What circumstance could cause you to act as Hamas has acted?


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2009
The fact remains, if you are a decent human being, no act could drive you to do what Hamas has done. Ben Shapiro gets it exactly right.

There’s an intellectual self-centeredness that predominates among a lot of people in the West. They think everybody thinks like them. They see people do something truly evil and think to themselves, “Well, that is terrible — but the only reason I would do something like that is if something truly awful happened to me. After all, people are generally reasonable, generally peaceable, generally decent, aren’t they? What awful circumstance could force someone into such terrible, evil behavior?”

“If only someone had just made a few concessions, dismantled a few settlements, offered a little more land. After all, we all want the same thing, right?”

No, we don’t.

You can all tell yourself these comforting little lies before you see the pictures of what true evil does. But you can’t tell those lies to yourself after you see the pictures, after you see the videos, after you listen to the audio.

Here’s the point. Nothing anyone has ever done to you or could ever do to you would cause you to do these things.

No territorial dispute would cause you to butcher babies. No squabble over territory would cause you to rape and abduct women. No so-called “occupation” would cause you to kidnap entire families or burn them alive in their homes.

The fact remains, if you are a decent human being, no act could drive you to do what Hamas has done. Ben Shapiro gets it exactly right.

No territorial dispute would cause you to butcher babies. No squabble over territory would cause you to rape and abduct women. No so-called “occupation” would cause you to kidnap entire families or burn them alive in their homes.

Exactly right. This is pure evil, and it unmasks the left for what it is. It's no surprise that those who support abortion also support those who behead children.
The fact remains, if you are a decent human being, no act could drive you to do what Hamas has done. Ben Shapiro gets it exactly right.

No territorial dispute would cause you to butcher babies. No squabble over territory would cause you to rape and abduct women. No so-called “occupation” would cause you to kidnap entire families or burn them alive in their homes.

We've had this argument before when we talked about Nat Turner. He went on a rampage killing every white person in his path including women and children. Those women say nothing to their men who own other human beings. And those babies will grow up to be slave owners. PLUS, have you noticed peaceful protesting doesn't work? Usually positive change is only made after a tragedy like this. Now suddenly maybe they will negotiate peace or give the Palistinians their own country. And build a wall. You guys claim walls work and we should build one for thousands of miles to divide us with the country south of us. Give Palistine it's own country, build a wall and have nothing to do with them.

For the record I stand with Israel.
Exactly right. This is pure evil, and it unmasks the left for what it is. It's no surprise that those who support abortion also support those who behead children.

Trump says they are smart

Trump criticized Netanyahu and called Hezbollah very smart. Trump recalled to supporters what he described as “a bad experience with Israel” when he claimed Netanyahu had at the last minute pulled out from the asassination of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani. Trump decided to go ahead with the strike anyway.

“We did it but I’ll never forget that Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing,” Trump said. “We were disappointed by that. Very disappointed,” Trump later added. “But we did the job ourselves and it was absolute precision, a magnificent, beautiful job. And then Bibi tried to take credit for it. That didn’t make me feel too good but that’s all right.”

Trump suggested the story wasn’t previously known. “They’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s classified information.’ Well, maybe it is, but I don’t think so,” he added. Trump was charged in June for allegedly mishandling classified materials after leaving the White House.

Trump was reportedly furious when Netanyahu congratulated President Joe Biden on his 2020 election victory, which Trump falsely maintains to this day was stolen. Some commentators speculated Trump’s criticism of Netanyahu could be down to that.

Earlier in his speech, Trump complimented Hezbollah,

“You know, Hezbollah is very smart,” Trump said. “They’re all very smart.”

“The press doesn’t like when they say it,”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) slammed Trump’s comments.

“It is absurd that anyone, much less someone running for President, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel, much less praise Hezbollah terrorists as ‘very smart,’” he wrote on X.
We've had this argument before when we talked about Nat Turner. He went on a rampage killing every white person in his path including women and children. Those women say nothing to their men who own other human beings. And those babies will grow up to be slave owners. PLUS, have you noticed peaceful protesting doesn't work? Usually positive change is only made after a tragedy like this. Now suddenly maybe they will negotiate peace or give the Palistinians their own country. And build a wall. You guys claim walls work and we should build one for thousands of miles to divide us with the country south of us. Give Palistine it's own country, build a wall and have nothing to do with them.

For the record I stand with Israel.
What a fucking idiot.

You do NOT negotiate with animals. You didn't watch the evil.

They do NOT think like the West. They do NOT have our values.

They CANNOT be negotiated with.

They can only be killed.

The only people who seem to be sympathetic to the Gazan Arabs is the Jews.

