Who should get reparations??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
What about the Chinese who were worked to death on the Rail Roads or the 300,000 plus dead Irish boys in the Union army

Only a tiny percent of whites even owned slaves !
Did you know a few thousand American blacks also had slaves !!

Blacks have been repaid trillions from the great society through all the trillions in welfare , affirmative action that they have sucked up .
Yet ,they live better in the USA than anywhere else on this dying planet
The whole thing is a massive scam
Women have been oppressed in the past! Where are their reparations!! Don’t they matter!!!

I think everyone who is descended from a woman ought to receive a massive payment, I think a million dollars would be appropriate. Anything less would be a terrible crime against justice! We can borrow the money from China.
Reparations should be limited to people who can demonstrate by reasonably good evidence that some ancestor in their bloodline was the victim of official or policy-based discrimination (e.g., "redlining," mortgage denial, etc.), and the reparations should be directly tied to a tangible financial objective (e.g., start a business, buy a house, expand a farm).

The basic point is that slavery itself is too remote and too muddled to be addressed in the present day, and just giving people money for the hell of it (you know, like "stimulus" checks) leads to nothing but trouble.
Reparations should be limited to people who can demonstrate by reasonably good evidence that some ancestor in their bloodline was the victim of official or policy-based discrimination (e.g., "redlining," mortgage denial, etc.), and the reparations should be directly tied to a tangible financial objective (e.g., start a business, buy a house, expand a farm).

The basic point is that slavery itself is too remote and too muddled to be addressed in the present day, and just giving people money for the hell of it (you know, like "stimulus" checks) leads to nothing but trouble.
So reparations should be given out from the government because a private business refused a mortgage? WTF
What about the Chinese who were worked to death on the Rail Roads or the 300,000 plus dead Irish boys in the Union army

Only a tiny percent of whites even owned slaves !
Did you know a few thousand American blacks also had slaves !!

Blacks have been repaid trillions from the great society through all the trillions in welfare , affirmative action that they have sucked up .
Yet ,they live better in the USA than anywhere else on this dying planet
The whole thing is a massive scam


There should be no reparations -- but there WILL be.

I believe that some activists often shout "No justice, no peace!"

The (Biden) - Harris administration cannot afford to be embarrassed by riots and wanton destruction.

So reparations are a given.

I know that it is galling to taxpayers to know their money will be given to some ladies & gentlemen who have robbed, sucker punched, looted, raped, or murdered.

But that's life in 2021 America.

So as the young people say, just suck it up!

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