When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

They don’t even know what murder means. Murder is what the Muslim terrorists did to innocent Jews on October 7.
Someone who steals, suppresses and murders others, ain't innocent - especially not those victims who clearly support/ed racist Zionist policies. Whilst people like me condemn any killings and murders - you categorically support and defend murder.

BTW from those ca. 1100 killed on Oct. 7th - around 380 where active IDF members.

From those ca. 25,000 MURDERED, Palestinian children, women and old people - how many are supposedly armed Hamas members???
Israel itself claims to have killed ca. 8000 Hamas members - however the total number of dead Palestinians in Gaza has surpassed the number of 35,000. That a further 40,000 maimed and crippled Palestinian civilians have been caused by the Zionist actions, you simply try to swipe under the carpet. That whatever has been build in Gaza, has been leveled and destroyed you also just simply ignore.

You are just a despicable and delusional racist, who supports genocide and murder directed at children, women and the elder, and babbles about antisemitism.
Heh Heh! Good one! What else from China?
You don't know what you are talking about in regards to the Israel-Palestinian conflict - and certainly you haven't got the faintest idea about China. Otherwise you would be aware that China is the only country on the planet - that DID NOT bomb the shit out of radicalized Muslim people and destroyed their livelihood - but INVESTED around US$ 2 Trillion+ in the past 10 years in e.g. Xinjiang - to provide Muslims an alternative towards terrorism and to prevent radicalization via clerics and foreign agencies supporting and inciting Muslim terrorist organizations in and around Xinjiang.

On July 5, 2009, “ETLO” forces inside and outside China engineered a riot in Urumqi which shocked the whole world. Thousands of terrorists attacked civilians, government organs, public security and police officers, residential houses, stores and public transportation facilities, causing 197 deaths and injuries to over 1,700, smashing and burning down 331 stores and 1,325 vehicles, and damaging many public facilities.

Did China's military strike IS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorist organizations like the ETLO, outside of PRC territory??? NO never
Did they bomb, shell and thus kill/murder tens of thousand of civilians to eradicate these organizations??? NO never

These Muslim radicals/terrorists had caused more then 25,000 dead Chinese citizens (in vast majority Uighur's) from 1995-2016.

But people like you then idiotically complain and decry these INVESTMENT measures conducted by China, and talk cock&bull about Human Rights abuses, whilst supporting and defending Zionist conducted genocide, aka the intentional destruction and murder of Palestinians and their livelihood - that even solely encompasses NON-ISRAELI territory.

You and your alike are what is termed as being a HYPOCRITE, thus totally one-sided, opinionated and biased FOOLS, RACISTS and WARMONGERS.

If you are keen onto denying the above - bring in reputable sources into your posts, I am not interested onto your personal opinions and thus unfounded and delirious claims.
........ Every time Palestinian terrorists attack Israel, Israel retaliates with far more dead Palestinians. Do you think maybe it's not good for Palestinian terrorists to attack Israel?
I see, so you base your "conviction" onto the well known IDF's superiority. Therefore Israel due to having superior Armed Forces, gives them (according to you) a right to suppress, kill/murder and rob Palestinians and to reject the Palestinian rights, towards an own country and livelihood? You and alike simply expect the Palestinians to "recognize" Israels military superiority - thus giving in to any demands from Israel.

Well the Nazis beheld the exact same conviction towards Poland and everyone else. You must be deeply frustrated by the USA and its inconceivable action, to fight against these adorable and righteous Nazis.
You don't know what you are talking about in regards to the Israel-Palestinian conflict - and certainly you haven't got the faintest idea about China. Otherwise you would be aware that China is the only country on the planet - that DID NOT bomb the shit out of radicalized Muslim people and destroyed their livelihood - but INVESTED around US$ 2 Trillion+ in the past 10 years in e.g. Xinjiang - to provide Muslims an alternative towards terrorism and to prevent radicalization via clerics and foreign agencies supporting and inciting Muslim terrorist organizations in and around Xinjiang.

On July 5, 2009, “ETLO” forces inside and outside China engineered a riot in Urumqi which shocked the whole world. Thousands of terrorists attacked civilians, government organs, public security and police officers, residential houses, stores and public transportation facilities, causing 197 deaths and injuries to over 1,700, smashing and burning down 331 stores and 1,325 vehicles, and damaging many public facilities.

Did China's military strike IS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorist organizations like the ETLO, outside of PRC territory??? NO never
Did they bomb, shell and thus kill/murder tens of thousand of civilians to eradicate these organizations??? NO never

These Muslim radicals/terrorists had caused more then 25,000 dead Chinese citizens (in vast majority Uighur's) from 1995-2016.

But people like you then idiotically complain and decry these INVESTMENT measures conducted by China, and talk cock&bull about Human Rights abuses, whilst supporting and defending Zionist conducted genocide, aka the intentional destruction and murder of Palestinians and their livelihood - that even solely encompasses NON-ISRAELI territory.

