Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

Yeah. I was here when I said it.

Yes. In fact, there is. You socialist inclined dolts can’t see it because you’re too fully indoctrinated.

No kidding. And it was fucking dumber than dirt to tolerate it. That doesn’t make it anything other than unAmerican. I didn’t say it was unprecedented.

Nope. The “again” refers to greatness, not any given Administration. Your baseless speculation doesn’t mean shit.
There is no point in trying to reason with you. Your opinions are not based on intelligence, knowledge, and insight, but strong feelings. What you feel strongly about are facts about you, not truths about Ultimate Reality.

Cognitive thinking comes from the frontal lobes of the human brain. These are a comparatively recent innovation of human evolution. There is a reason for the association of "high brow" with intelligence. Emotion comes from a more primitive party of the brain, a part we share with other mammals. Dogs get angry, but they are not good at solving their problems.
There is no point in trying to reason with you.

No. What you lack is the ability to employ reason.

Disagreeing with your bloviating bullshit is the first sign that your opposition is the one who has the ability and willingness to think.

Shove off, you blowhard.
No. What you lack is the ability to employ reason.

Disagreeing with your bloviating bullshit is the first sign that your opposition is the one who has the ability and willingness to think.

Shove off, you blowhard.
Quit while you are behind before you fall further behind.
Thank you for being civil and not calling me a Marxist who hates America. That is about the best that I can hope for from conservatives around here. Having said that, I will add that you seem to have a strange understanding of Democrats. I’m not sure what posts you’re referring to,, but don’t recall anyone saying “I want to pay higher taxes and I don’t care what it’s used for” That is certainly not what I am saying. The basic message from Democrats and Progressives is and always has been that every one should pay their fair share and that revenue should be used in a way that maximizes the greater good. Ofcourse, we may not always agree on what exactly that means, but if we could pur aside the ideology and focus on rational problem solving we most likely can find some common ground
Of course, like all "progressives," you use those vagaries to ultimately argue that gubmint is the great mommy and daddy of us all, and that no "greater good" is ever beyond your avaricious reach.
You say that you don’t want to talk about other countries but by doing so we might learn something about smarter and more effective government

How Scandinavian Countries Pay for Their Government Spending (taxfoundation.org)

"The grass is greener" isn't an argument, nor is bandwagon fallacy.
You can deride that as the “Nanny State” that goes against the grain of small government ideology. I call government for the people. Government that recognizes that personal responsibility and individuality goes only so far in a cruel and unpredictable capitalist economy.
We get it, you're a career victim.
If you support a free market economy, then you must also support social safety nets there are there for people when needed. The unbridled capitalism that you champion gives freedom to the capitalists.
No, I must not support that at all....Speak for yourself.
We will not thrive as a nation where peoples basic life necessities are not met, where a major illness, or just going to college can bring financial ruin upon a person . There is far to much emphasis placed on what things cost and far to little on the benefits, and worse, the cost of doing nothing because it will come back to bite you.
If the benefits outweighed the costs, you wouldn't need to use coercion to accomplish what you want.....What you want are "benefits" that go to a few, at the expense of everyone..."X benefits everyone" is yet another stale bromide that isn't an argument.
Moving on, you seem to be saying that roads and bridges are not a valid topic in relation to the issue of federal income tax. I beg to differ.
Was only a matter of time before we got to MUH ROOOOADS!...Roads and other such infrastructure are paid for via fuel taxes and vehicle fees, not the income tax....Beside that, Murica had scads of roads and bridges before any income tax.
State rely heavily on federal grants to maintain infrastructure. You might recall the recent infrastructure bill signed by Biden. Most major roads and rail lines are critical to interstate commerce and therefore a federal –state responsibility.
Where do you think the feds got the funds to begin with?...Lucky the leprechaun and his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Here in New Jersey, we have a major catastrophe waiting to happen because of Republican stupidity and twisted priorities. The two rail tunnels that connect NJ to Manhattan are well over 100 years old and are likely to fail soon, disrupting if not destroying the entire regional economy. The states simply cannot go it alone on this. Trump had put the project on the back burner, and the former Republican governor actually cancelled it once. This while giving tax breaks to the wealthy . Not smart government Now it is on track but we are racing.
Just couldn't let the conversation go by without shitlib sniveling about "tax cuts for the wealthy", could ya?

Your entire argument is no argument at all.

I wonder why you assholes never heed your own advice.

