. For those, like you, who have not worked in years, how do they determine how much the cash strapped system will pay each person?
Here is the biggest problem with your plan, daniel.

You want it all to be funded by tax dollars. It is currently funded by unemployment insurance charged to the businesses.

The population of CA is 39.7 billion. Unemployment is at around 8.3%. That is 3,295,100 people who are unemployed and actively seeking work. People like you are not counted in the unemployment numbers.

You want to be paid the equivalent of $15 an hour for a 40 hour week. That will not happen. Currently, the maximum unemployment compensation in CA is $450 a week. That comes to $23,400.00 per year. If CA had to pay $23,400 per year to 3,295,100 people they would have to spend around $77 billion dollars. The state budget is $227 billion.

Do you actually think the state legislature will pass a bill that will put 34% of the state budget into an unending payout to unemployment? CA spend $27 billion on education (K-12), but you want them to change the unemployment compensation laws so that it will cost the state more than they spend on education for every child from Kindergarten to 12th grade?

It will never happen. If it is pushed, they unemployment compensation program will fold.
That is fine. But when you borrow from the bank, who repays it? The unemployment compensation people? The people drawing unemployment? Your claims that it is good for the economy is dubious, but largely irrelevant. Who will repay the loans?
The increase in economic activity helps pay for it. More people spending money and help local business also generates tax revenue.

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