Why are Democrats against Voter ID?

First you are discussing illegal aliens who are here by breaking laws just for openers.

Undocumented immigrants are allowed to vote in local elections in some municipalities​

Undocumented immigrants and other noncitizens can’t vote for federal or state offices, but they can vote for local offices in more than a dozen municipalities.
Did anything I say contradict this?
No. So then why did you quote me.
You refuse to be told. $16 for a copy of a birth certificate. But the real Catch-22 that you consistently ignore is that all these identifying documents require other identifying documents in order to obtain them.
That's quite a catch. Especially as they wouldn't need this document if they had those documents.

You refuse to be told. $16 for a copy of a birth certificate. But the real Catch-22 that you consistently ignore is that all these identifying documents require other identifying documents in order to obtain them.
That's quite a catch. Especially as they wouldn't need this document if they had those documents.

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I refuse to believe BS is all. How do you stop the illegals?
In my city, and many other places, the DMV is placed way far away from most people with no bus routes. Since a license or State ID is required to vote, many Black people just give up.
Document your claims please Cat. Why do you think blacks are so lazy?
The Democrat party thinks blacks are too stupid to obtain a free I.D.

Blacks vote for them overwhelmingly.

Every bit of vote suppression helps the MAGAt cause.
Why is it then that Judicial Watch has taken so many states to court, successfully, to cull the voter rolls of dead or missing voters?

Why is it then, the democrats have fought JW every step of the way?

Why is it JW has to go to these lengths to enforce a law instituted under Bill Clinton?

Sure looks like dems are phucking with the vote.

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