Not that I care. I find your hypocrisy and stupidity amusing.
It is difficult for me to believe that anyone as stupid and ignorant as you indicate you are through your posts could possibly have earned enough money to be negatively impacted by a steeply graduated tax system. Either you inherited a lot of money from a more intelligent and better educated relative, or you foolishly identify with an upper class you never will join.
It is difficult for me to believe that anyone as stupid and ignorant as you indicate you are through your posts could possibly have earned enough money to be negatively impacted by a steeply graduated tax system. Either you inherited a lot of money from a more intelligent and better educated relative, or you foolishly identify with an upper class you never will join.
The "steeply graduated tax system" is designed to take the most money from those who work the hardest, fool....And class warring buffoons like you still swear up and down that you're only soaking the wealthy.
It is difficult for me to believe that anyone as stupid and ignorant as you indicate you are through your posts could possibly have earned enough money to be negatively impacted by a steeply graduated tax system. Either you inherited a lot of money from a more intelligent and better educated relative, or you foolishly identify with an upper class you never will join.
Nobody with a brain gives a rat’s ass what a scumbag retard, like you, finds it difficult to believe.

Plus, of course, the fact that I have been negatively impacted by a mislabeled “progressive” income tax system is beside the point (your belief or disbelief notwithstanding).

I wasn’t aborted either. But that’s not a requirement for any person to oppose abortion. I’m sure you fail to grasp that rather obvious point. You’re a retard.
It is difficult for me to believe that anyone as stupid and ignorant as you indicate you are through your posts could possibly have earned enough money to be negatively impacted by a steeply graduated tax system. Either you inherited a lot of money from a more intelligent and better educated relative, or you foolishly identify with an upper class you never will join.
You're a legend in your own mind.
Says you.

There is nothing radical or un American about imposing high taxes on the rich. During the Eisenhower administration, which lasted from 1953 to 1960, the top tax rate fluctuated from 91% to 92%.

The Eisenhower administration is the "again" Trump's white blue collar workers think of when they respond positively to the slogan, "Make America great again."
HeirHeads Are the Hay and the Unfortunate Sons Are the Pitchforks

The total net worth of the 1% is $45 trillion. When they die, their net worth is zero. And the worth of their heirs as contributing Americans is also zero. So the Legacy Leeches deserve zero because they didn't earn that money; Dead Daddy did.

Figuring 4% die every year, taxing all that comes to $2T. Going down the percentiles to where a $100,000 inheritance pays no tax at all, there will be no need for any taxes on the living and the national debt will also be completely paid off.
The "steeply graduated tax system" is designed to take the most money from those who work the hardest, fool....And class warring buffoons like you still swear up and down that you're only soaking the wealthy.
Self-Sacrificing Cognitive Dissonance

And the only hard work the richkids have done for their golden handout is to get through the birth canal. You reward that and punish those who actually did work for their money, including yourself.
HeirHeads Are the Hay and the Unfortunate Sons Are the Pitchforks

The total net worth of the 1% is $45 trillion. When they die, their net worth is zero. And the worth of their heirs as contributing Americans is also zero. So the Legacy Leeches deserve zero because they didn't earn that money; Dead Daddy did.

Figuring 4% die every year, taxing all that comes to $2T. Going down the percentiles to where a $100,000 inheritance pays no tax at all, there will be no need for any taxes on the living and the national debt will also be completely paid off.
Do you truly believe the Democrats will put up with that? And as you may not know, those with enormous net worth have it in property and stocks. Not in cash in the bank.

Democrats will simply double the spending.
Self-Sacrificing Cognitive Dissonance

And the only hard work the richkids have done for their golden handout is to get through the birth canal. You reward that and punish those who actually did work for their money, including yourself.
Discuss getting Democrats to spend a hell of a lot less of the taxes collected.

Apparently you too do not like the income tax since all you go on and on about is taxing the dead.
There is no point in trying to reason with you. Your opinions are not based on intelligence, knowledge, and insight, but strong feelings. What you feel strongly about are facts about you, not truths about Ultimate Reality.

Cognitive thinking comes from the frontal lobes of the human brain. These are a comparatively recent innovation of human evolution. There is a reason for the association of "high brow" with intelligence. Emotion comes from a more primitive party of the brain, a part we share with other mammals. Dogs get angry, but they are not good at solving their problems.
Anybody Who Gets Giggled at by @Jarwax Has to Be Taken Seriously

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