Wholesale inflation rose 0.6% in February, much more than expected

Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

The hyperinflation and subsequent Marxist reset of the world economy will be transitory.
Inflation, millions of third word immigrants, both legal and illegal.

The year is 2040, you make a call: Press 8 for English.
Tell us where and how that legal/illegal has harmed you in ANY way.
I'll wait for your BS response.

the correct action to take in this case is to provide the correct information.
It's great to have you here to tell us the correct action when you make a fool of yourself. Saying that our ruinous inflation is due to corporate greed is just foolish. All you're doing is parroting what a mentally deficient President has told you. Don't you think more of yourself than that?

We have an economy in ruin and chaos around the world because of a weak, feckless President. Being RIGHT is more important to you than dealing with the issues and facts. Do you hate President Trump so much for having done a great job but treating you as an adult that you're blind to facts, or is it your choice?
I'm asking YOU.
I know it would crush your agenda to say the truth.
So you deflect. You must be proud. <<<<<< BOOOOOOO.
We have at least 10 million illegal aliens about whom we know zilch. Previously non-existent diseases are sprouting up around the country. A governor has called out the National Guard to bring safety to their subway system, and still, there are attacks and killings. We have terrorists casually walking across our borders. We're now deep in two major wars, and Haiti has gone over to terrorists. Cities across our country and being drained of resources by millions of unknowns. Do you believe all these foreign countries are sending their best and brightest? Do you think Communist China is sending us anyone other than young men who are dedicated to China?

Your childish challenge is that just because someone hasn't been personally assaulted or damaged, everything is hunky dory. Seriously?

It's great to have you here to tell us the correct action when you make a fool of yourself. Saying that our ruinous inflation is due to corporate greed is just foolish. All you're doing is parroting what a mentally deficient President has told you. Don't you think more of yourself than that?

We have an economy in ruin and chaos around the world because of a weak, feckless President. Being RIGHT is more important to you than dealing with the issues and facts. Do you hate President Trump so much for having done a great job but treating you as an adult that you're blind to facts, or is it your choice?
then provide references to your assertions.

The reality is that corporate profits account for at least half of inflation. And is actually below the average of G7 countries. The dollar is holding its strength in the world, and inflation is worse in much of the world.
then provide references to your assertions.

The reality is that corporate profits account for at least half of inflation. And is actually below the average of G7 countries. The dollar is holding its strength in the world, and inflation is worse in much of the world.
Your source is behind a paywall. Someone's opinion of the sources of inflation means less than a tinker's damn. I don't care what the inflation is in other countries. Not my problem besides, it isn't what you portray.




We have at least 10 million illegal aliens about whom we know zilch. Previously non-existent diseases are sprouting up around the country. A governor has called out the National Guard to bring safety to their subway system, and still, there are attacks and killings. We have terrorists casually walking across our borders. We're now deep in two major wars, and Haiti has gone over to terrorists. Cities across our country and being drained of resources by millions of unknowns. Do you believe all these foreign countries are sending their best and brightest? Do you think Communist China is sending us anyone other than young men who are dedicated to China?

Your childish challenge is that just because someone hasn't been personally assaulted or damaged, everything is hunky dory. Seriously?
Ok, then why don't you demand that Congress does their job?

I want border security.
I want Congress to do their job.
Ok, then why don't you demand that Congress does their job?

I want border security.
I want Congress to do their job.
President Biden has all the tools necessary to drastically reduce the flow of illegal aliens into the United States. They worked. As you know, President Trump was successful when in office, and when President Biden took office, he signed 94 Executive Orders reversing Trump's policies. How has that worked?


Wouldn't you think that legislation labeled "Immigration" would be mostly about Immigration? Seriously.

What’s in the Senate’s sweeping $118 billion immigration and foreign aid bill?
Updated on Feb 6, 2024
Total size: $118.3 billion. That includes:
  • About $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine
  • $14.1 billion in aid for Israel
  • $4.83 billion in aid for the Indo-Pacific region
  • $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, among other places
  • $2.3 billion in refugee assistance inside the U.S.
  • $20.2 billion for improvements to U.S. border security
  • $2.72 billion for domestic uranium enrichment

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