What did our founders really mean when they said “general welfare”?

When did I say Trump supporters were? Don't start making stupid shit up just because you've chosen to hop into bed with a stupid shit.
So based on that wrong assumption you accuse MAGAs of racism?

Thats complete nonsense

For decades the majority of illegal aliens crossing the border from mexico were mexicans

Law and oder conservatives are not responsible for that

Its just the way it is

now thanks to liberal open border policy the flood of illegal aliens is international

But they are still mostly coming through mexico to get here

I am not assuming, I'm observing. And where have you ever seen me make such ^^^ an accusation?

how are trump supporters reacist exactly? name something?
why do you bozo's keep all this knowledge to yourselves?
Here's the thread, it's what you said, perhaps it isn't structured very well. You post you aren't assuming, you're observing what he stated? clear it up then. sounds like you be calling them racist by observing them.
dblack fails to comprehend the power to tax includes the power to spend the tax for the general welfare of the citizens and the country.
I comprehend it fine. It's just a lie, an exploit pushed by those who wanted the federal government to have much more power than the founders intended. They (the powermongers) "won", for now, and the Court endorsed their horseshit. But anyone with reasonable reading comprehension can see mistake.

The original debate is summarized here:
After the Constitution was ratified, Alexander Hamilton (representing the Federalist Party) and James Madison (representing the Democratic Republican Party) debated the scope of the Taxing Clause. According to Hamilton, Congress possessed a robust power to tax (and spend) regardless of whether the tax (or expenditure) could plausibly be viewed as carrying out another enumerated power of Congress, such as regulating interstate commerce or raising and supporting a military. Madison argued that Congress had no independent power to tax and spend in pursuit of its conception of the general welfare; rather, Madison contended, the constitutional meaning of the phrase “general Welfare” is defined and limited by the specific grants of authority in the rest of Section 8. The Supreme Court did not weigh in on this longstanding debate over the scope of the federal taxing and spending powers until 1936, in United States v. Butler (1936), when it sided with Hamilton. Ever since, the law has been that Congress can use the Taxing Clause without tying such use to another of its constitutional powers.
So, Hamilton wanted the taxing clause to be interpreted as a general power for Congress to do any fucking thing they want (as long as they can pretend its for the general welfare). Madison, who wrote the Constitution and knew what he meant, denied that.

He clarifies his position in Federalists Papers #41. Here he is addressing those who oppose the Constitution based on their concern that someone will come along and twist the meaning of the taxation clause, pretending that it is a broad implied spending power:
Some, who have not denied the necessity of the power of taxation, have grounded a very fierce attack against the Constitution, on the language in which it is defined. It has been urged and echoed, that the power "to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States,'' amounts to an unlimited commission to exercise every power which may be alleged to be necessary for the common defense or general welfare. No stronger proof could be given of the distress under which these writers labor for objections, than their stooping to such a misconstruction. Had no other enumeration or definition of the powers of the Congress been found in the Constitution, than the general expressions just cited, the authors of the objection might have had some color for it; though it would have been difficult to find a reason for so awkward a form of describing an authority to legislate in all possible cases.

Sadly, the opponents were right. Despite the fact that Madison thought it was a ridiculous concern, and the argument entirely specious, Hamilton jumped on it as soon as the inked dried on the Constitution. And, eventually, the Court caved.
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That's not what chickenshit LOSER said. He has repeatedly claimed that ALL immigrants are illegal and ALL immigrants are Mexican. And of course he is scared to death of anyone who is "non white." That is the fucking pathetic LOSER you are trying to defend.
Time out

Who are you referring to?
So your post #1968 is referring to BrokeLoser?

“ That's not what chickenshit LOSER said. He has repeatedly claimed that ALL immigrants are illegal and ALL immigrants are Mexican. And of course he is scared to death of anyone who is "non white." That is the fucking pathetic LOSER you are trying to defend.”

I did a search and did not find a statement from Brokeloser to support your accusation
So your post #1968 is referring to BrokeLoser?

“ That's not what chickenshit LOSER said. He has repeatedly claimed that ALL immigrants are illegal and ALL immigrants are Mexican. And of course he is scared to death of anyone who is "non white." That is the fucking pathetic LOSER you are trying to defend.”

I did a search and did not find a statement from Brokeloser to support your accusation
Good luck with your new bedfellow.

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