What restrictions infringe on the right to keep and bear arms?

That;s nice.
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you consider an infringement?
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you believe violate the constitution?
If you are a legal, law abiding, mentally competent and stable and responsible adult.....and can prove it then you should be allowed to own and carry.
Everybody else, no.
We need to find good screening processes to weed out one group from another.
This bullshit that terrorist group The NRA has LEGAL gun owners screaming about "any and all attempts to get firearms out of the hands of criminals infringes upon MY rights" is ridiculous!
If you are legal and competent then you have nothing to worry about. You should be willing to shoulder any inconvenience that is asked of you to help society get guns out of the wrong hands.
This is primarily for those who believe we need more restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.

Like it or, not the 2nd Amendment protects an individual right, unconnected with service in a militia, to possess all "bearable arms", and to use those arms for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
Consequently, the 2nd Amendment protects that right from infringement by state and federal governments.
I don't understand what like it or not means here. It's only the law so long as the current make up of the Supreme Court holds. From my reading the Second Amendment doesn't give any gun rights to individuals, the word individual doesn't appear at all in the text. It gives it to the people and the beginning seems to indicate they mean the people who comprise the individual States. I think the second and the constitution as is allows for States to have as restrictive or as lenient a set of regulations as they want but I wouldn't be opposed to an Amendment that federally restricts gun ownership all together or even an errant Supreme Court ruling (by a Court of a different persuasion, obviously). By hook or crook I say and what the Supreme Court says is the law of the land.
You don't get to say for who these questions are meant.

The only restrictions on guns that needs to be eliminated is the restrictions against full automatic rifles, or commonly known as machine guns.
There are no other restrictions that can be universally enforced across the entire country.

As a gun owner myself I am under no illusion that the authors of our U.S. Constitution intended or envisioned a scenario involving guns playing out across the country like we see today.
If they had had any idea they either would not have included 2A in the document....or it would be full of caveats and exceptions.
Every dumb son of a bitch in the country, people who shouldn't be trusted to even operate basic kitchen appliances, many of whom I wouldn't trust to take my goddamned garbage out, having the same rights as me to own deadly firepower?
That is NOT what they intended.
393 million firearms floating around in society without a good handle on where exactly any of them are at any given time?
That wasn't the intent either.
600 mass shootings a year (an average of almost 2 a day) for the past 3 years?
Not what The Founders intended when they wrote The Second Amendment.
Which is why NONE of the shit going on today with respect to guns is even covered by the 2A.
This "right" to possess and carry firearms for personal protection didn't even exist prior to the 2008 D.C.vs. Heller case.
It's not like it's ACTUALLY "enshrined" in The COTUS.
That's just NRA post 2008 propaganda.
What it really is is SCOTUS fashion....a currend trend.

several big republicans have been found liable for defamation, proving that even 1st amendment rights carry responsibilitie4s ansd consequences..

what makes the 2nd amendment more sacrosanct than the 1st?

The bump stock ban is the only one that I can think of. I believe that that was a trump thing.

So you believe psychos in nut houses or prisoners in prison should be able to bear arms? You fuckers sure are dumb.

What red state can I buy mustard gas?
If ya’ll were serious about fixing the gun user problem in America you’d work on an angle to keep guns out of the hands of dark Democrats….Do that and you solve your problem.
That;s nice.
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you consider an infringement?
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you believe violate the constitution?
I gave you a whole ass answer after that Struggle Bus. I don't care if you're too pussy to address it. :dunno: :laugh:
As a gun owner myself I am under no illusion that the authors of our U.S. Constitution intended or envisioned a scenario involving guns playing out across the country like we see today.
If they had had any idea they either would not have included 2A in the document....or it would be full of caveats and exceptions.
Every dumb son of a bitch in the country, people who shouldn't be trusted to even operate basic kitchen appliances, many of whom I wouldn't trust to take my goddamned garbage out, having the same rights as me to own deadly firepower?
That is NOT what they intended.
393 million firearms floating around in society without a good handle on where exactly any of them are at any given time?
That wasn't the intent either.
600 mass shootings a year (an average of almost 2 a day) for the past 3 years?
Not what The Founders intended when they wrote The Second Amendment.
Which is why NONE of the shit going on today with respect to guns is even covered by the 2A.
This "right" to possess and carry firearms for personal protection didn't even exist prior to the 2008 D.C.vs. Heller case.
It's not like it's ACTUALLY "enshrined" in The COTUS.
That's just NRA post 2008 propaganda.
What it really is is SCOTUS fashion....a currend trend.
Let's see if we can put this in a context that everyone can understand:

As a person who expresses political opinions myself I am under no illusion that the authors of our U.S. Constitution intended or envisioned a scenario involving speech playing out across the country like we see today.
If they had had any idea they either would not have included 1A in the document...or it would be full of caveats and exceptions.
Every dumb SOB in the country, people who shouldn't be trusted to even operate basic kitchen appliances, many of whom I wouldn't trust to take my garbage out, having the same rights as me to express deadly opinions for thousands or millions to see simultaneously?
That is NOT what they intended.
Untold millions of computers, phones and internet connections floating around in society without a good handle on where exactly any of them are and who is using them to say what at any given time?
That wasn't the intent either.
Hundreds of teen suicides every year from bullying on social media? Kids disappearing every year, lured away from their families by predators and traffickers? People seeing their political opinions used against them in court?
Not what the Founders intended when they wrote the First Amendment.
Which is why NONE of what's going on today with respect to political speech is even covered by the 1A.
This "right" to make your voice heard by millions in mere moments didn't even exist prior to Algore inventing the internet.
It's not like it's ACTUALLY "enshrined" in The COTUS.
That's just insurrectionist propaganda.
It's all just a fashionable trend.
You gave a response.
You didn't address the questions:
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you consider an infringement?
What restriction(s) on the right to keep and bear arms do you believe violate the constitution?

I explained that to you in the response who's first line you were too much of Brittle Bitch to even get passed.... :laugh:
As a gun owner myself I am under no illusion that the authors of our U.S. Constitution intended or envisioned a scenario involving guns playing out across the country like we see today.
If they had had any idea they either would not have included 2A in the document....or it would be full of caveats and exceptions.
Every dumb son of a bitch in the country, people who shouldn't be trusted to even operate basic kitchen appliances, many of whom I wouldn't trust to take my goddamned garbage out, having the same rights as me to own deadly firepower?
That is NOT what they intended.
393 million firearms floating around in society without a good handle on where exactly any of them are at any given time?
That wasn't the intent either.
600 mass shootings a year (an average of almost 2 a day) for the past 3 years?
Not what The Founders intended when they wrote The Second Amendment.
Which is why NONE of the shit going on today with respect to guns is even covered by the 2A.
This "right" to possess and carry firearms for personal protection didn't even exist prior to the 2008 D.C.vs. Heller case.
It's not like it's ACTUALLY "enshrined" in The COTUS.
That's just NRA post 2008 propaganda.
What it really is is SCOTUS fashion....a currend trend.

Let's see if we can put this in a context that everyone can understand:

As a person who expresses political opinions myself I am under no illusion that the authors of our U.S. Constitution intended or envisioned a scenario involving speech playing out across the country like we see today.
If they had had any idea they either would not have included 1A in the document...or it would be full of caveats and exceptions.
Every dumb SOB in the country, people who shouldn't be trusted to even operate basic kitchen appliances, many of whom I wouldn't trust to take my garbage out, having the same rights as me to express deadly opinions for thousands or millions to see simultaneously?
That is NOT what they intended.
Untold millions of computers, phones and internet connections floating around in society without a good handle on where exactly any of them are and who is using them to say what at any given time?
That wasn't the intent either.
Hundreds of teen suicides every year from bullying on social media? Kids disappearing every year, lured away from their families by predators and traffickers? People seeing their political opinions used against them in court?
Not what the Founders intended when they wrote the First Amendment.
Which is why NONE of what's going on today with respect to political speech is even covered by the 1A.
This "right" to make your voice heard by millions in mere moments didn't even exist prior to Algore inventing the internet.
It's not like it's ACTUALLY "enshrined" in The COTUS.
That's just insurrectionist propaganda.
It's all just a fashionable trend.
I like how MagicMike opens his post with something akin to this….”I swear I’m not a racist, I had a black friend once….but damn those Ni@@ers sure are a liability in America.”
Nobody seemed to notice restrictions on the 1st Amendment in the late 40's when a former KKK member appointed to the supreme court by FDR created the "separation of Church/State" that had no basis in the Constitution.

The dirty little secret is that democrat regimes will chip away at the Bill of Rights if we let them until there is nothing left.

If ya’ll were serious about fixing the gun user problem in America you’d work on an angle to keep guns out of the hands of dark Democrats….Do that and you solve your problem.
View attachment 948011
Why did you include me in your post of a meme with a bunch of unidentified people who may or may not be Democrats?

What's your plan for revoking the gun rights of "dark Democrats"?

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