What to make of this?

Discussion of what?
From the OP........Is this as it should be? Does higher income correlate to higher intelligence passed on to the offspring of the rich? Should we try to do something about the disparity? Can we? Or is an unenforced caste system a function of a natural order?

OTOH, never mind. I can see your thing is gratuitous vitriol.
Stalinberg wants ALL the kids to be as DUMB as possible so they vote Democrat and will be easy to manipulate and CONTROL.
Attacking CHILDREN is all the rage these days with the demented LEFT.
New data shows, for the first time at this level of detail, how much students’ standardized test scores rise with their parents’ incomes — and how disparities start years before students sit for tests.

One-third of the children of the very richest families scored a 1300 or higher on the SAT, while less than 5 percent of middle-class students did, according to the data, from economists at Opportunity Insights, based at Harvard. Relatively few children in the poorest families scored that high; just one in five took the test at all.

The researchers matched all students’ SAT and ACT scores for 2011, 2013 and 2015 with their parents’ federal income tax records for the prior six years. Their analysis, which also included admissions and attendance records, found that children from very rich families are overrepresented at elite colleges for many reasons, including that admissions offices give them preference. But the test score data highlights a more fundamental reason: When it comes to the types of achievement colleges assess, the children of the rich are simply better prepared.

The disparity highlights the inequality at the heart of American education: Starting very early, children from rich and poor families receive vastly different educations, in and out of school, driven by differences in the amount of money and time their parents are able to invest. And in the last five decades, as the country has become more unequal by income, the gap in children’s academic achievement, as measured by test scores throughout schooling, has widened.

New SAT Data Highlights the Deep Inequality at the Heart of American Education

Is this as it should be? Does higher income correlate to higher intelligence passed on to the offspring of the rich? Should we try to do something about the disparity? Can we? Or is an unenforced caste system a function of a natural order?
Democrats have a plan. Dumb down tests so that minorities and the poor can get better grades. Guess that doesn't currently apply to SAT and the like so I guess that will be the next step.
In 1979 we had the best education system on Earth, now our kids are about 24th on that list. Just look at the dismal failure to educate our kids in Baltimore. When Black people were slaves...they were intentionally forbidden to be educated. They were also denied a two parent family. These two measures were meant to keep the slaves from becoming to "uppity".. Today in Baltimore the black people are financially rewarded for not having two parent families and their children are intentionally not educated. Yet they still vote 90% Democrat ....wake up black people!
New data shows, for the first time at this level of detail, how much students’ standardized test scores rise with their parents’ incomes — and how disparities start years before students sit for tests.

One-third of the children of the very richest families scored a 1300 or higher on the SAT, while less than 5 percent of middle-class students did, according to the data, from economists at Opportunity Insights, based at Harvard. Relatively few children in the poorest families scored that high; just one in five took the test at all.

The researchers matched all students’ SAT and ACT scores for 2011, 2013 and 2015 with their parents’ federal income tax records for the prior six years. Their analysis, which also included admissions and attendance records, found that children from very rich families are overrepresented at elite colleges for many reasons, including that admissions offices give them preference. But the test score data highlights a more fundamental reason: When it comes to the types of achievement colleges assess, the children of the rich are simply better prepared.

The disparity highlights the inequality at the heart of American education: Starting very early, children from rich and poor families receive vastly different educations, in and out of school, driven by differences in the amount of money and time their parents are able to invest. And in the last five decades, as the country has become more unequal by income, the gap in children’s academic achievement, as measured by test scores throughout schooling, has widened.

New SAT Data Highlights the Deep Inequality at the Heart of American Education

Is this as it should be? Does higher income correlate to higher intelligence passed on to the offspring of the rich? Should we try to do something about the disparity? Can we? Or is an unenforced caste system a function of a natural order?
Capitalism itself is not natural.
Before capitalism the only way to gain great wealth was to conquer new lands and exploit them. Capitalism enables a person to gain great wealth with efforts that help his fellow man. So far it has been a darn good experiment for many Americans.
So wealthy families value education more than poor families.

The poor families need to value education. Probably why they are poor..

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