You and your alike are what is termed as being a HYPOCRITE, thus totally one-sided, opinionated and biased FOOLS, RACISTS and WARMONGERS.

If you are keen onto denying the above - bring in reputable sources into your posts, I am not interested onto your personal opinions and thus unfounded and delirious claims.
Uh, excuse me, Chinka-Chese, how many Muslims are in Chinese gulags, assface?

Uyghurs in Xinjiang​

There's your search engine terms, guy. Maybe you should find out what's really happening in the world before shooting your mouth off ignorantly. :dunno:

I mean no disrespect to Chinese people, but this here propaganda...mmhmm. :rolleyes-41:
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Uh, excuse me, Chinka-Chese, how many Muslims are in Chinese gulags, assface?

Uyghurs in Xinjiang​

There's your search engine terms, guy. Maybe you should find out what's really happening in the world before shooting your mouth off ignorantly. :dunno:
But….but….but…..Jews aren’t doing it, so there’s no interest in condemning it.
Someone who steals, suppresses and murders others, ain't innocent - especially not those victims who clearly support/ed racist Zionist policies. Whilst people like me condemn any killings and murders - you categorically support and defend murder.

BTW from those ca. 1100 killed on Oct. 7th - around 380 where active IDF members.

From those ca. 25,000 MURDERED, Palestinian children, women and old people - how many are supposedly armed Hamas members???
Israel itself claims to have killed ca. 8000 Hamas members - however the total number of dead Palestinians in Gaza has surpassed the number of 35,000. That a further 40,000 maimed and crippled Palestinian civilians have been caused by the Zionist actions, you simply try to swipe under the carpet. That whatever has been build in Gaza, has been leveled and destroyed you also just simply ignore.

You are just a despicable and delusional racist, who supports genocide and murder directed at children, women and the elder, and babbles about antisemitism.
How many actively give aid, comfort, and shelter to HAMAS, Gooberific?

Yeah, there ya go. :D Bullets and bombs for all of them! :spinner:
But….but….but…..Jews aren’t doing it, so there’s no interest in condemning it.
The Chinese are not playing Muslim games...at all.

They don't like Jews or Christians either. Yeah, it's that Communist thing.

IMO, Jews and Christians are probably better off in Iran, true story.

That may suck and have to be underground, but I know it happens in Iran and the Chinese State is running some kind of weird Krishna-Christian Chinese cult OP that really has nothing to do with God in China.
They mix some of the old Chinese religion in there too.
Drawing a blank on that right now.
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The Chinese are not playing Muslim games...at all.

They don't like Jews or Christians either. Yeah, it's that Communist thing.

IMO, Jews and Christians are probably better off in Iran, true story.

That may suck and have to be underground, but I know it happens in Iran and the Chinese State is running some kind of weird Krishna-Christian Chinese cult OP that really has nothing to do with God in China.
They mix some of the old Chinese religion in there too.
Drawing a blank on that right now.
The only thing you "know" about China and Chinese is that they eat rice. Other than that you haven't got the faintest clue.

China was in support of Israel (extremely good relations) - till the Zionist decided to kill/murder indiscriminately Palestinian civilians in GAZA.
Ask any Israeli who lives presently or has lived in China - I am personally well acquainted with a dozen Israelis in China who also practice their religion absolutely free in their own synagogues. Same goes for Chinese Christians and Muslims.

It isn't any churches job to criticize the Chinese government or to instigate resentments, nor do they have any right to do so - but solely to care for their sheep's enduring FAITH in Adam&Eve.

With how many Israelis in China would you personally be acquainted with? answer ZERO
How many actively give aid, comfort, and shelter to HAMAS, Gooberific?

Yeah, there ya go. :D Bullets and bombs for all of them! :spinner:
How many (countries/people) actively give aid, comfort and shelter to ZIONISTS and their policy?
And it is exactly those - who became the prime targets for Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Black September and all these follow up Muslim extremist and terrorist organizations.

Osama bin Laden was in FULL agreement with you and alike, and on 9/11 gave bullets and bombs directly to the USA. Must have made a person like you, extremely happy.

It's obvious you don't know what you talk about.
The only thing you "know" about China and Chinese is that they eat rice. Other than that you haven't got the faintest clue.

China was in support of Israel (extremely good relations) - till the Zionist decided to kill/murder indiscriminately Palestinian civilians in GAZA.
Ask any Israeli who lives presently or has lived in China - I am personally well acquainted with a dozen Israelis in China who also practice their religion absolutely free in their own synagogues. Same goes for Chinese Christians and Muslims.

It isn't any churches job to criticize the Chinese government or to instigate resentments, nor do they have any right to do so - but solely to care for their sheep's enduring FAITH in Adam&Eve.

With how many Israelis in China would you personally be acquainted with? answer ZERO
I give zero fucks about what China wants, boy. I do know that if they try to take it from me, we will have a problem.