I hope that the Gazan Arabs take the advice of the Israelis and flee their homes and head to the safe spots pointed out to them (BY MAP to allow them to avoid being killed.

But they will die if they stay and I will not have sympathy for them.
Trump says they are smart

Trump criticized Netanyahu and called Hezbollah very smart. Trump recalled to supporters what he described as “a bad experience with Israel” when he claimed Netanyahu had at the last minute pulled out from the asassination of Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani. Trump decided to go ahead with the strike anyway.

“We did it but I’ll never forget that Netanyahu let us down. That was a very terrible thing,” Trump said. “We were disappointed by that. Very disappointed,” Trump later added. “But we did the job ourselves and it was absolute precision, a magnificent, beautiful job. And then Bibi tried to take credit for it. That didn’t make me feel too good but that’s all right.”

Trump suggested the story wasn’t previously known. “They’ll say, ‘Oh, it’s classified information.’ Well, maybe it is, but I don’t think so,” he added. Trump was charged in June for allegedly mishandling classified materials after leaving the White House.

Trump was reportedly furious when Netanyahu congratulated President Joe Biden on his 2020 election victory, which Trump falsely maintains to this day was stolen. Some commentators speculated Trump’s criticism of Netanyahu could be down to that.

Earlier in his speech, Trump complimented Hezbollah,

“You know, Hezbollah is very smart,” Trump said. “They’re all very smart.”

“The press doesn’t like when they say it,”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) slammed Trump’s comments.

“It is absurd that anyone, much less someone running for President, would choose now to attack our friend and ally, Israel, much less praise Hezbollah terrorists as ‘very smart,’” he wrote on X.
Moron, Trump has no say in anything.

Drop the sickness that everything in your life is Trump.
What a fucking idiot.

You do NOT negotiate with animals. You didn't watch the evil.

They do NOT think like the West. They do NOT have our values.

They CANNOT be negotiated with.

They can only be killed.

The only people who seem to be sympathetic to the Gazan Arabs is the Jews.

I hope that the Gazan Arabs take the advice of the Israelis and flee their homes and head to the safe spots pointed out to them (BY MAP to allow them to avoid being killed.

But they will die if they stay and I will not have sympathy for them.

What percent of the Palestinian people do you think we should kill?

Terrorists are created. They aren't born that way. Wipe out every terrorist, wait 20 years and if you are still treating those people like 3rd class citizens, it might happen all over again. What is Israel doing to enrage those people?

Like I said, sounds like you need to give them their own territory and build a wall.
Moron, Trump has no say in anything.

Drop the sickness that everything in your life is Trump.
Fuck you. Trump is the front runner, wants to be president again, and is talking shit about Biden being responsible. Even though I believe Trump told the Russians some top secret shit about Israel he shouldn't have said. Do you know anything about that?

I say wipe out those terrorists. Israel needs to hit them hard. But after that, then what?

Just remember you should never make big decisions in the first few days after something like this. Then you rush to bad decisions. Then guys like Bush can manipulate and lie us into a war with Iraq. Shit like that. Wait a month then decide what you need to do.

From what it sounds, you want to wipe out the entire Palestinian population. If not, what is your solution moving forward?
The same people who rationalize the incineration of 2 japanese cities, a country that didn't represent any threat to the continental american homeland, demand from palestinians a pacifist attitude towards a racial dictatorship that took their land, keep them herded into ethnic enclaves and, for 75 years, has been summarily executing any unarmed civilian who approaches the walls and fences of the racial corral.
What a fucking idiot.

You do NOT negotiate with animals. You didn't watch the evil.

They do NOT think like the West. They do NOT have our values.

They CANNOT be negotiated with.

They can only be killed.

The only people who seem to be sympathetic to the Gazan Arabs is the Jews.

I hope that the Gazan Arabs take the advice of the Israelis and flee their homes and head to the safe spots pointed out to them (BY MAP to allow them to avoid being killed.

But they will die if they stay and I will not have sympathy for them.
That's a good idea. Make the Palestinians leave. Go to Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemin, ANYWHERE. But you got to go. You have 1 year to leave. All of you.
The fact remains, if you are a decent human being, no act could drive you to do what Hamas has done. Ben Shapiro gets it exactly right.

No territorial dispute would cause you to butcher babies. No squabble over territory would cause you to rape and abduct women. No so-called “occupation” would cause you to kidnap entire families or burn them alive in their homes.

