who holds the moral highground : Israel, or Muslims?

forum posting 1-0-1 :
  • don't go making assumptions about people.
  • don't go insulting people.
at no point did i advertise war between anyone, i merely advertised not turning the other cheek against very real and brutal aggression.
I exposed you as a lying provocateur. You claim your for peace while pushing for war. You should become a politician. You lie like one everyday on this forum.
We had no enemies in the M.E., until Israel set up camp there

They've been no ally to the USofA , everything is one way, nothing comes back to us.

An ally would have had our back, which Israel didn't do after 9/11

now that they muzzies have targeted them , they want our support

tell me again what dog we've in this?

you think the muslim extremists and fundamentalists will forgive you for that 20-year war that you brought upon them after 9/11?
that's a pipe dream.
you think the muslim extremists and fundamentalists will forgive you for that 20-year war that you brought upon them after 9/11?
By that metric, another 20 yrs will be a useless venture peace

Unfortunately it's based on allegiance to an ally that has none , which we're to take as moral high ground

don't go twisting my words by exaggerating them.
if Hamas and Hezbollah had any chance to be able to team up with others (a new military coalition against Israel's right to continue to exist on the map) and actually drive the Israelis from "their" lands in a military campaign done according to the Geneva Convention, then we would surely see that.
but terrorists and their powerful PR groups are growing their ranks right into US colleges these days, and i warn regularly here and elsewhere that vigilance and wisdom will be much more necessary in dealing with their fresh crops of "students" than showing compassion to terrorists who want to burn you (us!) alive, for the sake of one's (Biden's!) own (re-)election chances.

but all of Earth belongs to all of Humanity, and war is just a huge waste of blood and treasure, as they say - and yes i completely agree with that. however, i'm not going to turn the other cheek when attacked. and last i checked, Hamas rejects a 2-state solution.

you're lucky i can't get elected to US President, but maybe, some next lifetime (i'm a Christian who believes in re-incarnation from Heaven into a fresh body + ego of a baby boy or girl - before LGBTQI indoctrination sets in), who knows.. :D

on a more serious note; considering that there are lives at stake in our discussion, and that collateral damage is often the worst type of damage (heavy injuries and deaths), i am open to the idea of allowing legitimate Palestinian health ministry and humanitarian groups without ties to terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, or to Iran, to air calls for (financial) support of these suffering non-combatants on western media channels.
Are you still here?
you draw false conclusions based on what i told you and your friends.
No I don’t. You’ve made your beliefs clear. You think war is acceptable and inevitable, while claiming you’re for peace.

You are terribly confused or a propagandist.
No I don’t. You’ve made your beliefs clear. You think war is acceptable and inevitable, while claiming you’re for peace.

You are terribly confused or a propagandist.
at the moment, it is Hamas and their PR supporters that turned me into a propagandist for 'peace through strength'.
at the moment, it is Hamas and their PR supporters that turned me into a propagandist for 'peace through strength'.
Your post merely proves you’re uninformed. Hamas has no PR supporters.

You like so many dupes of the establishment, believe anyone who opposes Israel’s genocidal actions is a Hamas supporter.

You are a good little neocon toady.
No need, you've embarrassed yourself sufficiently already.
Actually you are the one who should be embarrassed. You support the mass murder of innocent women and children.

You will soon deny you did because you’re a pussy, who always ignorantly supports the establishment.
Your post merely proves you’re uninformed. Hamas has no PR supporters.
hamas has a PR wing that directly serves the barbarians in their military wing, and the 'involuntary martyrs'.
You like so many dupes of the establishment, believe anyone who opposes Israel’s genocidal actions is a Hamas supporter.
by all means, keep sticking to that 'genocidal actions' label like industrial duct-tape tapes a rack full of bs to a wall...
it's easy to remove, when pulled under the right angle ;)

You are a good little neocon toady.
hamas has a PR wing that directly serves the barbarians in their military wing, and the 'involuntary martyrs'.

by all means, keep sticking to that 'genocidal actions' label like industrial duct-tape tapes a rack full of bs to a wall...
it's easy to remove, when pulled under the right angle ;)

Thank you for once again admitting you love war.

stop misquoting me. i hate war. but i'm a believer in 'peace through strength'.
told you that many times already, and i'm considering putting you on ignore as a result of your stubborn name-calling.

Yet you're proud to be a neocon.

You're just the average troll.

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