The difference between them and me is that they have Chinese tools made of Chinesium, and all my stuff is made in America. IMO, they are destined to fail.

I bet they can't take off a transmission bolt. :auiqs.jpg: They can't get off the 1st one with their tools.
How many (countries/people) actively give aid, comfort and shelter to ZIONISTS and their policy?
And it is exactly those - who became the prime targets for Palestinian terrorist organizations such as Black September and all these follow up Muslim extremist and terrorist organizations.

Osama bin Laden was in FULL agreement with you and alike, and on 9/11 gave bullets and bombs directly to the USA. Must have made a person like you, extremely happy.

It's obvious you don't know what you talk about.

Oh, I know exactly where I'm coming from, boy.​

Genesis 12:1-3​

King James Version​

12 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:
2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

I ain't no holy roller, but I know what's real and good. Do you? You're over there cursing israel? Well, good luck with that.

Don't say I didn't tell ya so. I don't think what you're doing is a good idea for you, but hey, you do you.
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I give zero fucks about what China wants, boy. I do know that if they try to take it from me, we will have a problem.

The difference between them and me is that they have Chinese tools made of Chinesium, and all my stuff is made in America. IMO, they are destined to fail.

I bet they can't take off a transmission bolt. :auiqs.jpg: They can't get off the 1st one with their tools.
You only post GARBAGE - and calling me a boy, only shows additionally as to how dumb and arrogant your are.
Keep on sprouting garbage, and resorting towards personal attacks - after all it's the only thing you, MAGA's and lefty/Lib extremists are being capable of.
You don't know what you are talking about in regards to the Israel-Palestinian conflict - and certainly you haven't got the faintest idea about China. Otherwise you would be aware that China is the only country on the planet - that DID NOT bomb the shit out of radicalized Muslim people and destroyed their livelihood - but INVESTED around US$ 2 Trillion+ in the past 10 years in e.g. Xinjiang - to provide Muslims an alternative towards terrorism and to prevent radicalization via clerics and foreign agencies supporting and inciting Muslim terrorist organizations in and around Xinjiang.

On July 5, 2009, “ETLO” forces inside and outside China engineered a riot in Urumqi which shocked the whole world. Thousands of terrorists attacked civilians, government organs, public security and police officers, residential houses, stores and public transportation facilities, causing 197 deaths and injuries to over 1,700, smashing and burning down 331 stores and 1,325 vehicles, and damaging many public facilities.

Did China's military strike IS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban and other terrorist organizations like the ETLO, outside of PRC territory??? NO never
Did they bomb, shell and thus kill/murder tens of thousand of civilians to eradicate these organizations??? NO never

These Muslim radicals/terrorists had caused more then 25,000 dead Chinese citizens (in vast majority Uighur's) from 1995-2016.

But people like you then idiotically complain and decry these INVESTMENT measures conducted by China, and talk cock&bull about Human Rights abuses, whilst supporting and defending Zionist conducted genocide, aka the intentional destruction and murder of Palestinians and their livelihood - that even solely encompasses NON-ISRAELI territory.

You and your alike are what is termed as being a HYPOCRITE, thus totally one-sided, opinionated and biased FOOLS, RACISTS and WARMONGERS.

If you are keen onto denying the above - bring in reputable sources into your posts, I am not interested onto your personal opinions and thus unfounded and delirious claims.

Otherwise you would be aware that China is the only country on the planet - that DID NOT bomb the shit out of radicalized Muslim people and destroyed their livelihood

Which Muslims did Romania bomb? What about Lithuania?

Now how many Muslims did China put into camps?
......I ain't no holy roller, but I know what's real and good. Do you? You're over there cursing israel? Well, good luck with that.

Don't say I didn't tell ya so. I don't think what you're doing is a good idea for you, but hey, you do you.
Someone who steals, suppresses and murders others, ain't innocent - especially not those victims who clearly support/ed racist Zionist policies. Whilst people like me condemn any killings and murders - you categorically support and defend murder.

BTW from those ca. 1100 killed on Oct. 7th - around 380 where active IDF members.

From those ca. 25,000 MURDERED, Palestinian children, women and old people - how many are supposedly armed Hamas members???
Israel itself claims to have killed ca. 8000 Hamas members - however the total number of dead Palestinians in Gaza has surpassed the number of 35,000. That a further 40,000 maimed and crippled Palestinian civilians have been caused by the Zionist actions, you simply try to swipe under the carpet. That whatever has been build in Gaza, has been leveled and destroyed you also just simply ignore.

You are just a despicable and delusional racist, who supports genocide and murder directed at children, women and the elder, and babbles about antisemitism.
You fools just dont get it that no Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel did up until being attacked by their elected leadership of Hamas. Peace offerings, land concessions, food, water, energy & saving Palestinian lives in Israeli hospitals. The biggest mistake made by those Zionists was not treating Palestinians like their own Arab brothers did & still do. History has proven king Huessein was right. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
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