What Rank Is Gay On The Sin Chart?

There isn't a single place in the Bible that says explicitly that it is a "sin" for 2 guys to be together. There is a place where it calls it an "abomination", but not sin.

There are exactly ZERO references in the Bible about women being with other women.

Me? I personally think that if you follow the 7 Noahide Commandments, or the 10 Commandments, you're pretty much good to go to enter Heaven, as both of them say basically the same thing.

And....................I think the Commandment that people have the most problem following? "Thou shalt not bear false witness."

^No offense but that is not correct;
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

It says we should kill gays just like the Kuran. Progress isn't always a bad thing is it....:eusa_dance:

Like I said, it calls it an abomination, not a sin.
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.

Of all the towns and cities God told the Israelites to lay siege to, go to war with, or destroy and pillage, none were because its inhabitants were gay. Even the much cited Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for that but rather inhospitality and selfishness. And the great flood was for robbery and violence.

If there's a 'sin chart' or hierarchy of sins, being gay would be somewhere at the bottom.

Gay sex at the bottom? Sounds very Samwell.

Gay is just a sin just like all of our sins. Most of us sin every day. What is crazy is watching the people who are extremely scared to sin try to control others with the use of sin.

With over 600 commandments, it's safe to assume most sin every day. But for how often Christians mention the 10 commandments like that's all of them, it's worth noting "don't be gay" isn't one of the 10.

Actually, there aren't 600 Commandments, those are mitzvoth, which are rules that govern the functioning of a Jewish community. There are certain mitzvoth which apply only to priests, others that apply only to men, others that apply only to women, etc. etc., so you are not required to follow all of them, because you aren't all people in the community.

The only places in the Bible where there are actual commandments that apply to everyone, and not following those is defined as an actual sin, are the places where the 7 Noahide Commandments and the 10 Commandments given to Moses are written, and if you read both of them, they both basically say the same thing.
I agree that covetting is a major struggle with our modern society. Look how many people want to take money from people to have it redistributed by corrupt politicians trying to buy your vote.

Better still, look how many people are so greedy they want to cut welfare out when not that much of their tax money goes to welfare, didn't Jesus tell us to take care of the poor?
The majority of people on welfare are children, seniors and handicap people, yet many conservatives don't care, claim that all people on welfare are just lazy.
Do you have any proof that Jesus said that?
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.

Your first question is unanswerable of course, which is not saying you will not get a lot of opinions with Bible references on it.

Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, but the degree varies greatly based on who, what, where, when. Not unlike all sexual activity outside of marriage is sinful, but again varies greatly. Same with almost all sins, abortion, lying, stealing, cursing, etc.

The most common sins are not sins of comission (as above), but sins of omission. Any Christian can read Our Lord speaking in Matthew 25:31-46 during The Last Judgment. No matter how much the protestants want to pretend it’s all about faith or no faith, the real crux for most is that it’s all about charity. How kind were you to others, how giving of your time, money, prayers. How did you treat others and how often did you neglect others. Etc. That is going to be a huge part of how we are judged.

Your “do not judge” reference is a hornet’s nest. Judge means so many different things in so many different ways or situations, no one can use that as some kind of defense when being challenged. Back to gay sex. Nothing wrong with confessing the act in the confessional just like we do other sins. Most Catholics who go to confession regularly confess the same sins each time. If someone wants to make fun of all that, I really don’t mind.
Hey..............Turzovka..................can you provide a specific Bible reference that says all sex outside of marriage is a sin?
So what rank is being Gay on the Sin chart?

Seems to me that the "Covet" sin is the big one today according to the 10 Commandments.

Explain to me why being Judgemental of a Sinner when being told "Do not judge or be judged" is a good thing.

I'm all ears.
Sin chart?
The wages of (all) sin is death
Whether it theft, adultery, sodomy......

And don't throw the "Do not judge or be judged" card.
If you can't quote my Bible, IN CONTEXT, leave it alone

My Bible tells me be discerning in all things
Hey..............Turzovka..................can you provide a specific Bible reference that says all sex outside of marriage is a sin?
I think I can answer that with a little more of my time.

What sexual act outside of marriage are you questioning as not being sinful?

FYI, sinful or not, the Catholic Church is more lenient on these matters than what I or the Church may be implying.
Homosexuality wasn't even big and bad enough to make the list of seven deadlies.
Sorry Turzovka, I should have asked that question better.

Can you show me a Bible reference that states sex is to only be done while married or else it's a sin?
Hey..............Turzovka..................can you provide a specific Bible reference that says all sex outside of marriage is a sin?
To save me some time, I am going to copy a post I made not that long ago. Likely more than you asked for.

Jesus did not specifically say sex between a man and another man is sinful, but he did not also approve of necrophilia, rape, incest, and bestiality. What was written is in Matthew 15:19 where our Lord says “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.” Fornication can also be understood as any sex outside of marriage. In other passages, all sex outside of marriage is forbidden, and so through all his words and general references, all these other unspecified matters are logically and reasonably understood as sin.

He said “Do not think that I came to abolish the law or the prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill it.” Even though there are many dietary and harsh laws for its time that the Church understood do not apply in all times, there are many that are equally understood to hold their truth. Homosexual unions I doubt the Lord came to abolish its inerrancy.

Matthew 19:3-5 Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” 4 And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? It is clear, marriage is for male and female to become one flesh. There is no other alternatives. Even polygamy is forbidden.

Matthew 5:27-28 "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery;' but I tell you that everyone who gazes upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery with her already in his heart.” What this means to me is that the sin of covetnous occurs when one lusts for that woman. In other words, if the situation presented itself one would act upon it. However, if one admires a married woman and the situation presented itself and they would not act upon it because they knew it was wrong, then no sin was committed by admiring her so.

In Matthew 5:29-30 Jesus speaks of looking upon illicit sexual acts or lustful matters and of masturbation. What else can be so obvious from these verses? “If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be cast into gehenna.”

In Matthew 10:15 Jesus speaks of the evils of Sodom. What was Sodom’s clearly worst sin, it was rampant homosexuality. “Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city.”

Finally, in Matthew 16:18-19 Jesus established His Church here on earth making Peter the first head of the Church. He gave THIS church “the keys of the kingdom,” no small matter. He also granted unparalleled authority to rule on matters of faith and morals when He said --- “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth]shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” The Catholic Church (the Church Jesus established) has been given the authority to rule upon moral matters not explicitly spelled in Scripture. This Church has taught in its doctrines, etc., that any sexual acts outside of marriage are sinful. Is it any kind of stretch, for example, to think that oral sex between teenagers is not sinful, even if those words are not specifically shown in the Bible?
... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.
... Here is my opinion based on my understanding of Catholic teaching. Gay sex is in almost all cases a sin, ...

"Sex" is only not a sin if a married man and woman are doing sex. Most Catholics never heard something about. Take me as an example: Never heard something about. :lol:

But let me say also: To love someone is always allowed including all forms of tenderness. We are not only spiritual beings. We need our bodies - and if the prophecies I heard are right, then we will arise one day with our souls in a new created form of body made of pure fire.

I'm very happy for you. You sound content.

I, on the other hand, am never content.

Cynism or do you need an oracle? Let me take a look what my chrystal skull speaks. ... difficult to read from the lips of a chrystal skull ... It says: "insprinc haftbandun" ... what means: "You take no risk if you are never content. But love is always a risk." Believe it or not.

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