Even a copius amount of booze and drugs in the system wouldn't make a human being conduct themseves in such a way. They might become delusional enough to believe they were in a video game, but even then they would have enough muscle memory to ask, "where are the opponents guns and uniforms"? You can bet they had a number of younger terrorists high as kites, I heard the testimonials of some of the survivors of the music festival and he said that one of the younger terrorists was so far gone he was slurring his words and smelled of alcohol. Many of these terrorists radicalize the young and put poisons in them.
Even a copius amount of booze and drugs in the system wouldn't make a human being conduct themseves in such a way. They might become delusional enough to believe they were in a video game, but even then they would have enough muscle memory to ask, "where are the opponents guns and uniforms"? You can bet they had a number of younger terrorists high as kites, I heard the testimonials of some of the survivors of the music festival and he said that one of the younger terrorists was so far gone he was slurring his words and smelled of alcohol. Many of these terrorists radicalize the young and put poisons in them.
Are you kidding me?

The United States's 500th mass shooting of 2023 occurred over the weekend, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive. As of Sunday, the Gun Violence Archive reported 501 mass shootings so far in 2023, after a Saturday night shooting in Denver marked the 500th mass shooting of the year.
Sep 17, 2023

And coming your way soon

NRA-Style Politics Transformed Canada’s Gun Culture — and Shootings Rose 869%​

The fact remains, if you are a decent human being, no act could drive you to do what Hamas has done. Ben Shapiro gets it exactly right.

No territorial dispute would cause you to butcher babies. No squabble over territory would cause you to rape and abduct women. No so-called “occupation” would cause you to kidnap entire families or burn them alive in their homes.

It is akin to the BLM riots where they murder and destroy randomly.

It's an animal thingy. Just pure destruction for the joy of it.
The fact remains, if you are a decent human being, no act could drive you to do what Hamas has done. Ben Shapiro gets it exactly right.

No territorial dispute would cause you to butcher babies. No squabble over territory would cause you to rape and abduct women. No so-called “occupation” would cause you to kidnap entire families or burn them alive in their homes.

About the only time I'd act out like Hamas allegedly has is if my homeland had been taken from me and/or family members massacred in bomb raids over the decades. What would I have to lose? Outside of something like that, I'd prefer to live in peace.
If everyone in my family had been locked in a concentration camp for 80 years.
If their land had been stolen, deeds ignored and they were herded into those camps.
If my family member was executed by a sniper for throwing a rock at a fence.
If my food, water and energy needs were restricted or cut off for my entire life for things outside of my control.
If my camp was bombed and innocent people around me incinerated for things outside of my control.

If all of those things had been happening to me my entire life, I could at least understand the desire to fight.
Are you kidding me?

The United States's 500th mass shooting of 2023 occurred over the weekend, according to data from the Gun Violence Archive. As of Sunday, the Gun Violence Archive reported 501 mass shootings so far in 2023, after a Saturday night shooting in Denver marked the 500th mass shooting of the year.
Sep 17, 2023

And coming your way soon

NRA-Style Politics Transformed Canada’s Gun Culture — and Shootings Rose 869%​

You are comparing these shootings to what Hamas did?
Originally posted by Gabe Lackmann
If my family member was executed by a sniper for throwing a rock at a fence.

Good post, Gabe, but I have to make a small correction.

If throwing a rock at the walls and fences of their racial corral was a necessary condition to have your head or torso ventilated by the soldiers of the jewish racial dictatorship, thousands of palestinian refugees wouldn't have suffered a violent death in the last 75 years.
Good post, Gabe, but I have to make a small correction.

If throwing a rock at the walls and fences of their racial corral was a necessary condition to have your head or torso ventilated by the soldiers of the jewish racial dictatorship, thousands of palestinian refugees wouldn't have suffered a violent death in the last 75 years.
Does there need to be thousands?
If a dead child falls in Gaza does it make a sound?
We don't know.
Very few in the west reports on it.
Don't you think one sniper's bullet killing one child would be enough?
Prior to this last bombing campaign 23 had been killed.
I bet you one thing, if that role was reversed we would hear nothing but the strife.

I am for one thing and one thing alone...US dollars staying out of all that.

I am tired of funding death.

On ANY side.
Does there need to be thousands?
If a dead child falls in Gaza does it make a sound?
We don't know.
Very few in the west reports on it.
Don't you think one sniper's bullet killing one child would be enough?
Prior to this last bombing campaign 23 had been killed.
I bet you one thing, if that role was reversed we would hear nothing but the strife.

I am for one thing and one thing alone...US dollars staying out of all that.

I am tired of funding death.

On ANY side
This is the propaganda of animals.

No Israeli has taken a child from the arms of their mothers and killed them right in front of her. No Israeli has killed a child in Gaza that the Gazan Arabs were not given adequate warning to leave.

Hamas has been recorded as saying they hide among the children for the propaganda value and that they refuse to move them from legitimate military targets for the same reason.

There is NO justification, none ever, that gives legitimacy to Hamas or any Arab terror organization.

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