Why American politics are polarized:

i took it seriously enough to kill for it. and have never deneed taking it (as trump claimed in the colorado case.)

in fact, i am upholding and defending the constitution (NOT some human) against domestic enemies this very morning.
While I believe you meant ā€œdeniedā€, because I donā€™t know what ā€deneedā€ is, why would you think youā€™d need to deny the oath?
Why American politics are polarized 240121 {postā€¢1} Supposn Janā€™24 inserts J.Achenbach Wpost.240120: This country, though politically fractious since its founding, is more polarized than ever, the rhetoric more inflammatory, the rage more likely to curdle into hate. Itā€™s ugly out there. svppvsn 240121 Vwapap00001

Why American politics are polarized 240321 {postā€¢83}

We have to agree upon when the culture war that created our current Trump vs Biden battle for the White House this year started.

I say it was the protest era of the late sixties the early seventies. The protests were

(a) against the ongoing War in Vietnam,
(b) demands for minority and womenā€™s equality rights m,

The upheaval of that era divided working class Americans over religious, racial, gender and patriotic-worthiness tests

The test in my opinion on what most divides us is whether a human fertilized egg is a person or it is not a person. Working class Americans should vote based on working class self-interest at the top of the list. We donā€™t. Too many working class people vote for the politicians who basically promise their fundamentalist Christian constituents they will save baby fetus from killer women and the evil abortion industry.

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